
Chapter 360

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"Err... You know professor, I remembered that I have something important to do" I said with a nervous smile, but before I could get up to try to escape Professor McGonagall opened her mouth.

"Ethan Steven Night, you will continue to sit in this chair until I allow you to stand up," she said with narrowed eyes, and I quickly sat up straight.

"I didn't have time to talk to you back then, but now that the two of us are here alone I have to ask you... What went through your head to make you think about competing in this dangerous tournament!?" she asked, her voice getting louder and angrier towards the end of the question.

"Err... Well..." I started to say, but she interrupted me, still furious.

"This tournament was only for older students for a reason! Do you know how many people have died participating in it! You didn't think about the dangers you would have to face in these stupid tasks!" and I blinked open-mouthed, not knowing whether to be shocked by her showing so much anger or by her swearing.

"You entering this tournament put yourself in unnecessary danger, and now everyone who cares about you will have to worry knowing that you could be injured at any time in this competition, or worse!" and at that moment his anger began to subside, being replaced by worry and fear.

And I, who listened to her, could only look down in shame, disappointed in myself.

I entered the tournament thinking about the fact that I could help Harry and emancipate myself, something I really wanted, but at no point did I think about how those who cared about me would feel.

Penny, Nick and now Minnie. They were all people I knew and I started to form a strong affection, thinking of them as part of my family.

And I worried them because of my arrogance and willingness to challenge myself, and thinking about that I remembered my parents, who already showed the same kind of concern at the Quidditch World Cup when I separated from them.

And I knew they would be worried again when they read the newspapers talking about the champions and find out that I was one of them.

And realizing that my actions have caused and will cause so much distress to my family, I couldn't help but feel down.

"You are strong, Ethan, and I know what an incredible wizard you are…" Professor McGonagall began to say more softly, catching my gaze, "However, you are not indestructible or immortal, and you may end up hurting"

Professor McGonagall placed her hand on mine that was on her desk, "I'm not mad at you, but I can't deny that I'm upset that you would do something like that."

"But most of all, I'm worried about you and your safety, I'm scared that you might get hurt..." Looking at her I didn't see her always calm and stern look, but rather a look full of affection and concern.

"I trust in your abilities, and I know that you will do incredibly well in these tasks, but I will still worry, because you are dear to me," she said, "So I ask you, not as your teacher or Deputy Headmistress, but rather like Minerva, or whatever you like to call me, Minnie..." she smiled softly trying to lighten the mood, "Stay safe, promise me that you won't get hurt and you will come back to us, to me, in safety"

And listening to the fragility and pleading in his voice, I felt my heart tighten, at the same time that I felt happy and moved by his concern.

And in this mix of emotions I nodded, "I promise to try not to get hurt, and I also promise that I will return safely. And know that Ethan Night always keeps his promises" I joked, with Professor McGonagall letting out a small laugh.

"Yes, I know," she said, rubbing my hand one last time.

I had followed Professor McGonagall to her office out of boredom and because it had been a while since I had spoken to her, but I didn't know how necessary this conversation and venting to her would be for me.

And after seeing her release all her emotions and vent to me, I felt lighter, and I didn't know why, since by logic now I should be more tense knowing that I was worrying my family and friends with the my selfish actions.

However, I decided not to think about it for now, and went back to enjoying this time I was having with Minnie.

"But well, changing the subject," Professor McGonagall began to say, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from her chest, "What about this news about you being Mrs. Flamel's grandson?"

And for some reason I could feel a small feeling of jealousy coming from Professor McGonagall, which made me blink in confusion.

"Well, in short, I spent some time with the Flamels over Christmas break my second year, and they liked me so much that they adopted me as their grandson," I replied, and that earned me a raised eyebrow from the feline teacher in front of me.

"This sounds crazy, but for some reason I believe you" she said.

"Who can understand the minds of two immortals?" I shrugged.

"True," Professor McGonagall snorted.

She then looked back at me, giving me a curious look.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just that I noticed that you also seemed very close and affectionate to Mrs. Flamel."

"Oh, well... He's like a grandmother to me, so this closeness between us is normal" I replied, still not understanding Professor McGonagall's look.

"I know, but I'm surprised that you connect so quickly with someone to the point of calling her grandmother" she said, frowning internally, 'You still just call me teacher, and I've known you longer than she has.' she thought, with feelings of envy.

"Yes, that was a surprise for me too, but I think we can't control our feelings" I said, and as an empath I knew how true my statement was.

"Yeah" she sighed, before smiling slightly at me.

And with that, a peaceful silence filled the office, with me sipping my tea while she went back to reading the parchments that were on her desk, sometimes stopping to write something on them.

And after a few minutes, after I got bored of just looking at Professor McGonagall writing, I opened my mouth again.

"Well, it's interesting to see you working so focused, but wouldn't you happen to have something for me to do?" I asked, causing her to look up and look at me curiously.

"Like what?" she asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged, "I know that as a champion I can't meddle in matters involving the organization of the tournament, but there must be something else that doesn't involve the tournament that I can help you with"

"Hmm, I actually needed to review the first years essays" she commented, looking thoughtful.

"I can help you with that" I said, "You know my essays are always impeccable, and it shouldn't be that hard to review some first years' essays."

And listening to me, she looked at me for a while, considering whether or not she should let me help her.

"Please, I feel like I'm going to die of boredom, I just want something to occupy me" I said, almost begging.

"Sigh... Okay" she said, and I smiled.

She then opened a drawer on her desk and took out some rolls of parchment, and with a quick glance I could tell there were at least 15 parchments.

She then placed them in front of me, and taking one and opening it I saw that it was almost 60 centimeters.

"Err... I think this student here exaggerated the length of the essay" I said with a frown, and Professor McGonagall looked at the parchment in my hands, blinking slightly.

"Really?" She said, "It looks shorter than I expected."

And listening to her I looked at her with a strange look.

And noticing my look she blinked in confusion, until he said oh, as if he had remembered something.

"I forgot to tell you, these are the Ravenclaw students' essays, and you know how... enthusiastic... they are about their homework" she said, her lips in a thin line.

"So all these parchments are the homework of several little Hermiones?" I asked, looking at the other parchments.

"Well, I would say so," Professor McGonagall snorted.

She then opened her drawer again.

"And the ones you have there are the September essays" she said, pulling out another dozen parchments, "And these are the October ones" she placed them next to the others on the table.

And looking at the nearly 30 rolls of parchment in front of me I could only grimace, internally cursing as Professor McGonagall looked at me somewhat amused.

'Damn boredom... I should have kept quiet'



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