
Cunningham II

Long ago, the La Crox, the founding royal family of the Heart's Kingdom, had sheltered five fellow pure-blooded vampires: the Bloodfang, Crawford, Von Stein, Le Blac, and the Moriarty.

However, with six pure-blooded vampires in the same kingdom incited constant dispute against each other. Hence, three of the most powerful pure-blooded clans — Von Stein, Le Blac, and the Moriarty — that was said to par with the La Crox's strength, had left to establish their own kingdom.

It was a peaceful mutual decision regarding each other's different perspective of governance.

Two clans remained in the Heart's Kingdom and supported the La Crox family through and through. The Bloodfang and the Crawford had believed shared the ideals of the founding clan leader of the La Crox.

Those two clans had ought to serve and pass the will of the founder of this kingdom. However, as time flies and a new generation came in to take the throne, things had changed.

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