
The day

Everyone has already gathered in front of the exit gate.

"This is it..."

"The day has come...."

"Um.... I'm sorry for disturbing your dramatical dialogs but.... what's the day you always talking about?" Yukina asked innocently.

"Huh? Yukina? You don't know yet?" Kurosa screamed.

"Well.... I am. I don't know." Yukina answered.

"Haha, okay. I'll explain." Ermin said, then she continued,

"Every week in a year, there will be a tournament of student fighting another student in the other school. The winner will got a great price and honor from the people."

"Honor? And...." Yukina was still confused.

"Haha, that's okay. Every school will have their representatives, but of course there will be some rules. In the one on one fight, it has to be the same class with the other school, like I could fight the 1st class student of the other school, but I couldn't fight the 2nd or 3rd class student even if I am strong enough. In a group fight, it's usually divided fairly. Last year, the group fight was included 1 student from the 3rd class, 2 students from the 2nd class, and 3 students from the 3rd class. But you know that the tournament always change every year so...."

"I see...." Yukina answered calmly.



"Pip pop! Pip pop!" Two weird flying robot suddenly came.

"Who's that?" Denzel asked.

"Hello! I am Pin!" A weird flying robot that looks like a duck said.

"And I am Pon!" Another weird flying robot that looks like a duck said.

"Today, we will guide you to the arena." Pin said.

Then Pin and Pon looked at Yukina and asked,

"And who are you? You're not the Kannoya Academy student."

"Oh, I just lived here." Yukina answered.

"Ooh... if that so.... you couldn't join this tournament as the representative. Look at there, there's a car called Pun." Pin said.

"Pun! Pun!" A car appeared.

"You'll be take to the arena as the spectator." Pon said.

"I see... okay then, thank you." Yukina said while walking to Pun and went in it.


"And prepare yourself, because...." Pon said.

Then they turned arround and said,

"The tournament has started!"

"Huh? Right here?" Asuka asked.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll show you the map to the arena." Pon said while showing them a screen of a map.

"So you will all raced to the arena. This is an individual race so you don't need to help the others. And for sure magic are allowed." Pin said.

"But then.... a school that was nearby the arena will won first for sure!" Denzel complained. But Pon and Pin laughed,

"Don't worry, everyone asked that, and we have think about it." Pon said.

"Look at this map and the light blue coloured ways are the way to the arena!" Pin said.

"Hum..... actually Kenichi Kitaro was the nearest school to the arena but.... the way are turned and it makes it farther." Osamu said.

"Good! Good! Good! So the rute were all 1 km to the arena no matter what." Pin said.

"And becareful... hihihi.... some of the rute meet each others and there will be a lot of traps and hurdles. We will be your cameras since everyone has gathered to the arena. I mean the spectators." Pon said.

"Soooo.... are you ready?" Pin asked.

"Wait.... if this is the way, will it be cheating if someone has started first?" Rheinalth asked.

"No! No! No! Not like that! If any school hasn't ready yet, the robots that guide the students won't take a move until everyone confirmed that they're all ready! Your school and the Alanis School are the one who haven't answered that you're ready yet! So..... are you ready?" Pon asked.


"Okay!" Everyone said.

"Okay then, let's wait for Alanis School." Pin said.


After a minute,

"We will start! In 3..... 2..... 1!" Pon and Pin said.

Then immediately everyone ran as fast as they could.

Alfred looked at his back and thought,

"Everyone left behind...."

"Alfred, as usual, you're the fastest of all! Don't look back and you'll be there first for sure!" Pon said while flying above Alfred. But then Alfred smiled and said,

"Okay then!"

Alfred put out a weird glass and put it on his right eye. Then he brought a bread and hold it on his back.

Immediately, Kurosa that left behind felt it,

"I feel that there's a delicious food in front."

Immediately Kurosa ran as fast as she could with her dark magic. She got faster and faster after hitting some shadows from the others and the trees nearby.

"Hoho, even if you could be the first, you still think of your friends?" Pon asked.

