
Before it's started

"Thank you!" Kurosa said after buying some fried chicken nuggets. Immediately Kurosa ate it while it's still warm.

Suddenly Kurosa's ahoge (if you don't know what's ahoge, ahoge is the definition of some untidy hair in Japanese, for detail please search it at google ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ) moved and got tensed to the sky,


Kurosa ran toward a place.

"Jeez! Kurosa! Where are you?" Alvina complained while trying to find Kurosa.



"How was it, Ardolph?" Yukina asked on the ground.

"Oh wait, I'm dumb. You couldn't hear my voice." Yukina thought.

Meanwhile, underground,


"Why did I forgot? My father said that if I forgot something important, we need to try to be in the same situation where we remember that important thing..... but.... I didn't remember a thing!" Ardolph complained in his mind.


"I don't remember a thing...." Ardolph thought.

"It's been 30 seconds from now....." Yukina thought while staring at the sun on the sky.

"Talking about seconds...." Yukina thought. Yukina closed her eyes.

"Sister, count until 30!"

"30? Isn't that too long?"

"Since sister always found us, we need more time to hide better!"


Yukina shook her head.

"No, Yukina, you can't..." Yukina said in her mind.



"Well Gertrude..." Anne said. Gertrude listened to Anne carefully.

"Hm.... that's sick." Gertrude said calmly.



"Look! Even we still have a lot of time before the tournament started, the people already gathered here." Owy said while Junior, her owl, flied high in the sky.

"How could you know?" Vise asked. Owy smiled at Vise,

"Senses." Owy said.

"But that's cool! You could even noticed me!" Vise said.

"Hm? Why is everyone saying something weird about you didn't got recognize like somehow you're not here. Even blind man will recognize you in my opinion." Owy said in confusion.

"Well, actually...." Vise said.


"This is a big secret. This is the first time I tell to someone, it's you." Vise said.

"Hm.... if it's a secret, you could whisper it at my ear instead." Owy replied.

"Um.... okay." Vise answered, then he whispered to Owy's ear.



Yuka hide while walked to the tournament arena, trying to make sure that she wasn't recognized.

"Yuka?" Suddenly someone called her.

Yuka was really shock that she fell and she seems really terrified.

"Y-Yuka? What's wrong?" Leca asked.

"Oh..... Leca....." Yuka said in relieved.

"What's wrong? You acted really weird." Leca asked while giving Yuka a hand.

"Oh, nevermind about that...." Yuka said while accepting Leca's hand.



"Did you remember yesterdays?" A little girl with blue hair asked.

"Hm? The tournament? Which part?" The boy with purple hair asked back.

"When the red haired girl jumped to the arena." The little girl with blue hair answered.

"Oh, that one. Of course I remember." The boy with purple hair answered calmly.

".... she's our target right?" The little girl with blue hair said in nervously because they're still young, arround 12 years old.

"Yeah, we need to bring her." The boy with purple hair answered calmly.

"Then...." The girl with blue hair said in nervous and worries. The boy with purple hair patted the girl's with the blue hair head and said,

"Don't worry, Name. I'll always be there for you." The little girl with blue hair smiled and said,

"Thank you, Nomu."



"It's been a minute, I'll dig you out." Yukina said. Then Yukina focused on her magic. The wind gathered between Yukina's hands. Then Yukina smash the wind that gathered to the place Ardolph been burried. Ardolph came out to the surface.

"How was it?" Yukina asked. Ardolph shook his head and said,

"No clue...."


"I'll try again! Yukina, burry me again!" Ardolph said seriously.

"Sure. Now go back to your place." Yukina replied. Ardolph layed in the ground again and Yukina burried him again and waited for a minute.



"Honestly, can't wait...." Alexa said.

"Yeah, the second grade are better than us." Aerum answered.

"Will something happened?" Nera asked.

"Of course. We will see great fights if this is not lazy." Lucianna said coldly.

"But honestly, I can't wait to see the third grade more." Nera answered.

"Hoo, I see. There's sis Natha." Aerum answered.

"Her magic was kinda unique and it's complicated. It's a 'magic generation' magic so it makes sense that it was complicated." Lucianna answered coldly.



Yukina dig Ardolph out again.

"How was it?" Yukina asked.

"No.... clue yet." Ardolph answered.

"Let's try again!" Ardolph said then he jumped back to his place.

"Okay." Yukina answered. Then Yukina burried Ardolph again.



"....." Alicia stared to the sky silently.

"Alicia, don't make me feel bad.... if you do that, I'm sure something bad will happens." Asuka complained at Alicia.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not a fortune teller by the way so don't believe in me too much." Alicia said while eating a cookie they ordered.

"Here's is your 'mints chocolate cake' order." A boy with purplish hair said, he is a waitress.

"Oh, thank you. By the way you seems kinda cute." Asuka said to the waitress.

"Um.... thank you." The waitress answered, he was a little bit flustered.

"By the way, excuse me." The waitress said, then he left them.

"Aaaaaaassuuuuuukaaaaaaaa!" Alicia complained.

"Come on, Alicia.... it's nothing." Asuka answered.

"Huh, so you lied to him that he's cute?" Alicia asked.

"No. But praising somone on their look are normal, right?" Asuka asked.

"Hm... but I don't really like it if you flirt." Alicia answered.

"Flirt? Am I seems like flirting?" Asuka asked.

"Hm.. hmm.." Alicia answered.

"Then my bad...." Asuka answered calmly, then she ate that slice of cake.

"Hm... hm..." Alicia answered while eating the cookies and drank the tea.



"How was it?" Yukina asked.

"No... not yet.... let's try again!" Ardolph said.

"It's been 45 minutes.... that means you have do this 45 times more likely." Yukina said.

"It's okay! I'll try again!" Ardolph answered.

".... okay." Yukina said. Ardolph layed on the ground and Yukina burried him again.

Hello again guys, sorry for not updating those 3 days yesterday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter (which is I don't really enjoy) and you enjoyed this story as well. This story is kinda common so don't hope too high hehe (′ʘ⌄ʘ‵)

Hope you have a greatest day ever!

Mikhalexa123creators' thoughts
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