

Meanwhile, Aegis angels, Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner, were off to find the ex-nun Asia Argento, Aegis found himself with free time, especially with how Krull seemed to retreat into itself after she heard that this world had Tepes and Carmilla families who even if had some similarity to her's were too arrogant even for Krull's standards, that said, Krull still looked down on humans, but now she held enough respect and fear of them, something Krull previously wouldn't, but after seeing marvels of Solitas work, Krull though she was wise enough to not think of humans as mere worms or cattle...

Still, Aegis knew that the existence of these two vampire families that seem to be at war with each other and are so close of the world for any information to get out grated on Krull's nerves, as such reason for his question.

"Do you wish to visit them?"

Aegis asked Krull, who sat by the window as she looked at the sun, completely alright as from the moment she started to drink Aegis blood, her body slowly transcended body limits of that normal vampire...

"Not just visit... From what these avian servants of yours, I know that a mere visit would end up with them and me in death fight."

Krull said as her pinky-red eyes wandered to Aegis, who just smiled at her, Krull frowned as she looked back.

"You would truly let me go alone?"

"...You are my woman, my future wife, I will not go if you wish for me, at the same time, you are a capable woman, I know I can believe that if something went awry, you let me know."

Aegis said and stood up as he walked to Krull, taking her slender and little body into a hug as Krull's stiffened back touched Aegis chest, and Aegis took a deep breath of Krull's hair scent.

Krull stiffened at the affectionate gesture normally, it was her who hugged him, and mostly because just for better pleasure when she devoured his blood...

"...I see..."

Krull softly said as her stiffened body little relaxed in Aegis embrace, and her head slowly rested against Aegis neck, it was rare for both of them to show such affection to each other, even if their blood-drinking sessions looked sensual, it was a long away from any romantic feelings, but this, this gesture showed how much Krull changed after her loss against Aegis.

"Well, do you wish to visit them alone?"

Aegis asked once again as Krull frowned and deep thought.

"Yes, I wish to see it for myself, and you have another matter's to attend."

Krull said as Aegis sighed into Krull's hair, making her both stiff and shiver at the sensation of Aegis's hot breath on her head.

"If you wish so, just promise to call me if, no when something happens."

Aegis said as his hold around Krull's torso tightened, making Krull press against Aegis's body even more...

"As you wish..."

Krull said and both of them enjoyed a moment of silence as they looked at the sun, with Krull in Aegis embrace and their heads touching each other...


Viser didn't know what was worse, the thoughts that her previous master, the man who made her into Devil, was now on her mind in a wistful way, or the fact that she just now understood just how insignificant she was, and the more she looked at the duo of multicolored girls her tormentors/masters, Viser knew she made some wrong decision in her life, unfortunately, matter for Viser who didn't have power over time to go back and give her younger self such slap that would make her head turn...

/You said that human governments have supernatural in their employment?/

Neo asked and Viser slowly nodded her head, even if she was ignorant of most human things, her previous master had a hobby to gather knowledge about human's, and one of them was the fact that they had their own magician's, wizard's and such, of course, nothing serious against Churches of different Gods or Pantheons, or against supernatural races, but still, enough to maintain their power and defend from weaker terrorist, as the biggest protection for humans on this world was the status Quo that made all factions acknowledge Human world as some grey area that shouldn't by directly touched, of course, Viser knew there were multiple games in shadows, hell, one time her previous master made her seduce and sleep with some USA dignitaries...

/Hmmm, that could be interesting, and what about these bogeymen? This Khaos brigade or what was their stupid name?/

Neo asked as she took a mouthful spoon of ice cream into her mouth and smiled at the taste.

"They... It is more of rumor, or not, I was not important or successful enough to hear anything outside of some rumors..."

Viser said, bowing her head in fear of Neo's punishment, after all, even if Neo seemed alright, Viser was experienced enough to know that in that little form of a girl, any monster could be hiding, and summoning their wrath wasn't something Viser wished for, especially when she had practically new life with a normal body, oh, how wonderful Viser felt to by normal human female down there once again...

/hm, pity, but that's just would make information gathering more fun! After all, once big bro ask that crimson chick Rias or something for a way to the underworld, we would be able to start our hunt!/

Neo said with a grin as Viser trembled, she knew what kind of hunt the monster in little girl form was speaking about, and even the now Vampire/Devil hybrid was unnerved by the sheer bloodlust the girl radiated, it was like if Viser looked at starved beast rather than the human girl...

/Don't scare her so much, she is your responsibility to take care of her better./

Neopolitan said with wiggling eyebrows, making Neo make growl-like gestures.

/Don't tell me how to care for my pets! Why don't you find yourself your own?!/

Neo said and Viser sighed as she once again saw both girls that were the same person's albeit from different realities, descend into another argument...

The most painful was that the argument was about Viser herself, who was spoken about like some mangy dog...

Oh, how mighty had fallen...


"Anooo? Ca-can someone te-tell me where sh-ould I find the ch-church?"

Asked petite blonde girl in a nun outfit, with long blond hair that flowed all the way down to her back, with one single hair strand sticking at the top of her hair, her green eyes that shone with innocence and shyness made her look like a lost puppy as she asked people around for help, unfortunately for her, even if passerby wanted to help her, not many knew how to speak Italian...

"W-what should I d-do?"

Asia slowly asked as she started fearing she couldn't find her way, but before she could descend into despair, a hand touched her shoulder, making Asia jump in fear and surprise, just to see a girl with a voluptuous body and long black hair.

"Asia Argento, right?"

Asked the woman, and Asia nodded her head in surprise as she could understand the woman.

"Good, im Raynare, the reason you came there."

Raynare said to the girl whose eyes widened as she touched rosary on her chest and seemed as if to pray, making Raynare wince, even if not from pain, but rather from the gesture as now that she served new Lord, seeing something like that in close proximity made Raynare uncomfortable...

"Y-yes! T-thank you Raynare!"

Asia said with a voice full of hope and devotion, and now that Raynare no longer needed or wanted that sacred gear inside the girl, it made Raynare feel bad that she thought of ever hurting such an innocent soul, did she truly fall so low?

Raynare wondered as she looked at the epitome of Holyness in front of her, and with each second, the guilt increased until she reasoned that from now on, the girl would have a better life under their new Lord's reign.


All the while, the now awake and fully aware Draig, who was in the gauntlet, sourly thought how everyone somehow forgot about him, for whatever rune the man with black hair written on his gauntlet made any sound or magic impossible...

"Gah, let's take another nap, maybe in another hundred years they remember me, they better by..."

Draig sourly thought...


*Author note*

Pics in comments!

And support stones for me? Anybody? :3

Btw still thinking how should I deal with some Grey area characters, those that aren't so bad or aren't good either, hmmm...

Still, wonder what would by Jeanne's and Artoria's reaction at the fact there are some's children who flaunt the fact they are their reincarnation or descendant. xD

The entire Hero faction gives me problems, on one side, killing them would be a waste, on the other, the sheer stupidity of theirs could be contagious...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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