
Exploring the Capital

"Royal father, how are you feeling?" 

Cang Yue asked her father as she sensed that he was waking up.

"...Much better. We haven't felt like this in months!" 

"...Good. Young Master Xiao said that he forced the parasite to return the vitality it took from you. But since you got all of it at once, he predicts that you regained several years instantaneously. It's the reason why you got knocked out."

"Marvellous! Such a pill!"

"Un. Not only that, but the cleansing effect has purified your soul, making your talent for Profound reach a new level." Cang Yue explained happily. 

Her new goal is to make sure her royal father becomes the first-ever Blue Wind Emperor who reaches the Monarch realm! 


"Yes. One more important part. I have been working on these pills. With these pills, Royal Father, you can cultivate and reach high realms of cultivation! With your limit becoming Monarch!"

The Emperor's eyes bulged out. Monarch!? That's like saying that you can become a goddamn God!

"...Yue'er shouldn't…you spend such pills on yourself?"

For a second the Princess smiled.

"...Umm…Royal Father, I have so much wealth in the Floating Cloud Sect, that the only way I can spend it, is to give it to my closest relative."


"Yes. Pill Makers are extremely respected in the Sect."

"...Makes sense…" The Emperor was dazed for a second. This… means he has open doors to Monarch!? 

The ruler gulped as he stared at the leather bag full of pills.

"Let me explain how each of them is to be consumed." The Princess started to explain the pills and how to use them.

Though several minutes later Dongfang Xiu returned. He was holding a young-looking man by his hair.

He dropped him next to the Emperor's bed.

"Your Majesty. The traitor has been dealt with. All that is left are his followers. They know all the dirty deeds of Gu Qiuhong."

"...Tell us, little man. What is it you can tell? Do you think it's enough to let you live?" The Emperor asked with a commanding tone. He doesn't look sick at all anymore.

This was what made the followers of Gu Qiuhong utterly horrified. 

"...well…we were just following orders from the Crown Prince. Prince Lin was already in his 30s and he didn't want to wait any longer. So…Master Gu devised a plan. The Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite. With such a parasite, Heavenly Sword Villa wouldn't investigate, as the Parasite's effects look like natural decay, weakening the host until he passes away. After death, the parasite turns into water."

"...Heavens… and you have the gall to call such a man Medical Saint! Preposterous! 

"You can live! But you will spend the rest of your life telling everyone about your dead and departed Master's deeds! All of them! We demand his name to be the same as dirt!" Cang Wanhe roared at the apprentice of the dead 'Medical Saint'.

"...U-Understood, Your Majesty!"

"Good! Now take him away!"

Dongfang Xiu grabbed the apprentice by the neck and pulled him out of the Imperial Palace. 

After a few minutes, the bodyguard was back.

"Call my sons, we have things to talk about."

The Emperor said with complex emotion. He can't believe he will have to do this.

Well…he got his youth back. So might as well get some more Heirs…

~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~

It took a while but the Imperial Princes were gathered in one place.

Cang Yue informed me that they are most likely going to be executed. 

Weirdly enough, there was not that much reaction from her. Sure, she was sad but there was not much attachment towards her siblings.

This is strange, considering Cang Yue is such a compassionate person in general.

However, this was something I could not ignore and wanted to see in person.

How often does the Emperor execute all of his sons? For treason no less.

So, here I was with my darling wife. Watching the upcoming court session.

Sure enough, the Emperor walked in followed by his bodyguard.

One of my eyebrows went up when I sensed the cultivation base of the Emperor.

My gaze went to Cang Yue who sensed it and turned towards me.

There was an innocent smile on her face.

"...Is it just me or…is The Emperor [Earth Profound]?" Yue'er said to me with a curious tone.

"...Not just you. It appears Cang Yue spent her wealth making her father powerful." I said while looking at Cang Wanhe.

His appearance and a massive boost to his cultivation base have caught his sons by utter surprise and horror.

It was quite a nice look… all seven sons of his turned pale and fright appeared on their faces.

"...We have learned everything. We are utterly disappointed, no, the exact words should be disgusted. Seeking help from outside forces, making Blue Wind Imperial Family reliant on outsiders, colluding with 'Medical Saint' to implant a parasite in US!? Utterly preposterous! 

"We have concluded that the Blue Wind Imperial Family needs new heirs."


"Hit him." Cang Wanhe ordered his bodyguard to hit his son.

Dongfang Xiu casually motioned his hand and Profound Energy just smacked into Cang Lin's face.

The prince ended up flying and landing on the ground a few metres away.

"We didn't ask the opinions of traitors and children who wish to kill their father. 

"All of you are responsible for collusion to destroy the Blue Wind Imperial Family, the intention of patricide, blackmail, and cooperating with outside forces. And many more…"

The more he said, the more they shivered and looked dead inside.

"I sentence you all to be executed by beheading."

'Damn…I should have brought some snacks… this is a top-tier imperial drama…' 

I thought to myself while watching how some of them are screaming, shivering, crying… begging…


"Tell your Royal father that he should not pamper his future sons like how he did with these," I said to Cang Yue. 


