
End of the Rampage

Evelyn manages to finally reach the King Mark on Rex's forehead.

The purple dot on the white wolf head symbol started to glow even brighter suppressing the King Mark that is trying to counter using dark moonlight energy, but purple gas-like energy slowly oozes out of the symbol on Evelyn's palm encasing Rex's body.

Rex falls to his knees gripping the dirt with his claws powerfully.

Veins started popping on his arms as he somewhat tried to resist the purple gas-like energy, and under that energy and struggle, his red eyes slowly started blinking from red to purple.

But Evelyn frowned when Rex's consciousness tries to fight against her, it was not his real consciousness but the berserk one that kept fighting back. Rex started shaking his head trying to undo the calming feeling that got instilled into him by the purple gas-like energy.

With this retaliation, his eyes started dominating with red color again.

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