
The Countess' Assistance

Prior to the hectic situation inside Dargena City when informed about the rebellious older generation of Supernaturals that were aiming for the allied forces, Evelyn is staying inside the bed chamber at all times.

Her Luna energy keeps on swirling inside the bed chamber, clouding the entire place.

Others occasionally came to check Rex's condition.

Each time the others came they could only shake their heads finding that Rex was recovering from his wounds slowly. Despite the help of Evelyn, the wounds were still stubbornly retained and fought back.

It was surreal for the others, the Lunirich Gods must be very, very strong.

Knowing that Rex sat in a comfortable position of power even with the awakening of the Executor and the Supernatural Elders, the fact that he was reduced to such a state came as a shock for the others.

Clearly, there's always a bigger fish out there. An even more powerful entity.

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