"Good. In the meantime, you will be our guide in this city."

"Of course! Let me talk with Royal Father first and then we can explore the Imperial City." 

I nodded at her. 


Back at the Floating Islands, the Feng Clan is rapidly cultivating. The Phoenix maids spread out the first four techniques of the World Ode of the Phoenix. 

While in turn, the maids learned the fifth and the sixth forms of the manual which was missing from their Clan. 

This made their cultivation increase as well.

The girls who were in peak [Sky Profound] reached [Emperor Profound] while the older maids reached the next small realm. This was impressive but at the same time made them slightly annoyed as their bloodlines were not as pure. 

The way to solve this issue is to get some more Phoenix blood or get it purified in some way.

Their Young Master has been talking about blood purity for a while now. Like he is planning to make some sort of formation and arrays which could improve the purity of the bloodline.

If he can do such a thing… then the people's potential would be limitless. 

"...Here it is… The Fire Augmentation pill." Xiao Lingxi showed a red marble-like pill. 

"...This is?"

"Pill which boosts the potency of flames. Instead of relying on blood for potency, it uses a person's affinity towards the fire to give more of a boost."

"...would this work? I mean…We practise Yin side of dual cultivation?" One of the maids said with a small frown.

"As far as I know, you all have been trying to learn the equilibrium arts? Which means Yin and Yang should be around the same potency?" Xiao Lingxi remembered that the girls should start learning this art.

"...True…though that art is very complex and difficult to practise." 

"Good. Then try this out."

The Head Maid handed over the pill and watched the Phoenix Maid swallow it.

She waited with bated breath to see how well this would work.

This was a pill she made just from checking her Young Master notes.

They have so much fire-related stuff from the Phoenix Empire that their Feng Clan could potentially take them over Xiao Clan in due time.

This was where Xiao Lingxi started to think of finding alternatives! After all, once she finds something like this Xiao Long will be happy! And if he is happy she will be rewarded similarly to how he rewards his wife!

Like spending a whole week with just him!

"...Miss Lingxi?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"You have been spacing out and have that weird look on your face."


The head maid swiftly fixed herself up and looked angrily at the Phoenix Maids.

"Well? Did it work?"

She asked the maids, and the one who took the pill summoned her orange flames which roared to life. They were much more fierce than before!


"It worked! Fantastic!"

'This would make anyone who has an incredible affinity towards Yang cast flames of intense heat! And because our affinities are constantly getting better the flames will be much more potent!'

This was one amazing pill! She is guaranteed her Young Master will praise her for this creation…

"Oops! Girls! I have to go!"

'I only made one pill! Noooo… '

The Phoenix maids looked at Xiao Lingxi who swiftly flew away towards the inner clan's grounds…

"...Did she forget something?"

