
Cause & Effect - Chapter Two


Katsuki and Eijiro broke up over text on Friday. "He said it was for the best," Eijiro tells his best friend Denki through the phone. "If it was me I would've ended it a while ago." Denki pauses to take a drink. "He's not worth your time Kirishima." Denki throws shade at Katsuki. "I know he meant well, I just hope this doesn't affect him." Eijiro pouts into the receiver. "I gotta finish getting ready for school, by kami." Eijiro hangs up and sets his phone down. Pulling a shirt over his head, his phone buzzes. Eijiro groans and grabs his phone. '1 New Message from: Suki.' Suki: I know we aren't on good terms, but you need to see this. "A video?" Eijiro clicks on the video. "No way.."

"What are you tryna say, huh?" Katsuki from the video yells. Eijiro turns the video off and blocks Katsuki's number. "I don't need this right now." Eijiro turns his phone off, grabs his backpack and leaves for school.


Katsuki watches the video again while walking to school. "He didn't respond, maybe he didn't see it.." Katsuki tries to send Eijiro another text. "This number is no longer available." Katsuki reads off the screen. "Does this mean he blocked me?" Katsuki annoyingly shoves his phone in his pocket and walks up to the school doors. "Hi Bakugo!" A girl runs up to Katsuki. "You're looking really edgy today." Katsuki watches as she checks out his very colourful, black outfit. "So?" Katsuki glares at the girl. "You're upset about Kirishima, are you not?" The girl snickers. Katsuki steps closer to her and motions for her to lean in close. "Listen here you little prick. MY business is none of YOUR goddamn business." Katsuki then walks away, into the building. As he walks through the hallways he keeps his head down. "This is what you get for fooling around with a smart, popular kid." He mumbles. Katsuki walks into class. "Mr. Bakugo!" His homeroom teacher, Mr.Tzou, walks up to him. "I got your report card, all A's again." Mr.Tzou pauses. "w-Whatever Mr.Kirishima said, it's not true. You're a very smart young man."

"Thanks Mr.Tzou, at least someone believes in me." Katsuki heads to his desk. Eijiro walks in and sits down in front of Katsuki. "Alright class, everyone sit down please." Mr.Tzou heads to the front of the classroom. "As you know, anyone that plans to go to college should have finished applying." Katsuki felt a couple eyes fall on him. "I don't want you to be bored on your last week, so go have fun! On school grounds of course!" Eijiro walks out into the hallway, but pauses when he hears Mr.Tzou talking to Katsuki. "Katsuki, can I speak with you?" Mr.Tzou asks as Katsuki walks to the front of the class. "Yessir, what do you need?" Mr.Tzou pauses once again. "I know you said you don't plan on going to college, but you're one of the top students in this school! You shouldn't waste your knowledge and skill." Mr.Tzou twiddles his thumbs. "W-What I'm trying to say," He gulps. "Would you like any help applying to some colleges?" Katsuki stares at Mr.Tzou. "I understand if--" Katsuki cuts off Mr.Tzou. "Sure, I'll do it. Whatever it takes to get all you teachers off my back." Mr.Tzou claps. "Excellent! If you'd like I can contact all your teachers and tell them you'll be spending the day with me..is that okay?" Katsuki nods and walks over to the circle table in the corner. "Got any of those nametags you give to freshmen?" Katsuki writes: Reserved for Katsuki Bakugo." on one of Mr.Tzou's name tags and places them with his school supplies neatly on the table. Eijiro, still outside, is dumbfounded. 'Top student in the school?' Eijiro walks to the student lounge and logs onto Katsuki's account. Scrolling through Katsuki's grades makes Eijiro's jaw drop. "All A's!?"


Eijiro walks to his locker. Which happened to be across from Mr.Tzou's room. "--over it once more." Mr.Tzou walks out of the room with Katsuki. "1. I go home and tell my parents I applied for college." Katsuki counts on his fingers. "2. Pack up my stuff early so less stress." Mr.Tzou nods. ``3. Say goodbye to friends I know I won't see." Katsuki pauses. "Oh! And 4. Wait 3 to 4 days for acceptance letters." Katsuki adjusts his backpack straps. "When you get them you can email me. Or just tell me before class." Mr.Tzou hands Katsuki a piece of paper with his email on it. Eijiro closes his locker and it catches the attention of Katsuki. "Alright, thank you, sir. I gotta go!" Katsuki spins on his heel and walks away. Katsuki heads home, wondering how much Eijiro had heard.

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