
Bonus Chapter: Move-in day

Bonus Chapter: Move-in day


“Ugh, I’m so glad we’re done moving everything in,” Mikhail puffs out a breath as he slumps on the bed beside me.

I look around our small apartment and all of the boxes that need to be unpacked and quirk an amused brow. “It’s not like you weren’t strong enough to carry the boxes in. But I’m too tired to finish unpacking. I’ll do it tomorrow.”

After my father sold the house, Azazel offered us the use of one of his apartment lofts, which we readily accepted. At first, I was hesitant about moving in with Mikhail, because I felt that we were moving too quickly, but then I realized that we’re soulmates. We’re meant to be together, and I love him beyond reason. I know there will be moments where we’ll drive each other crazy, but I also know that I can never imagine being with anyone else. So far, I haven’t been disappointed.

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