
Chapter 49

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


The Grand Staircase Tower was the tower that stood out the most. In fact, it was the most recognizable and prominent place in the entire castle. The tower had a circular shape and a cone-shaped roof, and could be seen from anywhere outside the castle.

The Grand Staircase Tower is obviously where the Grand Staircase is, and as I've talked about it before, I didn't have much to add. This tower has many rooms, portraits and statues, and it was very easy to get confused and get lost walking through it.

In a book I read about Hogwarts, and no, it wasn't Hogwarts: A History, the author talked about what the school was like 700 years ago, and he said that this tower was a building made together by the founders, and for those who don't know, the castle was in existence long before the founders decided to create a school here and call it Hogwarts, and from what I remember from the books, the castle was a gift from a noble wizard who was dying and decided to leave the castle as an inheritance for the four wizards; Godric, Helga, Rowena and Salazar, who helped him when he was still only an heir and not the Lord of his family.

And the book also said that, as the castle was already owned by other wizards before the founders became the owners, there are possibly many other mysteries kept in these walls. And when I remember that even Merlin studied here, and probably many other powerful wizards, I get even more excited, as they might have kept something here, just like Salazar Slytherin who left the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk.

And speaking of Merlin, I know he studied at Hogwarts around the time the founders had died, so that means he came after them. And Merlin is much better known and adored than the founders, along with Morgan La Fey and Arthur Pendragon, the greatest dark witch and greatest king in Britain, and it makes me wonder what Merlin has done so amazing to be so recognized and adored.

Another thing I would like to know is, who among them is the most powerful wizard. Merlin, Morgana, or one of the four founders?

At this point I would like to have been reborn in the founders' time or in the time of the Merlin, just to have the answers to my questions.

But come to think of it, I wouldn't have to have been born in those times to know the answers, mainly because I have many sources with the answers I want, right here in the castle itself. And those sources are the ghosts of Hogwarts.

But I'll probably wait a while to talk to them, mainly because the ghost who would know most of the answers doesn't like people very much, and even though she's a Ravenclaw ghost, I doubt she would answer my questions outright .


As I was taking one last tour of the castle, the bell rang once more, and when I looked out of a window beside me, I saw that it was getting dark.

'Hmm, dinner is about to start' I thought. And I thought about going to the kitchens again, but I realized I haven't seen Anthony and Terry all day, and they're probably curious about what I was doing, so not wanting to worry them, I decide to have dinner this time in the Great Hall.


Arriving in the Great Hall, I saw Anthony and Terry sitting at the Ravenclaw table eating and talking. I then walked over and sat down across from them.

"Friend 1, Friend 2" I said, greeting them and getting a blank look in return, "How are you guys?" I asked, going to put food on a plate for me, but before I could do it, a plate appeared in front of me with rice, Stroganoff and potatoes, and I smiled happily.

'Thank God for the wonderful house elves' I prayed, thanking any higher beings for these fantastic creatures.

"How are we? How are YOU? You've been missing all day, I even thought you got lost in the castle" Terry replied with his own question, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Phillips even said that you might have been kidnapped by one of the Slytherins to keep you from earning more home points for Ravenclaw" This time it was Anthony who spoke, who then started to look at me curiously.

"I was exploring the castle. And no, I didn't get lost," I said, stopping Terry who started to open his mouth to speak, probably going to ask me if I'd gotten lost.

"And why didn't you call us?" Anthony asked a little disappointed.

"Because you were doing your own thing, and I thought it would be over quickly. And besides, would you by any chance go?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow. And as soon as I asked that, I saw them start to think, but then they just lowered their heads.

"Okay, I would probably be too lazy to walk around the castle," Anthony replied sulkily.

"And I would rather read in the library or the common room" Terry replied right away, then he brightened up and looked at me, "So, did you find anything cool?" he looked at me expectantly, wanting to know as much as possible about Hogwarts.

'Tch, wanting to know everything I found out, but still not wanting to look for it yourself' I thought looking at Terry with disdain, something he obviously ignored.

"Yeah, did you find Filch's private torture room?" Anthony asked me excitedly. And Terry and I then started looking at him strangely, but he kept looking at me with a twinkle in his eyes, so I decided to ignore his question.

"Yeah, I found some interesting places," I replied calmly, and then took a bite of my food.

As soon as I got a taste of Stroganoff, my eyes started to glow, 'Um~, this Stroganoff is amazing. It's the best dish I've ever eaten,' I thought in ecstasy.

'Dispys really excelled. When I go to the kitchens again, I have to remember to thank him' I mentally noted.

"Did you really find somewhere nice?" Anthony asked me curious and expectant.

"Yes" I reply simply and then I said nothing more, just to make them annoyed and even more curious.

The two then started looking at me impatiently, waiting for me to continue with the answer. But when they saw that I wasn't going to answer Terry couldn't take it and asked.


"Let's just say the castle has more mysteries than it looks" I replied cryptically, "When I'm done exploring the castle, I'll show you some of these places" I continued, seeing they were about to ask more questions.

And with that I continued to eat, ignoring the two curious and excited boys in front of me.


After dinner I didn't stay to play games or talk to the boys and went straight to my room to sleep, as I was tired of walking all day and wanted to be rested for when I started exploring the last place inside the castle, which also happened to be the place I was most excited to see.



(End AN: This was the last chapter of the castle's inner exploration, and the next chapter we get back to seeing Ethan interacting with his colleagues.

Also, Ethan will visit one of the best, if not the best places in the castle, the Room of Requirement!

And tell me, what do you think of Ethan's friendship with Terry and Anthony? And their personalities?

Hope you like the chapter!)

Next chapter