

Linda's POV

I and Leah finally go our separate ways, she meets up with Dave to break up with him while I go through everything with Esperanza once more. Lastly, I never hear from Luke and his friends again while Nikon Alonso and his people decide to go back to New York and never come back. So the rest of us live happily ever after.

' yeah right, like that could ever happen. '

Hey even if the last part didn't happen, at least Leah still broke up with Dave. She deserves so much better than him. To think that I shared my food with them, jerks! And wait till I get my hands on that Jack of a guy. He wrapped the gift box with a lot of gift wrap but ended up getting me the tiniest bit of chocolate ever. I'm gonna teach him that no one messes with me and chocolate and gets away with it.

' like you're ever gonna talk to him again '

Hmm...true. K, guess I'll just pretend I never...


Uh! Stupid phone.


Just pretend it doesn't exist.


That's it let it fade away.


Let it fade away Linda, come on you can do it.


Oh that's it, I'm gonna stick that phone all the way up in Luke's ass.

I grab the phone as well as my car key and match towards my door hell bent on confronting Luke about all the text messages and phone calls he's been blowing up my phone with.

Hope he enjoys the pinging in his ass, asshole.

I'm about to open the door to my room when it opens by itself. I scowl into the face of Miguel's mother and snap at her. " what?! " I wince immediately after realizing what I'd just done. Technically she is my grandmother. My biological father's mother. But then again, technically I can't be blamed not with everyone all over me trying to get me to move to New York - except my dad that is. We are okay now, after all he was trying protecting me - and with me being presently mad at a certain jerk face. Hey I'm getting good at this bitching, nagging thing. Who knows with everything going on right now, I and Alexis could be sisters. Bitch!

" Linda that is no way to talk to your grandmother, your father might be dead and I might have not spent time with you over the years but I am still your grandmother. " she says on the verge of tears.

I only laugh without humour and look at her with cold eyes. " you know my mom was right. The fault falls on all of you. Dad would never would have died if he hadn't been involved in the family business. You could have stopped Nikon from bringing your sons into the Mafia world but you never did. So take your fake tears far away from me, unless you can bring back my dad and mom. Until then, I think the only person who deserves and will receive my respect is my present dad, the only family I know who was actually there for me when I needed him. "

I see the sad look in her eyes, yet I can't bring myself to feel guilty. All I can think is, pathetic.

I side step her and walk down the stairs only to see Miguel in mid step.

Guess he heard everything. " sup Miguel? " I say with a perfectly blank face as I walk past him. " hey dad! " I shout out loud so they can all hear me. " I'm going out for a bit. "

" sure love. "

I smirk.

~ ~ ~

Luke's POV

It's been a week since I've seen Linda and four days since Leah broke up with Dave. Let's just say we're all a huge pile of mess, with Jack hanging on better than the rest of us despite the fact that Esperanza hasn't answered any of his calls or talked to him, talk less of opening the door whenever he comes calling at her house. Though one thing I don't get is why Russ is so down, I mean it's not like he and Linda were the bestest of best friends. Fine we all were. But still that doesn't give him the right to miss her so much. Always saying stupid stuff like ' if Linda were here right now she'd be doing this and doing that, rolling her eyes looking constipated. ' stupid fool, like I didn't already know that. I mean that's why I keep texting her, hoping she'll pick up and everything could go back to normal. Maybe if she'd just read the million text messages and answer the phone calls I keep sending her way then she'd understand that I already gave up on my stupid plan a long time ago.

Is this what addiction is like? Craving something so bad it feels like you'll die without it. For me it feels like it's been years without Linda and I feel myself slowly dying and fading away.

I hear the door bell ring and I wish the person would just go away or maybe Jack would go get the door already seeing as he's the only sane person left in our little group. I wonder what my dad would think of his house being turned into a moping site. At least I don't have to hear his opinion seeing as he and his beloved wife are miles away on a business trip. Whenever will Linda answer her bloody phone. It's then I hear her voice harshly demanding my whereabouts. I'm already halfway downstairs, filled with renewed vigour just because she's here.

God Linda! What the bloody hell are you doing to me?

" where is that bastard? " she asks gritting her teeth.

" the bastard is right here " I softly reply her from the base of the stairs.


" ouch " I scream falling to the ground as I clutch my bleeding head. " God it fucking hurts. "

" good. " Linda says harshly.

" for God sakes Linda I've been trying to apologize... "

" shut up! I don't want to hear your apology or anything else you have to say. You are so lucky I didn't go with my initial plan. I never want to see you in front of me again. I don't want to hear your stupid voice, stop calling me and sending me stupid text messages. Stay the hell away from me. " with that said, she heads out the door, never looking back, despite the fact that I called her name numerous times and pleaded with her to listen to me.

I know I deserve all of this but I'm not sure I can live without Linda.

And for the first time I cry harder than I've ever cried in my entire life, even harder than I did when my mom died.

~ ~ ~

Linda's POV

With the tears dripping down my face, realizing how hard it was to confront Luke. I decide that maybe I should move to New York.

Author's note

I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a while. My phone is still giving me issues. I'm hoping I'll be able to get a new one by next week or at the latest month ending so until then bear with me. I also want to inform you that I'll be starting a new book really soon. It's a paranormal/fantasy romance titled Burning Hatred: Entwined Destinies. I promise you will definitely enjoy reading it. I'm trying to get down as many chapters as I can so I can update each and every day. I hope you guys will support my work.

Now don't forget to show your support by reading, voting, commenting, sharing, rating/reviewing. It would really help me out. Thanks💜

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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