
Chapter 344

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"So this is where the kitchens are?" Tori asked looking at the painting of a bowl of fruit.

"Yes, and to open it and reveal its passage, you need to tickle the pear in this painting" I said, demonstrating immediately afterwards.

And after I tickled the pear it turned into a door handle, and turning to the girls, I saw them looking strangely at the painting.

"That… was weird…" Lily said, and I snorted.

"Believe me, there are many secret passages here at the school, and to reveal the entrance to most of them you have to do even stranger and more embarrassing things." I said with a frown.

"I don't know if I should be curious or scared by this" Tori commented looking at Lily, who shrugged.

"But well, let's talk about secret passages and their strange entrances and passwords another time." I said.

Then I turned to the painting and placed my hand on the handle, and as I turned it an audible click sounded.

"Now ladies, I would like to introduce you to the amazing kitchens of Hogwarts" I said, giving a light pull on the handle, opening the passage. And as soon as the passage opened completely I looked at the girls, gesturing dramatically with my hand towards the entrance.

And with expectant looks the girls passed through the entrance, and when they stepped into the kitchens they were met with hundreds of pairs of large eyes focused on them.

And then the two girls began a staring contest with the little creatures in front of them, and this only lasted a short time, for as soon as the elves realized that they had visitors they began jumping around excitedly.

"There are students in the kitchens!" one of the elves exclaimed, and that was enough to make everyone else start talking, going after the two defenseless and confused young girls.

"Would you ladies like to try Quincy's cake?"

"Could Baldy cook something for the mistresses?"

"What?" Lily asked, but the elves weren't paying attention and continued with their rapid and euphoric speeches.

"The mistresses should sit down, Cissya and Mentys will prepare the table for you" a female elf called Cissya said as she tried to lead the two towards a table, with her elf friend at her side nodding his head.

"And Mentys will also prepare a big jug of his special juice for his mistresses!" Mentys said, also trying to push the two girls towards the table.

"Err…Ethan?" Tori called with a bit of nervousness in her voice.

And I, who was watching the scene with an amused smile, trying not to laugh at the girls' panicked looks, decided to help them in this 'tense' and 'dangerous' situation.

"Guys, let's take it easy, you're making them nervous" I said taking a step forward, bringing the elves' attention to me.

"Master Ethan!" one of the younger elves exclaimed happily, running up to my legs and hugging it

And soon after, other elves joined him, crowding around me, with some holding my hands and leg.

"Master Ethan, did you like the cookies Floppy made for you yesterday?"

"Bimbo wants to show Master Ethan the new dish he learned"

"Okay, okay... I understand that you guys are happy to see me, even though I came here yesterday" I said, whispering the last part to myself.

"But now we're hungry, so why don't you prepare some of the dishes I taught you for my friends?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Yes sir!" "You can count on Lassey, master!" the elves said in affirmation, their eyes shining.

And seeing the now excited elves heading towards the ovens and pans, I turned to the girls, who were looking at me with strange looks.

"What?" I asked, but they just shook their heads in amusement.

And without knowing what was going on in their heads, I shrugged, going to one of the tables and sitting down, with them joining me soon after.

"I didn't know there were so many house elves here" Lily said looking around at the big-eyed, big-eared beings working.

"And I didn't know you were such good friends with them" Tori said, looking at me.

"Well, it turns out I come here a lot, so it's not that surprising they like me," I shrugged.

"Makes sense" Tori nodded.

We then continued to talk for a few minutes, until the elves started to bring us food, filling our table with different dishes and foods.

"This is delicious" Lily said after swallowing a piece of grilled chicken with honey sauce.

"I have to agree, this food is better than the food in many fancy restaurants my parents have taken me to" Tori nodded.

She then looked to the side, seeing that a small, young elf was looking at her with expectation and anticipation.

Tori was confused for a moment, until she realized that the young elf was also looking at a dish of fish and shrimp soup.

She understand what the elf wanted, so she took a spoon and tried the soup, blinking in surprise when she tasted the dish.

"Wow, this soup is amazing" she said.

"Really?" the young elf asked.

"Uhm, this soup is very tasty. You should serve her at dinner today, I'm sure everyone will love her" Tori said, smiling at the creature in front of her, who looked at her with shining eyes before quickly nodding her head.

"Yes, Jaspi will serve his soup to the whole school!" he said excitedly, making Tori laugh slightly.

And while Tori was chatting happily with the young elf I picked up a cup of peach juice that was next to me, and hidden from everyone I took the little bottle that was in my pocket and poured its contents into the cup.

Seeing the crimson liquid with golden particles falling into the cup I used my Magic Vision, and looking into the cup I saw the powerful magic of the Elixir of Life mixing with the juice.

'The juice doesn't seem to have lessened the effects of the Elixir, so it should be safe for her to drink it' I thought, nodding to myself before turning to the girls, who were still eating happily.

"Here Tori, try this peach juice, I know you'll love it" I said, handing her the cup.

"Oh peach" she looked at the juice with her eyes shining, "That's my favorite fruit" she said, taking the cup.

I then watched as she raised the cup to her lips, drinking its contents almost in one gulp.

She then placed the now empty cup on the table, sighing contentedly with a happy look.

"This was, without a doubt, the best peach juice I've ever had," she said impressed, before turning to me: "Do you have more of it?"

"Of course" I said, resisting the urge to laugh at her excited look.

But Lily didn't have the same control, letting out a light laugh that was muffled by her hand.

And hearing this, Tori turned to her in confusion, until she realized the reason for the laughter, lowering her head with a somewhat embarrassed look.

"Don't mind evil Lily" I said, with the girl with almost white blonde hair sticking her tongue out at me. I then took the jug with the peach juice and placed it in front of Astoria, "Here, the juice is all yours."

"Thank you" Tori said, her cheeks slightly red but still filling her cup again.

We then went back to eating, with me looking at Tori with my Magic Vision every now and then, noticing the effects of the Elixir of Life on her body, and even though the effect didn't seem noticeable from the outside, looking at her magic I could tell that the Blood Malediction was being restricted and destroyed little by little.

'She is being healed!' I thought, feeling a sense of relief and happiness.

'Now she will be able to live normally, and I won't have to worry for a while about her family's Blood Malediction'

'But I still intend to eliminate this Blood Malediction, not because of the promise I made to Marcel, but because this type of magic is something I despise'

And as I thought about that I looked back at Lily and Tori, who were happily chatting while eating, and I let a smile appear on my face.

'Well, for now I'm going to enjoy this calm time I still have' I thought, joining the conversation.



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