
Packing up

For Aegis, it was his last day on Earth as he was returning back to his kingdom and to his family, and as such, he was the last checking any work that needed his personal touch, already yesterday came another legion of Sentinels to exchange with the previous one as to let them go home to families, and it was chosen that Sentinels on Earth would be changed every month, both for their mental health, and risk of any subverting from outsides forces.

The war between magical's and non-magical's became somehow stalled as non-magical's already quipped every city or important position with magic detectors that made it hard for magical's to attack without the loss of their lives.

And at the same time, it became hard for non-magical's to find any magical that already didn't belong to either side...

"Big brother, that was the last thing I needed from you on Earth."

Said Album as one of Proto-maids took the papers from his hands and walked somewhere with them.

"Good... Then it is time for us to go, how are my girls and their families, are they ready?"

"Yes, the Veela clan is all accounted for, at least those who didn't wish to stay, Granger family too is all ready, Greengrass family already warded of their properties with Fidelius charms and took all they needed with them, which is a lot of magical's herbs that they gave us a gift for our farming projects, Tracey Davis chose to leave alone as her family didn't wish to follow, Luna Lovegood has chosen to follow as he father told her it would be safer on our side, plus he gave her quest to find new exotic beings, and multiple other families and clans, both magical and non-magical would travel with you big brother, I already send command for Royal transport class airship to arrive."

Album said and Aegis nodded as he looked into the window that showed a rift portal fully opened and defended with Album's drones.


"Mom! why did you make me come..."

Said one pink-haired girl as she watched her mom and dad speak.

"I already explained it to you Nymphadora, Britain is a bad place to live in, especially now that Dark lord came back from his unnamed grave just to piss on all of us."

"That's the more reason we should stay and fight!"

"No! Even if Dark lord somehow loses, which is a small chance as I heard he started to become more rational and regained his charm even if his face is still like an ugly mug, then muggles would make us into their puppets!"

"You should listen to your mother."


"No, dad, you are already old enough to know this Dora, you just don't want to..."

Dora, don't call me Nymphadora stayed silent as she knew her parents spoke the truth, it was just hard to just...

To just leave, especially when she was so close to becoming Auror as she always wished...

"Tonks, even my aunt send me with you..."

Said voice and Dora immediately felt bad for behaving like a child when she saw the family guest they took with them on begging from Amelia Bones, Susan Bones came alone, without family or friends to follow her...



But before Dora could say something, she saw how Susan aimed her finger at the skies that darkened even in the middle of the day.

"What the..."

The girls and all people around, from adults to children to elderly who chose to immigrate to Solitas and were accepted after screening and question looked how from the black portal an airship emerged, one enormous airship that darkened the sun itself.


"This is WinterCome, permission to land?"

"This is Britain air control, permission to land approved."

The Captain of WinterCome Royal transport ship nodded his head as his subordinates worked to land the kilometer and half long airship on the ground by the London city.


"M-Master, should we attack?"


Said Voldemort who too could see the enormous steel monstrosity in the skies, but even if he detested muggles, he was knowledgeable about them enough to know that such a big contraption would be heavily defended, plus it belonged to the Solitas newcomers who Voldemort already knew loved their muggle weapons on all of their contraptions.

"Ready the men, we need to purge the Church dogs from my KINGDOM."

Voldemort said as the more battles with the templars and various with hunters his followers underwent the more the filthy muggles became experienced at countering them...


Moira worked her magic as she, with Morgana's help, looked at the ten volunteered Sentinel's

After the Solitas scientist found how the magical beast had their magic-resistant skins, they chose to finally undergo the final experiment they were preparing for the two years and hundreds of successful and failed guinea pigs.

The procedure was something their king gave them, Moira still didn't know from where his majesty found such magnificent work, but she wasn't one to reject the gift that could, with some tweaking from their end, make their Sentinel's into supersoldiers.

"carbide ceramic ossification catalyst" drug that made skeletons become virtually unbreakable, allowing survival in harder impacts.

"fibroid muscular protein complex" drug that increases the density of an individual's muscles, allowing heavier lifting.

"retina-inversion stabilizer" drug color sharpness is significantly improved upon, and night vision is adapted.

"Colloidal neural disunification solution" drug dramatically improves the individual's reaction time, decreasing the time taken to react by 300%. "Spartan time."

