
Wolf Cub

Rex and the assault team have been scouting non-stop inside the Chrono Hollow.

All of them were constrained inside this dominion—which made it so their stamina lessened quicker and their sanity plummeted faster. It was not good, and healthy for them to keep on going so they decided to rest for a bit before going back.

Furthermore, the place was still relatively unexplored.

It has different terrains or sections and is filled with dangerous mutated animals.

Rex and the assault team had only seen the tip of it.

Surely there were some parts of the Chrono Hollow that hosted more danger than this.

Even the mutated treants were numbering in thousands.

Gistella and the others were able to block their paths, using the terrain to their advantage, but it was not a permanent solution. It would only be a matter of time—before the mutated treant reached and swarmed them.

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