
Chapter 2

" Do you know what they did?" Shi Meng muses as his pale, delicate fingers tap the metal table in a rhythmic beat. He looked up at the detectives, with an emotionless face and dull eyes.

" ...We know." The older detective grunts, while his partner avoids Shi Meng's lifeless eyes.

The police knew that a family, two females and one male, were killed five years ago. The killers were never brought to justice. And the remaining family member, the son, was orphaned. From Shi Meng's name, they knew he was the orphaned son.

" Good. I almost thought you people couldn't use your eyes. It's pointless to have something if you can't use it properly, right?" Shi Meng blesses them with a pure and soft smile. Momentarily stunning them and the viewers behind the one-sided glass window.

" Once again, I ask you to repeat the events that took place without twisting the facts as you please."

" Eh? Could it be that you guys still haven't figured it out?" Acting surprised, Shi Meng playfully widens his eyes and gasps.

" No." Although the detectives pride hurt, he needed to get the full story to report to his superiors.

Shi Meng told them he killed the killers that killed his family, but who were these 'killers'? And if they're dead, where are the bodies?

This guessing game was too complicated to solve on his own, he needed the inside story.

Directly from the self proclaimed killer of his family's killers.

" It was simply murder. Don't make this too complicated for your swiss cheese like brains." Shi Meng chuckles. " Just put me away already."

It's gotten boring now, waiting and waiting for them to solve the puzzle. He could be doing better things with his time.

" We don't have enough to put you away, we need the full story and the locations of the bodies! Not just your testimony without any evidence!" The detective bangs on the table, full of frustration at this youngster.

He had shown up, all of the sudden, one day, clothes dripping blood as he held a bloody knife. With relief and bliss emitting from his face, he turned himself in for the murder of 'many'.

He never said how many exactly, who or where the bodies are. But with the amount of blood he had on him and from the murder weapon, he definitely killed at least one person.

" How boring." Shi Meng sighs. " Fine, I'll give you a hint. The body of one of the men I killed is..."

He pauses deliberately, " ...in this precinct!" He grins manically.

" What nonsense?!" The detective jumps out of his seat in rage. If there was a body here, they would have long found it long ago from the smell it would emit!

" Aw, come on. I like to play fair, I wouldn't lie to you." As if coaxing a child, Shi Meng softly hums out in a light tone.

" This isn't a game, Shi Meng!" The detective opens his mouth to continue yelling, before being interrupted by a voice in his ear com.

" Come out." His boss commanded.

" Tsk." The detective clicks his tongue in annoyance before heading out with the other detective, slamming the metal door behind him.

They enter the room with the glass screen peeking into the interrogation room.

" Boss, that bastard won't give anything up, its been five hours now! It's like a game to him!" The detective complained, gripping the already thin hair on his head.

" Start by investigating the case from five years ago. Once we solve that, we can solve this issue." The chief ordered massaging his temple, from this headache inducing predicament. One cold case on top of another. And that bastard, Shi Meng, waltzed right in the precinct, in front of the public's eyes. Now everyone, and the media will be paying attention to this case.

' Why is he doing this? To make us investigate the case from years ago? But even if we do, he already took his revenge, right? Unless, he didn't and he wants us to catch the rest? ' The Chief thought, staring deeply at Shi Meng, whom was blanking out.

However, contrary to the Chiefs thoughts, Shi Meng simply turned himself in for two reasons.

First, in accordance to his fathers lessons.

'You do the crime, you do the time.'

Second, he literally had no idea what to do next.

Five years of his life, used to hunt down those animals. He didn't think of what comes after. He didn't want to die yet, but he didn't know how to live.

Since he had nothing to do at the moment, he decided to pass time playing a game with the police.

But what a pity. They're stupider than he thought. Blind, even with all the clues he deliberately left behind.

This game isn't so fun anymore for Shi Meng.

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