
What Is Happening

The next day, Leo came over to my house as usual. However, he came almost 2 hours earlier since we have a meeting with the principal later. When Leo knocked on my front door, he was way too lazy to even say 'good morning', simply giving me a soft grunt before turning around and heading off the porch and towards the pedestrian walkway. I followed behind Leo in order to make sure that he wouldn't trip on anything on the way.

Leo rubbed his eyes and yawned, giving off a lazy and groggy feeling that almost made me yawn myself. His hair was still disheveled, which was quite glaring towards people who passed by on the street, giving Leo strange looks on the way. I subconsciously reached over and tried to smooth Leo's hair. After rubbing a few times and still not managing to do so, I reached my fingers into my mouth and dipped it with my own saliva before trying to smooth Leo's hair again.

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