

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading my book. I'm earnestly grateful. I just want to inform you guys that as of now I will be updating once in every two days. I might later increase the number of updates but until then please bear with me. I'm starting school really soon so I hope you understand. Have fun reading this.

Linda's POV

It's hard to sit back and not tell Luke about my life or better yet my past. He told me his and now it feels like I owe him this.

I grab my bag from the bed and walk towards the mirror to look at myself and realize how much has changed. I no longer wear hoodies to school, or dress as bad as I used to. I have been making friends now and it makes me happy cause I realize there are still people worth trusting in this world. I find it funny that I once preferred people thinking that I am weird so I couldn't make friends. I just hope my past doesn't come to hurt the friends I've made. From now on I'm going to live my life the way I want to.

I quickly head downstairs seeing as I had a few minutes before dad would be out from the shower, the last thing I need is for him to find out that I'm dating Liam. After all he did say no dating until college.

" Linda! " my dad calls out as I move by the kitchen.

Why does this always happen when I'm almost at the door?

" yes dad. " I reply turning to face him.

" why are you always sneaking out this early? " he asks raising a brow.

" I am not sneaking out. It's just that I and my friends always meet in the morning to go through some things before the exam starts. " I reply telling him as much truth as I can.

" you should have told me so I could drop you off. You didn't have to sneak out these past few days. Anyway you're in luck, I actually have a meeting in two hours so I can drop you off before I go. " he says dropping his cup of coffee.

Oh no he's gonna find out.

" uhm... There's no need. One of my friends is going to drop me off. So bye. " I tell him and try to hurry out the door.

" stop right there young lady. " my dad says sternly. " I think I know what's going on here. It's that boy again isn't it? "

" wh...wha...what boy areyoutalkingabout? " I ask nervously.

My dad raises both brows at me and moves closer to me, pinning me down with his frightening stare. " Luke Matthew. "

Wait what? Huh...but...

I stand there wondering if I and my dad were having the same conversation. " why would Luke come pick me up? and even if he did what would be so wrong with that? " I ask raising a brow in confusion.

" I just don't want you to get hurt again. " he says sighing. " I don't mind Luke being your friend but a relationship would never work between the two of you. "

Relationship? I've never thought of a relationship with Luke. I mean...

' Yeah keep telling yourself that. '

I really... Uhhh!!!

" how many times a day do you still talk to her? " my dad asks smiling at me.

I try remembering how many times a day I've been having my mental talk as the therapist had suggested but I realize it's not much compared to before. " I rarely hear her in my head. " I say shocked at my own words. I find it hard to breathe. A lot of things go through my mind as I think of the possibility of not having her to talk to.

What if it happens again and I have to isolate myself from others and she's not there to help me through this.

I don't realize I'm on the floor, my right hand to my chest, almost as if to force some air out of my lungs which feels tight.

That is until I hear my dad's soothing voice trying to calm me down and his arms cradling me to his comforting chest.

I look at my dad and remember that one of the reasons why I love him is because he'd never leave me or lie to me.

I lean against his chest for a few more minutes, reveling in the comfort that he brings. After sometime I push my self off him, forcing a smile on my face and trying to appear brave. " I should go to school. " I tell him, picking up my bag which I'd cast aside.

" or you could stay home. At least just until it passes. " my dad says concern etched on his face.

" there's no need, I'm fine dad. " I say trying to be convincing.

" I know when you're lying Lindy. Just in case you've forgotten. " he says with a gleam of tears in his eyes. " I don't want you getting hurt. You're all that I have. "

I sigh, hating myself for bringing tears to his eyes. I wish I could stay home just to make him happy, but if I want to fight this, then I have to go to school. " dad you've wanted me to be strong. This is me being strong. " I say looking into his eyes. " trust me " with that I head out to meet Liam who has been waiting for me.

" are you okay? " he asks looking as concerned as my dad.

" yes, I'm fine. " I tell him with a smile which makes him smile back.

With that out of the way, we drive to school in silence while my heart hammers away wondering if one of my famous panic attacks would happen today.

~ ~ ~

I try my best to smile but it's still hard.

I see the look on Leah's face and know that she has most probably figured out the fact that I'm keeping something from her.

I try very hard to focus on my history textbook but it's still hard.

I wonder if I should skip my exam and go back home?

I hear footsteps approach our table at the cafeteria where I and my friends have chosen to study everyday. I look up to face a smiling Luke whose eyes light up as they meet mine.

For the first time since arriving at school I actually smile without it being forced.

Watching Luke joke around with everyone and actually caring about other people other than himself makes it hard for me to believe that he'd been the self-centered troublemaker I'd once disliked.

I look down at the book but once again find it hard to comprehend what it is I'm actually reading, wondering when the panic attack would take place and if I might be able to fight it off. It never goes away so easily.

At this rate I might actually fail this exam. Not that I like the subject or anything but I've never failed before. I can't fail. This is the one thing I'm good at.

No matter what, this can't affect me!

Luke stands up and leaves the cafeteria. A few minutes later, I receive a text message from him telling me to meet him in the storage room by the gym.

" I need to use the restroom. " I tell Leah, avoiding her eyes. I quickly make my way out and hurry to go meet Luke.

For some reason, I feel as if I'm being followed. I look back but the hallway is still empty even the door to the infirmary is still padlocked. I can feel the hair standing on my neck and cold fingers crawling down my spine. I start running and I hear voices laughing behind me, footsteps running behind me, all of which only pushes me to run faster.

I start pushing the door to the gym open when someone wraps their hands around my abdomen and mouth, dragging me off.

I turn around ready to fight for my life only to face Luke who seems concerned about me. " are you okay? What happened? You ran past the storage room. I don't understand. Who was chasing you?... " he asks going from concerned to pissed off in a few seconds.

" I'm fine. At first I thought it was all in my head, but you heard the laughter and the running feet right? "

" yes but I never saw anyone. " he says looking confused. " and are you sick? I mean why would you think you heard all that in your head unless you're starting to go cray cray " he smiles trying to lighten the mood.

I force myself to let out a smile and laugh a little but he sees through it all as always.

" hey what's wrong? " he says.

His words make me look down.

He only places his hand on my chin, lifting my face up to his. " You didn't look too fine this morning. And I know you probably couldn't take in what you were trying to study. "

I sigh and lean against him, placing my head on his chest.

How does he always figure me out?

" how do you always know when there's something wrong with me? " I ask still lying against him as he leans against the wall.

" easy you don't act like your usual annoying self. " he says earning him a punch to his arm.

" I am never annoying. " I say pouting.

" fine I'm kidding, so what's wrong? " he asks looking into my eyes.

I wish I could tell him everything, I wish I could just let go of this burden that keeps weighing me down.

Luke places his hands on my face and wipes away the tears that I hadn't noticed. He pulls me back to his chest and wraps his comforting arms around me, cooing sweet nonsense into my ears and making me want to stay here forever, hidden away from all of my problems.

" I don't want to talk about it, I don't even want to cry about it, it makes me feel so weak. " I say holding onto him.

" it doesn't make you weak. And I would never tell anyone. You can cry in front of me. " he says trying to turn my words against me.

" it's not the same with me, okay. " I say pulling away from him. " There are so many things I want to tell you but I can't. " I tell him looking into his beautiful eyes. " I just want to be here right now. " I lean into him once more.

" fine but promise me I'll be the first person you tell when you're ready. "

" I promise " I say smiling into his chest. " and Luke thanks for being here when I need you. "

Author's note

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Also check out my other completed book titled my sexy Greek god matchmaker right here on webnovel.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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