
Chapter 294 - Unwelcomed Tourists

A light appeared somewhere in the forest, and it stayed there.

As far as Rynold knew, nothing could have done that except for something entering the dimension. Rynold was well aware that not just anyone could enter this dimension, so this light appearing was certainly a surprise. And, judging by the man's reaction, it was an unwelcomed one at that.

"I'm guessing you don't know who or what that is," Rynold turned away from the window as soon as he realized the bright light wasn't going away any time soon, "And, looking at it from up here, they don't seem to be tourists that got lost."

Rynold had no idea if they were a threat or not, but it was better safe than sorry. Anything or anyone could've come across that portal. And, staring at the light through the window would do nothing more than that. Rynold, at the very least, had to be ready for whatever that was. He needed to make sure he could fight as soon as things went wrong. And, Rynold was more than confident that things will.

"You shouldn't fight," the man spoke with a solemn expression on his face. His voice was weak as if he were instantly discouraged by what had just happened. And, in saying so, Rynold could only look back in confusion, stopping whatever preparation he was doing.

"Why? For someone capable of doing something like that, you're going to need help. I know I'm not going to be of much use, but it's a whole lot better than nothing."

"I agree," the man nodded as he stepped away from the window, "However, there is nothing for you out there to help. That thing, whoever they cast it, is tunneling magic. An extremely advanced magic that takes years to cultivate. If someone were to come here using that level of magic, you wouldn't last a second in a fight. You are not here for a suicide mission, yes? Therefore, I urge you to leave this place and not look back."

"You're joking, right?" Rynold's eyebrows furrowed as he responded, noticeably irked at how the man wanted to move on with things. "And, who's to tell that you can handle someone like that, huh? I'm sure as hell that I can't. I know that without even you telling me. But, in your current strength, do you seriously think you can stand against them alone?"

"Perhaps not," the man shook his head and amicably responded to Rynold's reaction, "Still, I am far more likely to survive than you. I am well aware of the risks, Rynold, and I accept them through and through. Between us, I am clearly the better choice."

Hearing the explanation, Rynold aggressively inhaled through his nose and exhaled soon after. He glared at the pale, sickly-looking man and felt infuriated by what he said. Although, Rynold wasn't mad at the man's rejection of his help. No. Despite everything they said to each other, Rynold was pretty damned pissed at the meaning behind the man's words.

The guy was looking forward to dying, no doubt about it.

Rynold knew more than anyone else that feeling of duty above all else, even at the risk of one's life. It was a sentiment he had known for the longest time, acknowledging it as his death wish. But, at this moment, Rynold didn't like seeing it on another person. It was like the pot calling the kettle black. Rynold wanted to die for the right reasons. But this man stood before him; Rynold didn't want to see the guy die the same way. Seeing that on another person felt sickening to his stomach.

While the intentions were righteous, admirable even, Rynold didn't settle for it. The man didn't have to die because he had work to do. And, it was by that same work that he wanted to go out. Rynold could tell that the moment he heard of the man's story. Staying trapped in this dimension for hundreds, if not thousands of years, Rynold would have felt the same way. This 'threat' was a way out, even if it meant he had to die in the process.

"Is that really how you want to do things? Because I can tell that you're going to need my help. We don't even know if they're hostile or not, and you're already expecting the worst. While I respect that; believe me, I do; is that how you want to go about things?" asked Rynold, testing whatever response he'd get. Even though Rynold knew leaving was the sensible thing to do, he wouldn't. Not without asking one last time, and not in good conscience would he ever leave without trying.

"I suppose you are correct," the man avoided Rynold's gaze, noticing how dead serious Rynold was on tagging along, "We are not fully aware of the situation at hand. I, ehem, believe that you might be of some use to better assess the situation without alerting the enemy. Unfortunately, of course, doing so comes with its risks."

"You shouldn't look down on me," Rynold smiled, showing his confidence, "I'm well aware of the risks and then some. Of course, I'm not going out there without certain contingencies. So, got anything for me?"

Rynold responded eagerly, a bit too much, in fact. The man didn't really expect to hear something so willing to come out of the kid's mouth. It was as though Rynold didn't really know much of the risks. But, the meticulous attentiveness Rynold showed meant otherwise.

"Before that, are you decided in taking upon this task?" the man asked once more, making sure that Rynold knew the risks, "There is no guarantee of your return. While I am in no doubt that whatever had come through that portal is more hostile than cooperative, there is no telling what might occur. I understand your willingness to help; however, I cannot help but fear for your safety."

"Save it," Rynold shook his head in disagreement, "I'm aware. Trust me. Besides, it isn't the first time I'm doing something like this. And, well, you said it yourself. The idea of a threat isn't something I can dismiss. So, whatever happens, I know how to deal with it. Anyway, it's recon. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Alright, I believe you," the man answered, his raspy voice still expressing some doubt, "If you are indeed surveying the enemy, allow me to impart you a gift. It won't be of help when things go south. However, it will assist in sending information."

As soon as the man said that, he raised his hand with the palm facing Rynold. It soon followed with a surge of Mana and extremely fast chanting. Rynold could only make out a syllable as the whole thing ended with Rynold having a searing pain just below his left ear. Rynold reacted by putting his hand on the spot that hurt, only for the pain the subside as soon as he did.

"What was that?" Rynold rubbed the part of the neck where it hurt as he asked.

"Communication rune," the man answered as he lowered his hand, "It is one of the most commonly used runes in the known world. The rune is fine-tuned with the Magic User's Mana. Simply think of who you wish to speak to, and it will take care of the rest. There are limits, of course, of which you would have to discover yourself."

"Pfft," Rynold scoffed, "You wouldn't believe how useful this would've been a long, long time ago. Well, whatever. I'll use this to contact you about my findings. What about you? What'll you do while I'm out there?"

"Prepare for the worst," the man answered, motivated to put a stop to whatever it was that had come here, "When you reach the walls, contact me. I will let you pass through without needing any effort. Godspeed."

With a simple nod, Rynold left the room. He ran down the steps and did exactly as the man said. The walls, made entirely of tree trunks, suddenly made way for Rynold to pass through. He didn't encounter any problems whatsoever as Rynold soon made his way to the forest.

Rynold didn't stop for anything on the way to where the light came from. He concentrated on getting the job done, carefully and without fail. It didn't take long for Rynold to reach his destination, albeit he felt a bit tired after moving at such a pace.

As soon as he stopped to see who was there, though, Rynold's jaw fell wide open. He couldn't believe what he was looking at, surprised at what he encountered. Rynold didn't like the sight of it, much less the meaning of them being here. And, the worst part of it all was the person standing at the center. Rynold could feel his anger bubble up from his heart as he tightly gripped his fist. That person was still wearing the same suit, with the smug look on his face all the same.


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