The rest just shrugged at the question. The Head Maid is always thinking too much in their opinion.

~~~~~~Blue Wind Imperial City~~~~~~

"The next product which will be up for sale is Cool Jade Hairpin. Starting price is 10000 thousand Profound Purple coins!" The auction presenter showed a beautiful-looking hairpin to the buyers. 

It was emitting cool energy.

"It looks pretty…" Xia Qingyue said to me, she was sitting on my lap as we were in the VIP section of the auction house. 

"Then let's buy it," I said with a shrug. We have been here for close to an hour but we never bought anything. 


"I offer 11 thousand!" One arrogant voice said from the main sitting area.

My gaze went to the guy. He looked like he was surrounded by a few average to okay-looking girls. He is most likely a fellow Young Master. 

"The Young Master from Iron Fist Sect offers 11 thousand! Anyone else?"

The auction presenter said as he looked around for someone else to offer more.

"I offer 30 thousand."

My voice spread through the auction hall.

"...First VIP suite offers 30 thousand! Anyone else?"

The reaction of the Young Master was priceless as he jumped up on his feet.

"I am Young Master of —" He was about to give me a speech. 


I used my cultivation base to make him sit back.

"I don't care. Now shut up." I spoke leisurely. My voice spread out through the auction house.

"...Y-Yes… my apologies."

"...T-That cultivation base!"

"Heavens! a Throne!"

People started to mumble among themselves.

"It appears I will get you that hairpin." I softly told Qingyue, who was lazily sitting on my lap and watching what was happening in the auction hall.

"...Un. My thanks, Husband."

"Yes, it will look beautiful on my Yue'er," I said to her while stroking her side. 

For a second she blushed and slowly nodded at me. 

Still adorable as ever.

Though Cang Yue, who was sitting next to us could only stare at this with a small amount of jealousy. She can't hide that!

"Don't worry, Princess, I will get something for you as well."

This made the Princess start blushing like a tomato!

"I-I don't need anything! Young Master!"

"Shhh… that's my choice."

My words Instantly shut her down. Though I can sense how Qingyue is pushing herself more into me. What a jealous cat.


After the auction house, we went to see some of the landmarks… the thing with cultivation universes is that everywhere there are sects, clans, and other similar stuff…

This means that there is barely any sort of cultural stuff available. All the palaces and gates look similar…only differences are the striking letters on these gates…

Like…okay… but boring!

"Take me to your family's cultivation palace…the city is starting to look boring… 

"Oh…wait… take me to Black Moon Merchant Guild."

"S-Sorry…for not being interesting enough…"

"It's fine. It's not your family's fault… it's just how the culture is… I was expecting some sorts of wonders…"

The Princess had an embarrassed look before slightly pouting at me.

"You do know not everyone is like you who decides to build a glowing Pagoda which can create Profound Beasts!" She said with a small huff.

"Husband is built differently, but at least have some sort of statues or lakes with restaurants." My wife chipped in from the side as she was stroking her cool jade hairpin.

"That's a great idea Yue'er… we have ponds and water bodies on Xiao Island. We could make a lakeside restaurant."

"Un…the idea… I like it."


I looked at the Black Moon Merchant Guild. It was much bigger than the one in Floating Cloud City. But that one is growing rapidly. So it should catch up soon in size.

"Young Master! It's an honour that you have blessed these halls with your presence!"

My gaze went to the man behind the counter.

"Elder Qiao… it's been a few years." I remembered the old man who started the whole thing.

"Hohoho, Young Master still remembers this old man! I never thought that things would develop this way! Young Master is already a powerful Throne! Truly, a monstrous talent!"

"Yes, you could say that. The Supreme Ocean Palace gave me some impressive gifts and helped along the way."

"Yes, Yes. But it's the pills you make which allow such resource movement."

Yes…he is right. The Supreme Ocean Palace was the one who gave me the space to do whatever I want.

"Fair enough. Now why don't you show what kind of interesting materials you have?"

"Of course! Follow me!"

My ladies and I followed the elder upstairs where all sorts of rare materials were present. 

"These are things which cultivators bring from all around the Blue Wind Empire.

Some of the more valuable ones are sent to the HQ in Divine Phoenix Imperial City. However, some of the more unusual ones remain here.


I did notice some of the unique-looking stones and metals, and of course…crystalized Profound Energy.

Eventually, I found the crystal which Yun Che bought and Chu Yuechan wanted to use it to remove her poison. That woman sometimes can have ideas of a brick…

That crystal would have crippled her worse than Yun Che's original crippled veins.

"Those stones and the crystals. I will take them, and ladies go choose some clothes. I want to see something beautiful." I then commanded them. This made them slightly confused but at the same time they obeyed. 

That's the thing. It's better to command them to get something nice instead of me making the effort. This way they will work to make sure they are beautiful for me.

"As expected of Young Master. Such a commanding presence." 

I could only roll my eyes at the geezer…


'There it is!'

With a red blur, a girl rushed into a temple floating in the middle of nowhere.

It was old and it looked like it was here for a very long time!

Once inside this temple, she looked around. Her red eyes widened as she was a drop of blood floating above a pedestal!

'Yes! Found it!' 

With another blur, she rushed forward and grabbed it. That moment images started to bombard her mind. Locations and information started to appear in her mind.

'This is truly Heretic God's legacy!' 

However… a deep frown appeared on her ethereal face.

'This is no use for me… '

As she was thinking her eyes widened as she felt being surrounded. A small army of Divine Masters was all over this temple!

Her facial expression turned murderous as she felt HER.

With a burst of speed, she appeared outside this temple. 

"...Slaughter God, be a good child and hand over what you have acquired in that temple." A cocky voice said from the front of the group.

"Nan Wansheng, why don't you come over and take it from this child?" The red-haired girl said that as she pulled out a pair of daggers which emit a bloody aura.

"...Now-Now…there is no need for conflict… this Emperor has no qualms with Star God Realm."

"Then turn around and leave. This Princess has a million more important things to do!"

"You can leave when you hand over whatever you have."

A silky smooth voice said as the Divine Masters parted and made a way for an extremely beautiful woman to float over at the front.

A feral smirk appeared on the redhead's face. 

"...The blonde bitch in the flesh. You decided to stop hiding!?"

The crowd instantly turned quiet…they were in space…sure…but when this many beings of their level gather, the space itself warps…people can easily talk and hear…however the girl's comment alone killed talking…

"...I don't need to hide from a little girl like you." The masked woman's voice was cold as ice, she then looked at the South Sea God Emperor.

"You can use IT to deal with her. Don't leave anything behind. I want her dead."

"...Heh…sure thing Goddess…" The cocky man pulled out a trident he then looked at the redhead and was itching to kill.

"Sorry, Slaughter God. This is not personal, But Goddess has commanded your death."

Before anyone could say anything the redhead was already gone. Nan Wanshang's eyes widened as he quickly intercepted the dagger with his trident. The dagger was for the blonde but it was stopped by the South Sea God Emperor.

"Heh… you even need these brain-dead men to fight for you? How weak are you?"

The girl commented as she with a spin now tried to stab the God Emperor who started to sweat a little bit. The girl's cultivation is lower than his but…she can move! How fast are these Slaughter Gods!?


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