
Last match

"So we will start the last match. After this match we will have a little break then we will continue to the next tournament game."



"My turn is near, Asuka." Alicia said while standing from Asuka's bed.

"Goodluck, Asuka. He could-" Asuka said, but then Alicia answered,

"Don't said it. Let me fight with 0% knowledge. Even though I've seen his power a little bit."

"Ah.... Alicia.... confident as always." Asuka said while smiling.

"Eh.... not really..... I just want to try to experience the real fight like you guys...." Alicia answered.

"Anyway.... I know you'll win." Asuka said.

"Ah... don't overestimate me...." Alicia said while itching her cheek a little.



"Kin Robinson.... your turn was near." Stormy said while approaching Robinson.

"Well.... shouldn't you rest now?" Robinson asked.

"Aha.... don't worry... her attack was weak..... but she got my weak point at that time...." Stormy said.


"Eh.... I never see that face... you're excited, aren't you?" Stormy asked.

"Stormy.... you're right." Robinson answered. He stood and faced toward the stage from the participants room.

"I'll finish Alicia soon, then I'll kill that brat..." Robinson said.

"Kin Robinson.... ah.... you're fiery as well..." Stormy said.

"Well, I prefer you to call just one of my name.... it's up to you to call my name from my step father or my real father." Robinson said.

"Okay then, Kin Mori." Stormy said.


"I'm sure that name will make you more fiery." Stormy said while smiling.




"Alright everybody! This is the time! The most waited match! Alicia, the strongest student from Alanis High School..... VS... Robinson, student from Kenichi Kitaro High School who just defeated 2 opponents in a row!"

Everyone cheered.

"Anyway.... could I ask?" Yukina asked. Ermin answered,

"Ask anything, asking makes you smarter."

"... why is Alicia feared so much.... and what makes her that strong?" Yukina asked.

Ermin smiled,

"I don't know if you've been taught about this or not but..... I'll explain." Ermin said.


Robinson and Alicia were standing on the stage. Robinson brought a scythe, meanwhile Alicia brought a sword.

"Are you ready?"


"Oh, you look so fiery, Robinson." Alicia said calmly.


".....???? He's suddenly silent. Unlike when he fought Asuka...." Alicia thought.

".... let's settled this soon." Robinson suddenly said.

"Alright!" Alicia answered.

"Seems you're ready..... the match will start!"

"In 3..."



Robinson jumped toward Alicia immediately. Alicia was a bit shocked because he didn't do that when he fought Asuka. Robinson swung his scythe toward Alicia from the left side to the right side. Immediately Alicia dodged Robinson's attack by bowing to the back while her legs hold her body.


"Fast!" Yukina thought.

"She was a talented and trained fighter from the Rosemary family, Alicia Jacqueline Rosemary. Since she was young, she was trained with sword with her father and magic with her mother." Ermin said.

"..... how do you know those things?" Yukina asked.

"Well, Asuka told me last three years at this place too, when there's a tournament for the Junior High Schoolers." Ermin said.

Alicia turned and managed to swung her sword in her scabbard to Robinson's scythe.

"Eh? She didn't see the whole match so that she didn't know his power?" Yukina asked in shock because Alicia swung her sword to the scythe.

"..... indeed..... in every tournament, instead of observing her opponents, she prefer to chat with her friends and eat snacks...." Ermin said with a weird smile while holding her head.

"Th-That's really...." Yukina responded.

"Stupid, right?" Ermin answered. Yukina stayed silent because Yukina's words are completed by Ermin.

Alicia pulled her sword back to her, but her scabbard stayed in the air. Her sword that looks like a beautiful crystal sword started to reflect the sunlight's warm yellow light and the blue sunny sky.


"I pulled my sword but my scabbard stayed?" Alicia thought in confusion.

Alicia jumped back, but Robinson approached her and never gave her any space.

"So.... If I touched his scythe, I'll be stayed like my scabbard..... I see...." Alicia thought.

"He knows his power, he tried to shorten our distance." Alicia thought, then she smiled.

Alicia turned her body lower while Robinson was jumping toward her. Alicia dodged Robinson's attack again from his legs. Then Alicia swung her sword toward Robinson's back, Alicia faced the dull side of her sword toward Robinson's back.

"Even she's kinda stupid.... inside.... she's quite smart.... and strong." Ermin said.

"Eh?" Yukina asked.

"Yeah.... she just didn't do what normal people do..." Ermin answered.

A great hit voice heard from the stage. Robinson was shocked, because Alicia hit him really strong. Alicia smiled elegantly, she turned her body around so that she faced back toward Robinson. Robinson fell on the stage, but then he tried to stand up again.

"Is it.... that hurt?" Yukina asked.

"Wanna ask her try it on you?" Ermin asked.

".... maybe..." Yukina answered.

Ermin was shocked, no one even wanted to try Alicia's soft message.

"Eh... uh.... okay...." Ermin responded awkwardly.

Alicia waited Robinson to stand up. Finally Robinson stood up again.

Robinson rushed toward Alicia again.

"Alicia might got some weakness here." Ermin said.

"Eh?" Yukina responded.

"Just look how she dodged." Ermin said.

Yukina looked closely.

