




"AH! Ruby!"

Ruby looked worriedly at her BFF/partner/more? and gave her heartfelt hug, which she herself always loved when she was feeling down.

"Weiss, what is wrong? Is it because, you know, another you and her, your? brother do naughty things?"

Ruby asked as her face reddened at the mere idea, still it would be a lie if she wasn't even a little curious, especially when it came to Weiss!

Ruby wanted and at the same time didn't want to know how it worked, and from what she saw, Aegis looked like a good brother, but then again, everyone looked like a good brother when she remembered Whitley...

Good job, Ruby, now you remember that you have your own family in this world, and another herself...

As Ruby's mind was running around the topic of her family that she wanted to visit, especially young Yang to make fun of her how big she became and that now she is the older one, she remembered the face of her uncle Qrow who really looked scared of the mere idea of coming there with them, and Ruby remembered him muttering something about weapons that target his crow form...

"Ruby... Look this way..."

Weiss said in a low voice, a defeated voice Ruby thought worriedly.

"Hm? Oh... WOAH...!"

Ruby's eyes widened at sight before her, white spires with blue lines that touched skies, green gardens that gave the beautiful sight even more beauty, and the clean form that looked like if there was zero imperfection made Ruby dumbfounded, but the most mesmerizing sight was a levitating dust crystal in the middle of what looked like city square that reflected sun rays that fallen on it into some mesmerizing play of lights.

"It looks so... so pretty!"

Ruby said as she couldn't take her eyes off the sight of the city.

"It is, isn't it... But look at the people, Ruby... Look at them, humans, faunus, look how they interact, look how they move Ruby, there isn't any discomfort, all of them move with a goal in mind, all of them are holding their heads hight..."

Weiss said slowly as her hand traced the crystal window.

"Look at them Ruby, could you say this is still Atlas city?"

Weiss said as she looked at Ruby with red eyes as she trembled.

"Look at all of this, and even this room is so similar and yet so foreign to me! It is like a completely different world and not just alternate one, from the city to people... to to... to my family..."

"Weiss! Weiss, look at me, you still didn't meet your mother and Winter! Maybe they are the same, and even if not, then, then, you aren't alone there are you? Im there, don't you remember? We would have each other back always..."

Ruby said to Weiss's face as she still hugged her, and what she said she meant...

"Oh, how cute you look."

Weiss and Ruby quickly looked at the way the voice came just to froze when they saw four girls that looked almost identical, just with different silver hairstyles and body types some of them looked more athletic and others more homely, yet all of their faces made both Weiss and Ruby unsettled, especially their pink eyes that shone with unnatural light.

"W-Who are you?"

Ruby asked and all of them bowed at the same time, making Ruby and Weiss even more disturbed at the perfect coordination that seemed almost unnatural.

"Apologies, we are the Proto-maids, Im Alpha."

Said the one who looked oldest with long silver hair and an indifferent look.


Said the one who had pink/blue eyes and shorter hair, with such an emotionless face that made her look like a doll.

"Gamma there."

Said one with an easy smile and long flowing hair.

"Delta, a pleasure to meet you."

Said the last one with a polite smile as her pink eyes looked at them.


Weiss asked as she looked at them strangely, not knowing or even remembering something about them from her past.

"Yes, Proto-maids, short for prototype girls, in truth all of us are one, and yet all of us are our own one, if you want to know what I mean, remember your friend Penny who you spoke about to headmaster Ozpin about."

"How did you?! No, wait, a Penny? Then you must by!"

Weiss said in a high-pitched voice as her mind came to the same conclusion as Ruby as she bolted to them and looked at them with shining eyes, all previous negative feelings forgotten upon knowing that they are like Penny.

"You are Penny sisters?! Penny is there?! Can I see her? Do you have swords like Penny?! Can you fire lasers too?! Are there more of you?!"

Ruby fired one question after another that made Weiss wish to find a hole into what she would hide when she saw the amused smiles of the androids?

"I see that even older you are motormouth, miss Rose."

Said the oldest one, Alpha, if Weiss remembered correctly.

"You know other me?!"

"Why yes, it was her who said that we should wear these dark dresses."


Weiss just looked at how Ruby started animatedly speaking with the four androids until she felt a presence near her, making her look, just to see the younger her watch Ruby with indifferent eyes.

"Quite an energetic one, isn't she? Still, big brother finds both of her versions adorable, so I let her by yourself."


"Me? Do I have something on my face? Or are you just trying to make polite conversation?"

"How, how could you, how could I became like this..."

"Like this? I fear you must elaborate for I find myself completely fine, no I should ask you how you could become what you are now."

"Don't play with me! I can see it in your eyes! You have the same look father had! The indifferent look that proved you wouldn't care if people died before you and just thought about losses of your profits!"

The older Weiss hissed as she looked at the younger Weiss, whose face transformed from indifferent into of mild amusement.

"They is a true, no matter how distasteful I find it I still inherited some of Gele's things..."

"How can you by so so."



"Hm, that is a question, isn't it, but then, we could speak how much we like, but I fear my, no our mother wishes to meet you, and Winter too."

Younger Weiss said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, making the older Weiss even more disturbed with herself.



The four maids' heads snapped to Weiss, who just shook her head.

"No, I meant original Album, if I wished you, I would call you by your name, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta..."

Weiss said, and as to speak a hologram that looked as Weiss showed herself before them, making older Weiss and Ruby wide-eyed.

"Yes, sister?"

"Where are others?"

"In the living room."

"Thank you, of and yes, Weiss, Ruby, this is Album Schnee, you can say she is my twin?"

"Yes, you could say that."

Album said as she chuckled at the dumbfounded faces of Ruby and Weiss.

"Well, Weiss, im sure you wish to meet our mother and sister."

Weiss said.

"Alpha, can you and your sisters lead our guests to the living room? Make sure there aren't any problems."

"Of course, mistress."

Weiss nodded as the four android maids led Ruby and Weiss to the living room where the rest of their biological family were.



"Where is Cinder?"

"Why wou- Oh."

"Yes Oh, well?"

"With your mother and sister."

Weiss just darkly chuckled.

"Then it seems we must go too..."

"Acknowledged, and sister."

"Yes, Album?"

"You knew it didn't you?"

"Knew what?"

Album just looked at Weiss with narrowed eyes.

"Weiss, you know big brother would be sad if our family fought against each other, so why do you wish for Weiss and Ruby to meet with Cinder, Emerald and Neo, especially this early and without any warnings."

Album asked and Weiss eyes just shone as her pupils almost narrowed into slits.

"That dear sister is just for myself to know."

Weiss said as she started to make her way to the living room that would, without question, become a battlefield.

"In the end, that my needs to understood in what place she found herself, and that there isn't escape from big brother and me."

Weiss said softly and she walked as a baleful aura could be seen to radiate from her.


*Author note*

The maids are OCs like Album, in short, they are Album who downloaded into them as experimental bodies, all of them would have different personalities as they are cut of from Album and each other, where Album is downloaded into almost all storages there is on Remnant, the Proto-maids are just in their platforms they live in, so they are more like Penny than Album, and because they are cut off from Album, they would with time evolve into their own personalities.

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