

Dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Please read the note beneath the chapter, I'm hoping it touches someone. šŸ’œ

Linda's POV

But the door won't open. I try turning it again with a little more force thinking that perhaps the lock is rusty but then I remember that there's a possibility that it has been locked.Ā 

Damn it! How am I going to get the key? Don Alonso probably has the key. I can't give up now. I didn't come all this way just to give up. I feel myself start to panic but I push it down. There has to be a way to open it.Ā 

I think hard, trying to remember how it's usually done in spy movies. Then I remember that I have a pin holding my hair up. Maybe I can try to do something with it.Ā 

I pull it out of my hair and it tumbles down my back. Some of the strands also get into my face. I push it back and place the strands behind my ear.Ā 

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