"Why should I win it alone? It won't be fun! I don't really like to be called the fastest actually.... I prefer to be called the one who makes everyone fast." Alfred answered.

"Hoho! You're cool! I like it!" Pon said.

Meanwhile, Denzel at behind opened his screen magic.

"Is the traps not there yet?" Denzel thought.

Then Denzel used his magic and contacted his friends from his magic,

"It's still safe at front."


Everyone tried to ran as fast as they could.

"Pin! Pin! They're still working together even this is an individual race.... well no one forbid it so..." Pin said.

No longer, Kurosa was at Alfred's back.

"Faster.....!" Alfred thought. His body shined and he became faster. Looking at that, Kurosa tried to be faster too,

"Shadow move!"

Kurosa disappeared. But Alfred knew that Kurosa followed him.

Suddenly, when Alfred step on the road, some of it exploded. Immediately Alfred jumped and saw that there's a lot of traps there. Alfred wasn't cautious that he forgot he was jumping and nearby to landing.

"Oh sh--"Alfred thought because he was sure that where he will landed was another trap. But when he touch the ground, it was a spring that threw Alfred a little bit far to the back again.

"Ah! Bread!" Kurosa said while chasing the bread that was fall from Alfred after Alfred was threw.

"Hm.... so in there, I need to fly..." Alfred thought.

In the back, Denzel contacted his friends and said,

"We better fly after 200 meter from here."


Kurosa flew on the ground as a shadow so that the traps weren't activated while eating Alfred's bread. But because Kurosa has the bread, she moved slower than before.

No longer, Alfred showed up again and jumped far on the air. Alfred brought a delicious taiyaki on his hand. Alfred escaped the ground traps and ran faster.

"Taiyaki!" Kurosa yelled. Immediately Kurosa chased Alfred on her max speed.


No longer, there were some moving magic trees that were blocking them. Alfred jumped away from the trees, but one of the tree caught Alfred's leg and threw Alfred on the ground. Kurosa came at Alfred and ate the taiyaki Alfred brought.

At the back,

"After the traps, there will be some magic trees 10 meters ahead." Denzel contacted his friends.



"Tch, we need to fight this thing..." Alfred thought.

"Um, Kurosa, help me." Alfred said.

"Okay! But give me sausages later." Kurosa said.

Kurosa raised her arms. Bigger arms from shadows appeared. The arms caught the magic trees so that the magic trees couldn't move freely. Alfred passed the trees easily. Kurosa managed to destroy a tree, but there are 6 more.

"....." Alfred started to think.

"I couldn't brought Kurosa like just now or everyone will be blocked by the magic trees."

Alfred stopped and tried to think what to do.

Suddenly Denzel contacted him,

"Go ahead, Alfred. Asuka was nearby."

Alfred smiled and he rushed in front.

"Tell me if Asuka and Kurosa managed to destroy the trees." Alfred contacted Denzel back.


"Kurosa! Switch!"

Immediately Kurosa jumped back and the shadow arms released those trees.

"Ice rapier, glide!"

Asuka frozed those trees. Kurosa shaped the shadows like a giant hammer that hit those trees in pieces.

"Alfred, they managed it." Denzel contacted Alfred back.

Immediately Asuka jumped and hold toward Kurosa.

Alfred said,


Alfred hold a sausage in his hand. Kurosa felt it,


Immediately Kurosa rushed toward Alfred and since Asuka was holding on Kurosa's body, Asuka and Kurosa rushed together. But Kurosa become a little bit slower because of Asuka. Then Asuka said,

"Be ready, I'll make the way faster."

Since the way was downward, Asuka said,

"Ice rapier, frozen touch." Asuka hold her ice rapier and touched the ground so that the ground started to freeze. Kurosa sat down meanwhile Asuka was holding Kurosa. Kurosa and Asuka slipped down together fastly.

Asuka contacted Denzel immediately,

"Denzel, I made the downward way frozen so that you just need to slip fastly."

"Okay." Denzel said. Then Denzel told the others about that.


No longer,

"It's flat, Asuka!" Kurosa said.

"Okay!" Asuka answered, then she continued,

"Ice rapier, mountain!"

