

PW Industrial Store compound.

Donna's car arrived at the place. Peter instructed the guard to allow the car inside the parking space.

"The troublemakers are finally here!" Peter muttered to himself. He was thankful that his stepmother Valeria alerted her of the visitors arriving at his place, it gave him enough time to do what is needed to be done.

A few seconds later, Donna and Stephanie exited the car along with the family driver.

Peter looked at them and took a deep breath. "What can I do for you, Madam?" he asked Helen's mother politely.

Donna looked at Peter, he seems to be looking relax and calm, it looks like someone already alerted him of their coming, and that certain someone must be her best friend Valeria. "Where is Helen?" she asked directly.

"She's no longer residing here, Madam," he answered looking directly into her eyes.

Donna's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why? I dropped her here in your care. Did you send her away!?" she asked angrily.

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