
Chapter 12

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

Hey, guys. I'm posting the day's chapters earlier because I don't think I'm going to be mentally stable to post at the normal time. Sorry.

Read the End AN2.


Chapter 12

[POV – Minerva]

Yesterday I had to visit another Muggle family, something that is also part of my job. I have to explain to these families about magic for the first time. But the family I visited yesterday was much more interesting than the others.

When I arrived at their house, the child's mother, Sarah Night, greeted me, and after asking to speak to them and her son about enrolling in our school, she took me to the living room, where she was already there was her husband and the child's father, Joshua Night. And after I sat down on the sofa Mrs. Night then offered me tea while she went to call her son.

And I didn't have to wait long, as not a minute later the child appeared.

Ethan Night was the child's name. He was a tall boy compared to the other 11 year olds boys. He had messy black hair with a few strands of brown, captivating amber eyes that sparkled with mischief and cunning. His face was a mixture of his father's harshness and his mother's gentleness. He walked confidently and exuded ferocity with every step, and my feline side asked to respect him and fear him, and that was something I never felt from anyone, not even Albus. I felt like I was in front of a big predator.

When he spoke to me I felt that aura of kindness and calm, and it made me relax, it was like I had known him for years. And when I was about to start explaining about magic and Hogwarts to him and his family, the boy interrupted me and then asked me to call him Ethan, as he preferred not to be called sir.

And even though I knew I should remain professional and remain formal, something about him made me relax and let that go, and so I started calling him by his name.

After that I started telling them that Ethan is a wizard and because of that he had a place at Hogwarts School. His parents reacted surprised and skeptical, as every Muggle family does when they find out about the existence of magic, but the most interesting thing was that Ethan didn't react as I expected. Usually when a child finds out he's a wizard they react surprised and excited, and sometimes even doubtful. But Ethan simply showed acceptance and understanding.

To prove to Mr. and Mrs. Night that magic really existed, I had to do a little demonstration. What I did to prove to them that the magic was real was to transfigure their chair into a dog, and while Mr. and Mrs. Night reacted with amazement and shock before being overwhelmed, Ethan again showed only a little admiration, and I have never seen a child react like this when discovering magic. In fact, I've never seen any children react like this to seeing their furniture turned into some animal, even children from wizarding families.

I then asked him if anything strange ever happened when he had strong emotions or when he got stressed, to which he replied that strange things had already happened when he was younger, and I noticed that the way he spoke was like if it had never happened again after growing up, and that's strange since accidental magic keeps happening until the child reaches the age of first magical maturity, which is 11 years old.

So when I asked him why he talked like it never happened again, he responded by saying that his accidental magic stopped happening after he learned to control it. And if that was already unheard of and surprising, what happened afterwards was shocking to say the least.

The moment Ethan finished speaking, the cups on the table began to levitate in the air! At the age of 11, having such control over your magic that you could even levitate things without a wand or spell, that was just amazing! And after learning that he had been controlling and practicing his magic since was 3 years old I was completely shocked. This boy from a muggle family could do something that even adult wizards cannot do. He's a genius of such talent that I've never seen him before, not even Albus when he was Ethan's age could do that!

So I saw how sad Ethan's parents were that he had hidden that he knew he had magic, and when he said why I could understand why he did it, as the family would not always be understanding about finding out that their son is not 'normal'. But the response that his parents gave him and the love conveyed in this family relationship was thrilling to behold, I couldn't help but smile at how they got along good and played together.

After a while Ethan reminded them that they weren't alone, and when his parents noticed I was still in the room, they quickly straightened up and apologized for letting themselves be so emotional in front of me, and I said it was okay. And then Ethan reminded me about the reason for my visit, which was to tell them about the magic and to deliver Ethan's acceptance letter.

As I had already explained about magic to them, all that was left was to deliver Ethan's letter, and after delivering it, Ethan and his parents started to read it.

After I finished reading the letter Mr. Night asked me where they could buy the materials that are on the list, so I explained that they could only buy these materials on the magic side. But as it was getting very late I had to make an appointment to buy the materials the next day, where I would accompany them shopping for the magical community.

After that I got up to leave, and they walked me to the door. At the door they thanked me for my help and Ethan thanked me for explaining the magic to him and for allowing him to go to Hogwarts. I then said that they didn't need to thank me, and also reminded Ethan that he could call me Professor McGonagall since I was going to be teaching him this year, to which he responded by calling me Professor Minnie, which earned him my gaze severe, but it didn't erase my little smile... it's hard not to like this boy. So after that I said goodbye to them and left.

And now here I am, the next day going to their house to accompany them to the magical community, what is it that awaits us that day?



(End AN: This is the first POV that isn't third person or Ethan, so it probably wasn't so good for you guys.

I plan to do other POV's in story as I think this will improve interactions and I know you want to see what other people's thoughts are regarding our MC.

Iwould also like to thank you guys, who are correcting the wrong words and phrases, as I don't understand English and it's hard to know if something is wrong or not.

And I know there's been some people saying that beast talk is a useless skill, and it really seems useless compared to instincts and empathy, but the skill is still going to be very important in the future. And remember, all we know about the ability is what Ethan discovered on his own, but there's a lot he doesn't know about beast talk or beasts power in general.

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for your support and for reading my story!)

(End AN2: Hello readers, I'm sad.

I had said in the auxiliary chapter that I hated NTR, last night I was reading a fanfic until... BOOM! The damn MC finds out he's being cheated on!

Sigh... The anger and disappointment in me is immense... And the worst thing is that the fanfic didn't have any revisions warning the readers... Urg!

I'm going to try to write a few chapters or watch a comedy movie, just to see if the belly roll goes away.

Well... I hope you guys have fun with the chapter.)

Next chapter