

Just how did this come to be?

Taylor Hebert wondered as she stood above quivering rapist who grasped his leg in pain as he fearfully looked at Taylor who stood above him with blood piece of metal...

How, how did this happen? That question plagued Taylor's mind as she recalled last hour happenings, like every day after the locker incident, she went outside for some light running exercise, to get to shape, and to heal her mind as it was always said, with a healthy body comes healthy mindset...

Bud, as she was about to run home and end her exercise for the day, she heard a scream, a scream that made her stop, as the scream was of that pain, fear, and many many more other very bad emotions...

And so, Taylor, without any thinking run in that direction from where the scream came from, just to witness some woman's clothes being ripped off as two men held her and a third one was ripping her shirt as they held mouth to prevent any other scream or call for help.

And Taylor, who always wished to by hero, and idolized capes, found a piece of metal that could work as staff, and with speed, she didn't know she had, struck one of soon be a rapist to the head, in a panic the other two soon to by rapist released the shocked woman, giving Taylor clear way to stuck, she used her provisional weapon to quickly hit one man into the head, making him join his unconscious friend on the ground as Taylor continued and struck the last man into the leg as he wanted to evade her strike to the head, making him fall on the ground in pain and scrambling away from Taylor who just now finally understood what happened as until now it seemed she was under some auto-pilot...

"Fu-fucking cape! Y-ou cant do thi-this! K-kaiser will hear of this! You race traitor!"


Taylor whispered as she paled little as she heard it, now that she looked, she could see clear signs, the shaved head, and the clothes in colors that belonged to empire eighty-eight, or just E88 the Neo-Nazi gang in Brockton Bay, the biggest neo-nazi gang in entire America...

And when she looked at the woman who tried to merge with the surrounding in hopes not to gain any more attention, she could see her being of middle eastern origin, clearly, a juice target for these racists who didn't even see her as a human being...

"Y-ea! Th-that's right bitch! Yo-u just don-e yourself! Wh-when Kaiser hear there is cape wh-who attacked h-his boys h-he would take you an-and all y-your family bitch!"

Taylor winced, a feeling of dread filled her body as she registered the gangster's words, she quickly looked at the woman just seemed to shrink into herself even more as Taylor didn't have any idea what to do, this was supposed to be easy, she beat the criminals and, and what?

Taylor stopped as she quickly looked back at the woman.

"H-hey do you have a phone?"

The woman squeaked when Taylor asked her, but after a while pointed at Taylor's side, Taylor looked down and saw a red handbag, quickly looking through it, she found her target, and saw it didn't need code to unlock, dialed the police.

"This is BBPD what is your problem?"

A neutral, almost bored tone said, and Taylor gathered her courage.

"I-I st-toped a crime in p-progress, an r-rape, three nazi gangsters, t-two unconscious from hit to head, and o-one with broken leg w-with bone sticking out, o-on fifth Gloryris st-treet!"

Taylor managed to stutter out.

"I see, patrol in on the way with an ambulance, stay on the site so we can take your account of events, and one last question, are you parahuman?"

The voice that previously was bored was now sharp as it asked the question, and Taylor frozen.


"I see then we would send this to PRT, please stay on-site so the heroes can take you for investigation."

Taylor was frozen, not knowing what to do as all of the events started to get to her, but as she was beginning to panic, with her breathing quickening and her hand with the iron rod trembling, she heard it.

(Calm, take deep breaths, do not think.)

The voice of bastard who until now just terrorized her dreams, spoken to her in a serene voice that made Taylor stop, instinctively following his instructions.

(Now, end the call with yes, and use your scarf to mask your face.)

Taylor took a deep breath as she nodded.


Taylor said and quickly ended the call, and dropping the phone as she used her scarf to mask her face, with just her forehead and eyes sticking out.

But before Taylor could ask how she could hear him, she heard a noise, a motorbike noise coming close, and when she looked, she could see a blue blur that seemed to come close to her.


Goauld's, they always wished to be Gods, their entire culture was built on one big lie, a lie they themselves started to believe in, they hid high knowledge as magic, masking the fact that they were same as humans, mortals.

Until now, Daniel believed that everyone was the same, yes someone could be stronger, faster, or more intelligent, but...

"Holy shit..."

Daniel agreed with Jack, who's eyes were wide, as he could see the same emotion Daniel felt right now as they watched impossible feats being performed...

They saw how colorfully clothed men and women who called themselves huntsmen battled a black beast that they called Grimm, who by princess account were on Remnant as long as humans themselves, locked in an eternal fight for survival against hordes of soules beasts.

Daniel saw feats that until now he thought were just faked, but the evidence of glyphs the princess showed made it clear that what they were seeing was the truth.

That there are humans who can do feats that could be called magic, clones, elemental manipulation, telekineses, mental powers, and many more, and all of it was under one name, a Semblance, if Aura was giving human, superhuman body, then Semblance was an original mark of every living being, something that couldn't be copied, something original to every person who gained it...

Then they saw more recent battles, both against the black beasts and the flesh monsters they last saw, they looked how the white armored men, who were so similar yet so different from Jaffa, fought with every tooth and nail, how their energy riffles, their shields, and their energy swords were broken, how they held the positions before the trembling masses as the flesh monsters without any stop threw themselves onto them...

But when Daniel thought he could breathe out, princess Weiss showed them why her big brother was a King...

Something he and probably all people from his world could agree with was being shrunken in one word, and that was...

"Fucking shit..."

Again thank you Jack, Daniel thought as he and others watched how a black-haired man with piercing blue eyes, clothed in white, blue, red, and black colors fought a titanic black wolf-like beast named Fenrir, a Titan Grimm...

How their fight transformed the entire place, how mountains were transformed into valleys, how skies were pierced, and how forests became plains...

And for the entire time, one thing was being repeated in Daniel's head, and that was, how jealous would Goauld by, when they would found that all they faked until now, was being in possession of a man who was the worthy title of god more than they could ever hope to, and with it came dread of what could happen if ever Goauld gained such host as a body...

And how the senate and all who were privy to the SG program would shit bricks...


*Author note*

Fuck... Writing these characters is hard when you don't want them to by too much OOC...

With Weiss and guys from Remnant, it was easy, as their history was changed and so their character, but these SGC and Worm characters are and would by pain to write... And to think I want to write other characters from other worlds...

Fuck the rabbit hole and my intention to jump into it...

So please, help support me with your comments, reviews, and THE SPARKLING STONES! :P

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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