
Don’t make me laugh

I think I should check on my current stats while I wait for these girls to finish arguing.


Type: spirit

Body: dirt golem //MAXED// (F+ rank core)

Lvl . 32

Vitality. 180

Strength. 230

Endurance. 300

Agility. 210

Intelligence. 800

Spirit power. 1,400

Charm. 8

Oh nice m..... Wait just a second!!!

How am I lvl 32, that's above my current forms limit!?

[[\ thanks to host's unique skill permanence, if you degrade to a lower form, your highest current lvl cap for you and your skills will be kept /]]

Which is??

[[\ the maximum lvl a stone golem can reach is lvl. 45 and all skills cap at 30/]]

So I'm currently stronger than a dirt golem could ever possibly be?

[[\ that is correct /]]

But I thought my lvl cap was 30 because of my soul rank.

[[\ both your physical and meta physical forms are responsible for your lvl cap /]]


Just as I closed the status window all three girls lined up in front of me and thanked me ... even the oldest did this time.

"Well Mr.golem before we continue I must ask, can you understand us?" said the blonde one.

I nod.

"Oh great then, we were wondering what you'd like as a reward for saving us?"

I point to my mouth then make an x with my arms to signal that I can't speak ( that much should have been obvious ).

"Oh right... sorry".

" oh I have a solution" ,said the second oldest.

She reached over and placed her hand on my head then proceeded to flow mana through me.

[[\ external force detected, would host like to learn new passive skill mana speech?/]]


Mana speech {{ passive skill }} lvl. Max

Able to use mana to speak.

"Thank you so much!" I yell out.

"W...why are you thanking me?"

"You just thought me how to speak using magic didn't you?"

"What... no I was going to be a medium for our conversation, you would speak through me"

" wa... Did you copy my magic?"

" I think so"

They all exchange glances before the blonde speaks up again.

" well it doesn't matter how you get there as long as the end results the same"

" so Mr.golem, what would you like as a reward?"

" I'd like directions to the nearest town".

"That's it?"


She looks relieved after having heard my words.

"Well we are currently 30 kilometers from DullMurë the nearest city. It's south of here".


As I turn towards the south and get ready to sprint the blond yells out to me.

" Mr.golem we are in a predicament, you see, we ran out of mana a while ago after completing a D+ rank dungeon. So now we're completely defenseless"

" we were actually on our way back to town so we could collect our reward at the adventures guild hall there. Could you perhaps escort us?"

I really just wanted to get out of here ASAP but if I leave them on their own the same thing might happen again later on. While I was discussing with myself the second oldest gave me my answer.

"We'll pay you of course ".

"Ok then"

" Really? they all blurt out "

" Of course, now that I know there's an adventurers guild there I'll need currency to pay the registration fee."

" So what your saying is that when we get there all you want as a reward is for us to pay the fee for you?"


As we all sit down inside their carriage I ask,

" wait who's driving?"

" the horse out front is actually a flesh golem. It'll take us to the city by itself."

After 4 and a half hours of awkward silence the city walls come into full view. Apparently this place is the capital of the country we're currently in (Elvurri). It's 232 square kilometers and it's wall is 60 meters tall / 20 meters thick.

How... the hell did they make a wall this big?!As we arrive to one of its gates we get stopped by some guards. Once they arrive they ask us for identification.

" Citizens /visiting/ or immigration " asks the head guard.

"Citizen adventurers" replies the oldest.

They then proceed to hand over the phone sized silver tablets they were wearing as necklaces. The guard holds a white ping pong ball sized transparent stone close to them and it starts to glow.

" What about the golem?"

" Oh hes here to register as an adventurer today"

As expected all 7 guards burst out in laughter which hurt just as much as when the bandits first did it.

" A dirt golem... an adventurer. Haaa... ( inhales ) miss valerá please don't make me laugh"

" I'm not joking"

Total silence takes over for a few seconds while he stares dagger at me.

" Alright, let them through!" He yells to the blockade.

The carriage starts moving again and we head straight into the city. After half an hour we arrive at the guild hall. It's twice as big as the White House I think. The carriage pulls up to a parking spot and we all exit it. We enter the building and walk towards a giant reception desk in the middle of the first room. And we all approach a small girl doing some paper work standing on a chair (Her height reaches my knees)....

" Hello patricia"

" Hello again miss valerá. So did the dungeon clearing go well?"

" Yes we finished all 20 floors with no injuries"

" But your all bruised up"

" Oh this"

She says as she tries to cover up her bruised cheek.

" This was after... we were jumped by bandits you see."

After she explains what happened the girl just stares blankly at me.

" How could a measly dirt golem be that strong" she mumbles.

"What did you say?" I ask.

" O.. oh nothing, nothing at all."

" well then to become an adventurer you must do three things. 1(pay the fee of 3 silvers) , 2( have your physical stats recorded onto your identification tablet), and three take your ranking test." She says with a smile.

The oldest waves her hand as three silver coins with a Phoenix carving on it appears in front of the receptionist girl.

" Ok now place your hand on this"

It was a basket ball sized purple mana stone. It looked like it was made of water but solid at the same time.

I do as I was told as it starts to change colors until it becomes dark blue.

"Umuh uuh..."

The guild girl stutters as she looks at my stats while the three girls have a look on their face like they were expecting this.

"AN E+ RANK!" Yells out the receptionist.

The general area was full of other adventurers talking, eating , and even doing mock battle in designated areas. But once they heard Patricia scream out they started to look over hear.

It wasn't everyday someone was an E+ rank right out the gate but there was still nothing too amazing about that. Well it shouldn't be that unexpected... unless that someone is a dirt golem.

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