
You make love to me

Soraya nudged Nindy's hand,

"Are they dating?" Soraya is confused.

"I don't know!" Nindy is lazy to interfere in Ratna White's affairs with Mr. Roman.

"They're weird!"

"Leave it alone!"

"You gave their blessing?"

Nindy laughs,

"I'm not the parent!"

"Ratna is now closed!" Soraya complained. She felt sad in her heart. If Ratna White and Mr. Roman were together, she would be lonely. Ratna must have taken advantage of the conditions here dating Mr. Roman

Nindy was busy ignoring Soraya who was grumpy.

Nindy made Thai green tea for them, Mr. Yudisthira took a seat.

"You don't drink tea?" asked Mr. Yudisthira to Ratna and Roman. The question sounded a rebuke to them.

Two people talking while standing by the door. Mr. Roman is not sure whether to enter or not.

Ratna took a seat to get tea for herself. Mr. Roman still standing,

"Mr. Roman, would you like some tea?" asked Nindy.

"What is this?"_


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