
Reap what you sow

I grew up not knowing my dad my mom showed me pictures but I never seen any similarities between him and I but like everything though I took it with a grain of salt. A picture doesn't exactly give a genuine quality of assurance that something is or isn't true and for one to figure that out one must experience that picture. With thoughts like that in mind I set out deeper into the great unknown of the world to find the man who was supposedly my father and see if their was an inkling of familial connection between us. Many say it's just hogwash but science has shown that a child will always know it's parents kind of like a genetic imprint you'll feel the connection to them regardless. some even say it extends beyond just direct relation to even those who aren't parents. this is why I set out with just a picture and a few rumors and well placed gifted sense of direction. I was in my element tracking a man whose presence had been lacking in my life even since my birth. I often wondered what his presence would've meant for me and if he was like me or did he exist in this world with a purposeful death as did my mother and everyone else. Thoughts like these weren't of use to me but I often had them anyways. If I were to explain them then no one would understand. as I trudged through the city to seedy underbelly where more than riff raff ventured I soon began to realize why it was so hard to track him down. His skills made him a very interesting person and many wanted him because he was a crime boss rich sauve and sophisticated like a king. I soon began to realize the only way to get to him was to draw his attention to me. this was what I was seeking I was told by rumor there was a man in the seedy parts of town who many paid money for his exterminator services. they called him shadow but like my father you didn't hunt and find him he found you. so I waited for the man to find me. my plan was simple usurp his reputation and identity and see if I truly could read a person's life by touch or if that was just my imagination. as I waited my spine tingled and a shiver over took me I spun around and grabbed them arm of the man who thought to slide a knife around me from behind and slit my throat. his eyes went wide with shock and he asked "who are you to dodge my shadow techniques? nay better question is who trained you and what were you trained in?" I smiled maliciously knowing I caught my prey " I'm naturally gifted no training". I thought about it for a minute and realized I had him in the perfect position to usurp his identity. I announced to the crowded bar " my name is shadow the assassin this man is an imposter for that I want you to note his punishment and what I look like" faster than he could move even with shadow techniques from a long forgotten martial arts I snapped his neck. his body fell to the floor then I looked at everyone and I went about my day. after that I was called upon many times by many people to kill for money. many would've thought I bought my way into my father's presence at this point but alas I did not. I used my money as a form of flattery to get close to individuals of power and knowledge and buy them into my control. I learned their knowledge and I utilized their connections I trained myself to be a fast fighter taking advantage of my opponents weaknesses and maximizing the use of my own natural strengths. as I grew and developed myself, deep down something told me I would need to be prepared for what was to come. It was this thought that often plagued me and one day it took shape in the form of a contract. I had absorbed the soul of the assassin shadow so I knew all his secrets. every kill I made i grew in power and knowledge from absorbing their souls. I killed so much that I often forget how dangerous I was and tried to be normal just to be roped back in again. this contract was one to kill a Charles Andreas Malchai the man I was so desperately looking for the man my mother said was my father. my mother said he abandoned us cause he had not wanted children just a plaything he could fuck so when he found out she was pregnant and he couldn't stop it but couldn't curb his drive to fuck her and she just kept getting pregnant he decided to leave her. she decided we were going to disappear and our names be changed. my name became Greyson Arius Ambrose I was taken and raised well out of reach we all had different identities and whenever we were found we'd fake our deaths and come across a new identity and we lived like that consistently disappearing so that he never found us again. it was ironic that now I would be hunting him and he'd be the one to run. in the envelope there was details pics and stats on him and his current life development. according to the portfolio he was married to the Russian mobster Gorgovich's daughter alexandria and he lived just outside serbia russia. he had three adopted children and he was top of Gorgovich's execution squad. As I read and memorized important details the soul of shadow spoke to me. "remember once you go international it is harder to escape getting caught everyone will be after you. is revenge really worth it?" I glared at him and waved him off. the souls of those I killed often followed me in torment talking to me some screaming at me for ruining their lives, others offering wisdom out of gratitude for relieving them of their burdens, and others like shadow trying to make a profound change in me that I did not wish for. I logged into the cafe's free internet and went to the international airport fare itenerary for flights from chicago to moscow russia. I then looked in moscow for rent a cars to rent on the arrival date of my flight from their I searched a route destination to plug into the cars GPS and I then logged motels that would work for basecamp both before and after the kill to lay low till everything smoothed out. once my plan was put into action I then began to research the person who ordered the contract on my father so I could tie up loose ends and planned that route around the date of which I was to be paid for the kill. once paid I'd kill them too then go about my way waiting for the next contract. As I got closer to this moment I never dreamed it would be so easy but the spirits warned me to be careful that something wasn't right.

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