
Sending Rendra To England

The Kim Salman Hotel was bustling with the arrival of Salman's extended family.

They filled the hotel rooms on the 30th and 47th floors.

They came to fulfill the invitation of Mr. Yudisthira Salman, the baby shower for his second child from Nindy.

Mr. Yudisthira Salman has never made this Seven monthly cultural event. But because this event was at Nindy's request, this man didn't mind carrying out the event.

Roman Bryan and Ratna White sit on the couch together caring for their baby.

The two of them sat watching the bustle of this 47th-floor house.

"I want to know how the custom Baby shower was!" said

Roman Bryan.

Ratna White did not carry out this cultural custom because George Bryan's baby was born at 7 months in the womb.

In addition, Ratna White and Roman Bryan grew up in a western culture that did not recognize these cultural traditions.


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