"Asuka! Don't tell me-" Kurosa yelled in shock. A mountain appeared in front of them so that they slipped and flew in the air.


Alfred looked at his back that Asuka and Kurosa was near, so he decided to be faster. His body shined more and he ran faster.

"Wooaaaaaah! Asukaaaaa!" Kurosa screamed.

"Okay...." Asuka said.

"Ice rapier, mountain!" Asuka said. Another mountain appeared.

"Nooo! This is not a skating parkour or whatever--" Kurosa screamed. They slipped and flew to the air again.

"Fuh... okay then." Asuka answered.

"Ice rapier, frozen touch." Asuka said.

When they're landing, the ground frozen again and they slipped again. It was like a waterpark but with a frozen slides.


Suddenly Alfred found a moving land. Some of then was moving upward, some of them downward, it was random.

"Denzel, look at this." Alfred said.

"Okay. Guys, after the frozen mountain slipping, 30 meters ahead will be a moving land. Upward and downward randomly." Denzel said.


Alfred tried to jump on one of the land, immediately the land went downward meanwhile the other was upward, so Alfred ran on the upward's wall land. He reached the top and ran forward, but then again the land went downward, but luckily he managed to jump as soon as it was happened.

"I see..." Denzel said.

"The land will went downward as soon as you step on it, so we need to move fast later." Denzel contacted everyone.


"Okay, the frozen slide ends.... Here!" Asuka said while creating another mountain.

"AAASUKKAAAA!" Kurosa yelled. They flew on the air again above the moving land.

"Be ready, Kurosa. As soon as we step on that moving land..." Asuka said.

"It will move downward to trap you." Kurosa continued. So they moved fast.

After stepping on one moving land, Kurosa immediately jumped to the air to another land.


"The way is small here...." Alfred thought. But he still tried to run as fast as he could even the way was really small that the way only fit one person. It was a tunnel.

"Kurosa, it was a small tunnel." Asuka said.

"Don't worry! I hate tunnels!" Kurosa said. Then Kurosa jumped to the air and climbed on the tunnel.

"I see... there are two ways!" Denzel said.

But after Kurosa arrived on the top of the tunnel, there are a lot of robots that was ready to attacked them. Immediately Kurosa destroy the robots, but then another robots appeared.

"Just move forward, Kurosa." Asuka said. Then Kurosa ran forward as soon as she could.

Finally Alfred managed to get throught that tunnel. Kurosa and Asuka was right on Alfred's back, so that Alfred increased his speed again. Kurosa and Asuka followed him.


Meanwhile, at the back,

"Ardolph, could you help us?" Denzel asked.

"Okay!" Ardolph said, then he continued,

"Earth Axe!" An axe that was created from a strong dirt appeared. Then he destroyed the walls that made the way small. He tried to do as fast as he could. Then suddenly a super dark skinned girl appeared and touched the walls, she said,


The walls turned into a small particles of the wall materials. Immediately Ardolph said,


The girl smiled,

"Don't worry." She said.


Alfred, Kurosa, and Asuka ran forward. Then there's a big water in front.

"Give it to me!" Asuka said.

"Ice rapier, frozen touch." Immediately Asuka threw her ice rapier to the center of the water and the water was frozen. Kurosa and Asuka slipped on the ice again with Alfred this time so that they moved faster.


No longer, there are some stones blocking the way.

Immediately Kurosa raised her arms and some shadows turned into a giant shadows arms. Kurosa moved all of those stones away. Then, the arena was seen.

"There!" Kurosa said.

Then Alfred arrived at the arena, and everyone cheered. Then Kurosa and Asuka came after Alfred.


"There he is! Alfred! The fastest student from Kannoya Academy! But unfortunately he got the third place! But still, good job!" A girl said from the stage.

"Third? Then there's another one..." Alfred thought. Then he saw a girl with purple hair and another girl with blonde hair.

"Hmph! Slow!" A girl with blonde hair laughed at him.

"It wasn't because he was slow, because his friends was slow.... you should just leave your friends." The purple haired girl said coldly.


