
Genuine Dissappointment

Currently, the Silverstar Pack Members have gathered inside the castle again.

A blanket of choking silence covered the entire place.

Despite the evacuation process having been going smoothly without hiccups which is a good thing, there were no cheers inside the castle, only a peaking tension that is drowning the entire place at the air of wrath seeping out of Rex's body.

In that silence, Rex is looking at Evelyn and Adhara.

Both of them are standing in front of the throne with their heads down, looking at the floor.

Even though he was oblivious to the situation, Flunra could feel that the two were the cause of Rex being like this. But then again, this kind of thing is not an unfamiliar sight for him, Werewolf Princes of ancient times always have a problem with their pack members, especially their Luna.

One way or another, Flunra already expected that this day would come.

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