When Robinson jumped toward Alicia again, Alicia lowered her body near the ground to turned and dodged Robinson's attack again.

"Not this time!" Robinson said while suddenly spinned in the opposite of his previous direction. Alicia's back was touched by Robinson's scythe.


".... I see....." Yukina thought.

"Yeah... she only could predicted enemy's movement in a simple pattern and it's hard for her to counter the enemy if the enemy changed their pattern." Ermin said.

"Sh-!" Alicia thought. She couldn't move an inch. Robinson stood beside Alicia's paralyzed body in the air.

"It ends....." Yukina said.


"No yet...." Ermin said.

"Eh?" Yukina responded in shock.

"Didn't you see? She hasn't use any of her magic, not even 0, 05%." Ermin answered.

"You're.... right..." Yukina said.

Robinson hold his scythe in the air, prepared to swung his scythe toward Alicia's body.

"Woah? Is this the first lost of Alicia? Or will Alicia found a way to fight back?"



Alicia laughed.

"? What are you laughing for?" Robinson asked.

Alicia still laughed, then she said,

"It's silly to lost here.... since you have hurt two of my friends."


"But you couldn't do anything right now, don't be so cocky." Robinson said.

"Eeh? Is that how it heards? Then..... I'm sorry, it's my fault.... this is the usual way I talked." Alicia answered.

Robinson started to move, he swung his scythe toward Alicia's back to slash her.

"Ah.... didn't thought I need to show my magic...." Alicia whispered slowly.

Ermin smiled,

"She got so many cards in her sleeves..." Ermin said.

"Rosemary knight, level 2." Alicia said. Then Alicia closed her eyes.

Suddenly, her body shined so bright in a yellow light. The sunlight that lights the whole place started to gathered in Alicia's body slowly. That thing shocked Robinson so that he jumped back, thought that there will be some great threats. After the lights gathered in Alicia's body, she moved her arms to the sky and stretched her back to the air. She stood up, floating in the air. Slowly she moved her legs and turned arround elegantly. While turning, her legs landed on the stage. Then she slowly opened her eyes, and her green eyes turned into bright yellow eyes.

"... woa...." Yukina said in amazed.

Alicia took her sword. Her sword reflected the warm yellow sunlight more than the blue sky. The light started to dim a little so that it won't hurt everyone's eyes.

"This is the first time Alicia showed her magic in her life!"

"Wh-What's with her magic?" Everyone thought.

"It could break Robinson's magic that easy!" Everyone thought.

Alicia stood elegantly. Then she prepared herself to attack back toward Robinson.

"..... Rosemary knight, level 1." Alicia said. Then she closed her eyes.

The lights were vanished from her body and returned to their own places. Instead, her body glowed in blue. Her sword that reflected the warm yellow sunlight changed into the cool sunny blue sky instead. Her eyes turned back to green, but in her lower part of her pupil was a mix of blue.

"Here it is..... I never saw her magic these 3 years.... I'm excited!" Ermin said.

Alicia striked toward Robinson. Robinson prepared himself and pulled his scythe out.

But then Alicia striked while spinning in the air. Then when Robinson slashed with his scythe toward Alicia, Alicia stepped on the air and jumped above Robinson's head. When she flew above Robinson's head, she faced her body toward Robinson from the air and raised her sword to the sky. Some water gathered in the air, they shaped like a lot of water swords in the air. Then Alicia pointed Robinson with her sword, and immediately the water swords striked toward Robinson.

Alicia landed on the ground while spinning on the stage on her legs gracefully like a skater. Robinson managed to stop Alicia's attack with his magic. Then he ran toward Alicia. Alicia hold her sword tighter and she ran toward Robinson too.

When they're close to each other, only a big step distance between them, Robinson started to swing his scythe while turning arround.

But Alicia slided on the stage, she slided to Robinson's left side without getting touched by his scythe, and yet she did it gracefully. After Robinson finished swinging his scythe, Alicia jumped toward him from the back.

Before Robinson realized, Alicia managed to slash his neck a little bit (just a small scratch) and his left elbow and arm. Alicia landed in front of Robinson gracefully.

When Robinson just realized that he was slashed, Alicia ran while spinning toward him and managed to slash his forehead a little. Robinson jumped back immediately after he was slashed on his forehead.

Alicia stabbed her sword on the stage's surface. Alicia closed her eyes, then the blue clouds started to give their water drops. The water drops started to gathered arround the stage.

"Seems like something to me.." Denzel said.

Then Alicia opened her eyes gently, her green eyes turned into sky blue eyes. Alicia stared at Robinson, then the water drops immediately flew toward Robinson. The water drops gathered and trapped Robinson inside a water bubble, except for his head. His scythe was in the separated water bubble, so that he couldn't stopped the water drops.

Alicia moved the big water bubble toward her. Then Alicia said in front of Robinson,

"Listen here. You better apologize, especially to Kurosa. And Stormy too, she need to apologize badly. And if you both refused, then we could have another fight out of this stage, only the three of us."

Then Alicia knocked Robinson out. Everyone cheered.

"Dear Asuka..... look, I won. I payed your lost and Kurosa's." Alicia said in her heart.

"The winner is Alicia! What a great match! We're really grateful that we could she her magic!"



".... I will shock if he won though..." Stormy thought.

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