
In the Beginning there was Destiny

I had not given much thought to the idea of dying, instead I was focused on figuring out who I was destined to become. After all that is what life was supposed to revolve around right? Figuring out your purpose and charging onwards to achieve it. However what becomes of you when you die? I had focused so much on living that I had yet to discover that the true purpose of my life would only be revealed to me in the darkness of death. Had it not been for Lord Arkas the truth would have never been revealed to me. I also would not be where I am today. I shant reveal the many challenges I experienced just yet as it is too complicated to explain without first getting to know my story.

We must naturally learn of someone's beginning in order to better understand their future. Firstly allow me to introduce myself, My name is Lady Aristia, Daughter of Lord Elrich the II. Father was the sole Heir to the land of Palatia where he was praised and loved by many. His subjects addressed him as Dananvir due to his generosity towards them. He had always assisted his people whenever they were in need and acted in their best interests.

However, despite his kind nature father was a member of the Sigortsky. This was a group of highly trained killers who no one dared to challenge, unless they were looking forward to dying of course. The sole duty of the Sigortsky was to eliminate any threat that may dwell in Palatia. My father would never speak of the Sigortsky to me and I could barely fathom why, it had always been a topic that was off limits between him and I. Plus I was never one to disobey, ladies were expected to respect the wishes and commands of men whether or not they agreed with them. However things were about to change immensely in the near future.

Carlisle's P.O.V

"Rise and shine M'lady" I whispered with my lips pressed against the ear of Lady Aristia. I watched as she stirred beneath her white sheets, whilst stepping back to stand straight as a sign of respect for her. She slowly emerged from beneath the sheets radiant as always, her fiery red hair glowing in the sunlight that peaked through the curtains of her window, her skin a golden caramel that seemed to become brighter in the presence of light. She had opened her eyes fully and gazed as if she were peering into my soul.

Her amber eyes glowed like two deep pools of light, I became lost in them with each look she gave me due to our connection. "Good morning to you too Carlisle" she replied flashing me the sweetest smile. "It is time to groom your majesty for the day. Sire will be expecting you in the throne room" and with that sentence her majesty stood up waiting for me to carry her as I always did ever since we were children. I picked her up in a cradle position and took her to the Royal bathhouse setting her down gently in a chair. "I shall leave you to your servants now M'lady" I said as I gave her a smile leaving the room.

Lady Aristia and I were born on the same day at the same time, to different parents. My parents are members of the Sigortsky sworn to protect Palatia and I endured the same training as they did starting at age three, however, my destiny since the day I was born is to protect her majesty. The Lady and I were connected through a bond called rukh han, this bond occurred due to us being born at the same time and place. When we were infants our eyes met and began to glow causing a golden mark to appear on each of our wrists.

My mark was the Golden dragon, which meant I was to protect her. Aristia's mark was the golden phoenix which was a bad omen. This meant that one day she had to be in grave danger but if she is strong enough and receives assistance from her protector she would be reborn and become a legend like no other. A bond like this was so rare that it was thought to be a myth until the day we were born 20 years ago. Over the years I have protected her and cared for her with all my might, always expecting the unexpected for no one knew when this omen would take its course.

Lady Aristia's P.O.V

"That bath was very refreshing, thank you my dearest ladies". I said flashing my servants a smile. "Twas our pleasure your majesty" they answered smiling and giggling. I had always loved my servants because they treated me with respect whilst still allowing me to experience what friendship was like granted that I didn't have a normal life. I was always confined to the palace due to the omen of my mark so I never had a chance to make any friends, my only friends were my servants and Carlisle.

"Ladies please bring me to his majesty, I wish to see him now" And with that command I was escorted to the throne room where Carlisle stood in front of my father. "Greetings father" I said whilst bowing as a sign of respect. " Carlisle what are you doing here? I thought father only asked for me". I was very confused to find my protector there. "Actually I ordered him to report to me as well. You see there is something I need to tell both of you. It is about our true history and bloodline" father spoke in a very serious tone which caused both Carlisle and I to listen attentively.

Lord Elrich's P.O.V

Today is the day I have waited on for 20 years, the day I pass on the secrets of our family and the Sigortsky to my dear daughter and her protector. I had always avoided speaking about it because I didn't wish to frighten her and tradition states that family secrets are only to be passed on at at a specific age. However now I feel she is finally ready to hear the truth. "My darling Aristia our bloodline is not of this world" She stared at me with confusion deep in her eyes and I could understand why. "Father whatever do you mean by that?" I paused for a while before answering as I knew it would be alot to take in "I mean that we are not mere mortals, in fact we are direct descendants of... "boom!. My ears rang in an instant as we heard an explosion. The sound seemed to have come from above us. Drawing my sword I looked up at the ceiling and saw my worst nightmare.

Lady Aristia's P.O.V

I inspected the figure above us carefully trying to fathom what it was. It was then that the sunlight beamed on it, it was a man. This man's appearance was unlike anything I had ever seen before. He was absolutely stunning with dark red eyes that seemed to capture your soul if you gazed for too long and his long black hair flowed elegantly from his shoulders to his waist. He descended further towards us and as he got closer I caught sight of something that shook me to my core.

This man possessed wings! His wings were as dark as the night sky but they somehow still managed to shine like crystals. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but somehow I felt connected to this man. As soon as the man landed on the palace floors I heard my father utter the most unexpected words " Greetings, Brother-in-law". Wait what? did my father just refer to this man as Brother-in-law? What on earth is going on?

Thank you to everyone who read this chapter. This means alot to me as this is my first book and I wish to entertain people by giving them a story that is like no other. All of the events in this story are written based on what I feel or imagine. This is pure fantasy and adventure that I hope you all will enjoy. Please add to your library if you like it and share your ideas and thoughts.

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