Moira didn't know where the word Spartan came from, but after looking into Earth history, she knew what it meant and when she looked back at the procedures, she accepted that the word Spartan for such individuals was correct.

Then came her own additions that added multiple Faunus traits, from rare Axolotl faunus that was capable of regenerating any part of the body other than head and brain.

Shark Faunus's genetics were immune to almost all diseases.

And finally came magical enhancement, from Giants they found how to make the Sentinel's skin resistant to most common magics, and with artificial dragon core that served as a conduit for magic, even if Sentinel's couldn't use magic without hard training and luck, they could by now storing magic they were attacked with and use it to speed up their recovery or shortly strengthen their bodies.

"You are creating monsters."

Moira looked at Morgana who was reading the scrolls with all the additional enchantments.

"No, what we create are protectors of the realm..."

"More like slaves hm? After all, for what other purpose the neural chips they have in their head would by of.

"Of course, we must have safeties for any case of... Rebellion... But these chips work's as information storage and sharing just as much as little bombs that would secure the loyalty of them."

"Hm, you know, you could use house-elf tacting on them."

Morgana said and Moira's face screwed after hearing about the poor creatures.

"No, we need beasts, monsters that would make our enemies tremble in fear... Not, not some creatures that fear their own shadows..."

"Then you don't know how vicious these little cretins could be..."

Morgana muttered as she smiled when she found scrolled to another page that showed upgraded armor's, already thinking how to make them more magic resistant.

"You know, for a woman who wishes to be on the throne, you are too happy to make them stronger."

Moira prodded the woman beside her as she was now knowledgeable about the Arthurian Legends, both from Earth history, and his majesty journals he wrote and gave to his people as to make them aware about the Morgana and Merlin, plus the other women that slept in the crystals...

"Hm? Oh, my dear friend, you think I wish to rule some weak kingdom? No, my place by your king's side is already secured, and as long as I watch my own steps I can, no I will become his most desired wife, but for that, I must make sure our, MY kingdom is strong, and what better way than make our little toy soldiers into demi-gods..."

Morgana said with a smile as her exotic and beautiful fey features shone through her veil.

Moira just shook her head, but deep inside, she made a note to watch the woman who her king held close, just like the poisonous snake on the chest.

Maybe she should once again go through the neural chips, even if they made sure that they couldn't control the Sentinel's with them, and at the same time made sure for them to work as a shield against mind incursions, she still rather look once again just in case if someone didn't think he was a clever bastard and changed something...


"Hi, Hi!"



"Merlin, what are you doing there?"

"Hm... Well, I came to ask if you are going with us."

Fawkes looked at the woman who changed him into a human as a prank with a scrunched face.

"After all, you are free now when you old master died in that dreary castle and in the hands of his lover who soon followed him."

Merlin said as she looked around just to see a deserted island, truly this bird found the most boring place to hide...

"Will you change me back?"

Fawkes asked as he still found human form very uncomfortable, he liked to bask on the sun on his perch, thank you very much, plus no need to speak about the clothes he needed to wear in public places and that made him all itchy, he still didn't understand how humans liked them so much, being naked was more natural!

"Oi, you look good, you know? Maybe you could find some female to make some small phoenixes?"

"...Merlin, do you wish to do it with a dog?"

"What?! No!"

"Then you know my answer."

"Wait a minute, did you just compare other humans and me to dogs?"

"I did not, but you just now did, and now change me back into my glorious form, you dick giving wizard!"

"Geez, there, go back into a flaming turkey!"


The now again phoenix screeched as it tried to peck Merlin who comically fought it back.

"Gah! What this and all that animal hate on me! First that little white shit that imitates a fox and now you a flaming turkey imitating phoenix!"

Merlin said, just to be greeted with flames into her face.


Merlin said as the phoenix arrogantly noded with its head.

"Little shits... No matter, are you going with us to the new world? What would you know? Maybe we can, in our future travels, find you a female phoenix?"

Merlin said and after a while, as the Fawkes seemed to ponder and then nod, she smiled.

"Good, then come let me see how the flame teleporting feels."

Merlin said and Fawkes landed on her shoulder as both of them flamed away and back to the Sentinel base, where they were greeted with fire alarms and then drenched in water...


*Author note*

Pics in comments!

Yes, as king of advancement and militarized Kingdom, he needs his own Demons! Spartans, I choose you!

Give me your goddammit stones! :P

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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