

"Now! We will start the game! Before that, let's explain the rule!"

Yukina stared at the stage while the representatives are gathering on the stage.


"A lot of them rejoined..." Yukina thought.

"Here is the rule! So each of you will be shared a box full of colourfull card, so now each leader of the team please take it!"

Denzel from Kannoya Academy High School, Alicia from Alanis High School, Stormy from Kenichi Kitaro, Yuka from Miyuki High School, and Katsumi from Aldora Academy gathered and each of them took one card.

Denzel got purple card, then Denzel showed it at his teammates. Alicia got blue card. Stormy got yellow card. Yuka got green card. And Katsumi got red card.

"So now please the leaders take these colourful ribons. Took the colour you got and gave it to your teammates."

Everyone took the ribbons for their teammates.

"Where should we tied it?" Asuka asked.

"Maybe instead, we should eat it... heheh..." Kurosa said.

"Damn... here!" Asuka said while giving her a loaf of big bread.

"Bread!" Kurosa cheered. Then she immediately swallow the whole big bread.

"*sigh.... you're trully scary when you're hungry..." Asuka complained while giving her more. Kurosa ate all of them, even Denzel's secret snacks he kept (he actually forgot that he brought some snacks in his pocket).

"Okay so everyone, please tied the ribbons on your head!"

Everyone did it.

"So now, we will explain the rule! So this is a stealing game. Each of you will got 5 crystal they're red, blue, yellow, green, and purple. Then, all you have to do is gather your colour crystal, but you could took another colour crystal for more points. The game is simple, after you lost your whole crystal, you'll lose. But if you lost your team colour crystal, you won't lose. We give you 30 minutes to play, and we won't play here since it will be too small. A special field was prepared outside of this arena, but don't worry, spectators will saw your game in these screens. So we will send you immediately at the special field."

Suddenly Denzel's pocket exploded smally with a puffy pink smoke,


"EEHEHH?" Denzel was shocked. But then the other leaders got the same scene of Denzel's.

"Don't worry, it was harmless. We give you the crystals in your pockets. To make sure that there's no any cheating action, so we will command each team to go one by one there in the different rows."

"Any questions?"

"Well, could we eat the crystals?" Kurosa asked. Asuka facepalmed.

"No! You can't eat the crystal! It will be considered as cheating and your team will be disqualified. Except if it was unporposelly like when you fight but suddenly your crystal flew away since they're small and suddenly got in your mouth."

"So, if the crystal was suddenly disgested unporposely, then what will the crystal be? Is it still or what...." Odelia asked.

"I don't really understand your question but if it's suddenly shallowed, it will be considered as lost so it won't be any points, but it could be the disadvantage of that colour that was shallowed team. And oh no forcing eating to others. Is it answering?"

"I see... thank you" Odelia answered.

"Okay, so any other questions?"

"Could we hide the crystal anywhere?" Katsumi asked.

"You may hide it anywhere, but not in private areas. If you do that, it will be considered as cheating because it was inappropriate and impolite and it could distract the others in inappropriate way. And you couldn't hide it inside your body like by swallow it, by hide it behind your real skin by slicing your skin and put the crystal in it, or by hide it inside your nostril, like it was weird and who would do that? If you do any of these then it will be considered as cheating."

"Okay, thanks." Katsumi said.

Then Alvina asked,

"So we could took the other crystals by force to win and we could use tricks, right?"

"Of course, that's how you play."

"Any other questions?"

No one asked.

"Then, let's start! Alanis High School, you go first since you're the first winner at the last macth."

Alanis High School team went by the robots guidance.

"Next is Kenichi Kitaro."

Kenichi Kitaro High School team went by the robots guidance.

"Next is Kannoya Academy High School."

Kannoya Academy High School team went by the robots guidance.

"Next is Aldora Academy High School."

Aldora Academy High School team went by the robots guidance.

"And last, Miyuki High School."

Miyuki High School team went by the robots guidance.



"So, I got some plan...." Denzel said.

"Let's hear it...." Ermin said.

But one of the other team was nearby. A boy with black hair was nearby and hearing their conversation.

"How was it?" A girl with blonde hair asked.

"They're planning to find Miyuki's team since they said it was the weakest, but Kurosa wants to find Kenichi's team, so on Asuka. So Denzel decided that he with Ermin will go after Miyuki and Asuka, Kurosa, and Alvina will go after Kenichi's team. They're separating, such a fool!" The black haired boy said.

"And they're not aiming at us, Aldora's team..... it's painfull..." a girl with blonde hair said.

"Katsumi, what should we do?" The black haired boy asked.

"Vise, Anne, let's chase one of their seperated team. We shouldn't underestimated Kurosa, Asuka, and Alvina since they made it in the top 10 in the race game. But about Denzel, we don't know his power yet and Ermin could control various elements, like wind and earth." The ponytailed blonde haired girl, said.

"Fire too, Katsumi." Anne, the short blonde haired girl said.

"Yeah.... we don't know how many elements she could control either...." Katsumi, the ponytailed blonde haired girl, said.

"Then..... let's chased Kurosa, Asuka, and Alvina instead. We know their power, basically Asuka was the ice weaponly elemental user. We don't know Kurosa's one, and Alvina's. But my friend told me that Alvina has fire magic but she preferred to use close range than far range." Vise, the black haired boy, said.

".... and I think Kurosa's stamina was from her food since she ate a lot before this game and her friends brought her some food. Vise, could you decrease her stamina?" Katsumi asked.

"I got it!" Vise said.

"Nyan, don't forget!" Katsumi said.

"I won't, nyan!" A girl with purplish hair said. She got a cat ears headphone on her head.

"Darchelle, don't forget too!" Katsumi said.

"How could I forgot such an important thing? Even though I want to fight Ermin but that's fine as well." Darchelle said.

"Then, let's go!"



"Robinson, you're okay, right?" A girl with short brown hair asked. Robinson face wasn't like usual.

"Don't ask like that, Aira. He's in a hard times..." Stormy said while tapping Aira's shoulder.

"Don't worry of me, Aira, Stormy." Robinson said while smilling at them.

"And we will defeat everyone just like then..." a girl with brown hair said.

"Cose, don't be too reckless." A boy with white hair said.

"Am I look reckless to you, Ouzo? I'm just pumped up!" Cose, the girl with brown hair, said while hitting her fists together.



"How was it, Owy?" Albern asked.

"Hm..... they're all quite far...." a girl with blind fold said.

"I see, then let's headed to the nearest. What do you think, Alicia?" Odelia asked.

"Well.... why don't we just wait til the last?" Alicia asked.

"As expected, Alicia. The others will be got tired at time and when they faced the last, they'll got really weakened...." Owy, the girl with blind fold, said.

"But... I want to fight Asuka too...." Alicia said.

"Then let's hope that she didn't knock out first." Odelia said while sitting on the ground.

"Okay then. We will wait." Alicia said.



"Yuka, what should we do?" A girl with white hair asked.

"We should got the news from Leca first..." Yuka, the tanned skin girl with white wavy hair said.

"Everyone wasn't arround us." Leca said.

"The nearest?" Yuka asked. Leca shook her head,

"No, nothing." Leca said.

"Hm.... then we are quite safe. Let's discuss our plan first." Yuka said.



"..... they're all though." Yukina thought.

"It will be fun, surely!" Alexa said while sitting next to Yukina.

".... I hope." Yukina answered.

Next chapter