
Congratulations shortly Miss Nindy Will Be Released

The prison hospital was excited.

Who is the suspect?

The reporter who was on standby at the hospital immediately ran the news.


The prison hospital took center stage. It was not just the attempted murder and mass poisoning.

That is because Mr. Yudhisthira has attracted attention. He not only recently survived an attempted murder at the prison hospital but also a luxury car accident that killed his bodyguard. What a terrible accident!

Mass Media on the internet has posted a last-second video of the accident taken from local CCTV cameras.

In the middle of the night, heavy rain poured down, a luxury sports car hurtling down the highway. For a second the car seemed to be turning in the direction of avoiding another slow-moving vehicle, but the car was indeed unlucky, the car found a container with a heavy load. No doubt. Fatal. The car hit the big and heavy vehicle. The car didn't stop there. As a result of the hard impact, the car was thrown backward, flying like it was flying, hitting the wall of the flyover. Burned alone. The driver of the car did not survive. The corpse was charred.

"The cause of the accident is still under investigation!" The police gave answers to reporters.

Unsatisfactory answer.

Why does that luxury car crash? Burn!

The car was crushed, badly damaged. Scorched without shape.

Various opinions have emerged regarding the car accident.

"Was there a bomb in the car? Or was there gunpowder in it! Isn't it known that Mr. Yudhisthira has a lot of firearms?

That car must have been sabotaged! There are terrorists at play! Isn't Mr. Yudhisthira a conglomerate who is often associated with a black business with the gun mafia?

That car is a luxury car! Which can be controlled remotely! Could it be that the killer used a remote control that controlled the vehicle like playing games?

So that the billion rupiah car could be harmed remotely!

The car was scorched and destroyed without a trace! Actually who gains or loses! Mr. Yudhisthira has nothing to lose! The car uses insurance. Missing a car can be a car! The insurance company doesn't want to lose! They will carry out an investigation. The cause of the accident must be found!

People were busy discussing and making their analyzes.

Their opinion confused the public.

Planned killer? This must be the mistaken assassination.

Mr. Yudhisthira is currently being investigated for the smuggling of weapons by extreme leftist officials.

Mr. Yudhisthira is suspected of being involved in it. He is an important witness in this case. If he is eliminated! This case must be frozen!

Extraordinary! He escaped two assassination attempts.

It's just that the killers got the wrong target. The target should not be the bodyguard, but the boss! Mr. Yudhisthira the conglomerate! The biggest firearms company entrepreneur in the country!

Wasn't there an assassination attempt at the hospital as well? Crazy!

He was the target of an assassination overnight. And he survived both assassination attempts!

People from various circles outside were busy having open discussions on social media and in coffee shops, vegetable traders, fish traders, housewives, students, port workers ... they talked about themselves.

Mr. Yudhisthira became a trending topic this morning! He caught everyone's attention.

Mr. Yudhisthira must have been suspicious! He must be putting spies everywhere!

The man who was the mastermind of the murder fell silent.

He listens to people make analyzes and assumptions.


"Yudhisthira Salman cannot be taken lightly! He has a strong feeling. The will is just baited. He has prepared it before being examined by the prosecutor's office!" The man expressed his opinion in front of Esther, Mr. Yudhistira's young wife.

"What can I do now? Roy is dead!" Esther was crying, she played the last recorded conversation with Roy.

"Delete the tape! You want Yudhisthira to find it as evidence? And arrest you as the mastermind of the murder!" Snapped the man. Esther complied. She deletes the voice recording.

Their plan failed. They have to be careful.


Attempted murder plans at the hospital have been kept to a minimum.

The government doesn't want to be embarrassed.

The assassination attempt against Mr. Yudhistira Salman took place under everyone's noses.

The fake hospital kitchen servant man was late in the rescue. The poison entered his heart. He died with a blue body. Others, like the fake nurse man, are in comas! He ate most of the porridge. Doctors, two nurses, two bodyguards for Mr. Yudistira, four security guards. Laxative surgery. They survived death. But they will be checked in a long time.

Lawyer Dyan Angkasa filed a summons to the prison hospital.

Yudhisthira refused to be treated at that hospital and other government hospitals. He applied for home care treatment! The prosecutor's examination was carried out in his house only.

The security at the hospital was tightened.

But certainly, people's trust in the prison hospital has decreased. The hospital was not safe!


In a day Mr. Yudhisthira was able to make himself stronger, more terrifying, more terrifying, more charismatic.

He hit back at his enemies in one hit, like swatting a fly.

His enemies came up with a new strategy to take him down!

Mr. Yudistira Salman will not remain silent. He must be carrying out a plan of revenge.

They thought too late.

Mr. Yudistira Salman has replied to the conspiracy directly.

Paid in cash!

The rest have to pay with high-interest rates that suck blood up to the collarbone.


Of course! Mr. Yudhisthira was merciless.

His enemies will have a sad ending!


Prison hospital ICCU room.

Since fainting last night, Nindy was transferred to the ICCU room.

She had to undergo a second operation. The stitches in his stomach were torn open.

Have to operate one more time

Nindy is scared. She passed out after hearing that information.

After he realized she was under a lot of stress. Can't eat, can't defecate, can't fart!

It hurts excruciatingly! It hurts more than a C-section from giving birth! Horrible!!!

Watch out, you Frans! Wait for my revenge!

Nindy burned her anger at Frans.

All the suffering she was going through, was caused by that shameless man.

Of course who else can be blamed for my fate ?!

Nindy keeps a secret why the stitches can be torn.

The two women who cared for him, if they knew the story, would not feel sorry for him, but would laugh at him over and over again. Your friends eat friends! Nindy already knows their selfish and kind nature and their sincerity. After all, the three of them bullied each other.

But Nindy didn't take her revenge on Frans.

Damn you, Frans!

Watch out for you ... you will get pain multiple times along with increasing interest.


Within a day Nindy turned into a cruel and vengeful person.

Ratna and Soraya were stunned by the arrival of a young and handsome man with a sweet face to visit Nindy.

He's Dyan Angkasa's lawyer.

"I bring a warrant from the court for the re-submission of Miss Nindy's case. Congratulations shortly Miss Nindy will be released!"

Nindy was shocked. The shock made him feel like defecating.

BUUSH! Instantly the ICCU room blew deadly foul air. Nindy farted!

Soraya and Ratna immediately vomited! That sweet Mister Dyan Angkasa had a burnt red face! The wind fart exploded right in front of him. Who told him to stand at Nindy's feet. Feel the consequences!



Soraya and Ratna swore.

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