"Here it is, Albern! One of the fastest student from Alanis School, but unfortunately he was a little bit late from Kurosa and Asuka! So he was the sixth who arrived." The girl on the stage said.

A boy with dark blue hair seems pissed off,

"If it wasn't because of that boy..."

Kurosa putted Asuka down.

Then Kurosa came at Alfred and say,


Then Alfred gave the sausage and another snacks that he prepared for Kurosa to Kurosa. Then Kurosa immediately ate them all, but she kept 9 snacks.

"Why did you kept those?" Alfred asked.

Then Kurosa gave one snack to Alfred,

"Energy bar, you said you like this."

"Oh, I see... thanks." Alfred said while accepting the snack from Kurosa.

"Asuka! This is the cold mint candy you like." Kurosa said while giving the candy to Asuka.

"Thanks." Asuka said.

Kurosa came at the first winner and gave her a snack, but she said,

"Sorry, that low-key snacks wasn't fit on my stomach, Kannoya Students."

"Okay!" Kurosa said. Then she ate the snack.

Kurosa came at the second winner, but she said,

"Accepting food or anything from enemy is such a stupid things to do."

"Okay." Kurosa said. Then Kurosa ate the snack.

"Here he is! Robinson! Kenichi Kitaro students won 2 places in the top 10! Robinson was the seventh who came here."

Then Kurosa came to the sixth winner, but he was pissed off and slapped Kurosa's hand that brought the snack so that the snack fell on the ground.

"Aa-aa-aaaaa...." Kurosa cried.


"Calm down, the snack was still in the packet." The seventh winner said while giving back the snack to Kurosa.

"*sobs, Thank you!" Kurosa cried. Then she ate it.

"Here, take this if you want." Kurosa said with a shaking voice because she was still sobbing.

"Oh, don't worry. If you want it, just eat it." The seventh winner said. Kurosa cried,

"You such.... *sobs.... a good boy.... *sobs." Immediately Kurosa ate the snack.

"Wow! What shocking! Leca! The magicless student from Miyuki School sat on the eighth place!"

"Magicless?" Alfred thought shockly.

A super short girl came.

"Tch, stupid, having a super weak magic doesn't means I am magicless, d*****s*s." The girl complained coldly.

"Here she is! Alvina! The aggressive student from Kannoya Academy now sat on the ninth place!"

"Tch.... need to be faster." Alvina said while walking to the stage.

"Heheh, what shocking a slow armoured girl came in the ninth place." Alfred teased Alvina.

"Hah? Said that to my face!" Alvina yelled.

"Well, let me said it again and please use your ear." Alfred teased Alvina again.

"Um... guys... stop!" Asuka said.

Then Kurosa came at the eighth winner to give her a snack,

"H-Here... if you want..." Kurosa said.

"Hm? A chocolate bar? Nice! Sweets are good for your energy, but don't ate too much." The eighth winner accepted the snack and then she ate it.

"And these are the top ten! Amiko, the second grade of Kannoya Academy!"

"Am I the only second grade? What shocking! Maybe the other grade except for the first grade lost their motivation since this is an individual race and it didn't add the point for winning the tournament." A short green haired girl appeared while floating.

"Well, and I guess I'm underestimated you guys." Amiko continued while landing on the ground calmly.

"Here she is! Alicia! The strongest student from Alanis School! Unfortunately Amiko came in first right before her. Alicia was the eleventh student who came here."

"Aaah..... damn.... I'm almost top ten...." a girl with long braided blonde hair complained.

"Alicia!" Asuka immediately approached Alicia.

"Oh, Asuka.... damn.... you're always fast..." Alicia complained. Then they both have a chat.

Kurosa gave Alvina a spicy snacks since Alvina loves hot things. Then Kurosa came at Amiko and gave her a matcha mochi and gladly Amiko accepted it.



"Wow! Amazing! This year the first grade are sure fiery! Almost all of the first grade came first!"

"So here is the list!"

A big screen appeared. It shows the top 10 students who came first.

1. Stormy from the 1 grade of Kenichi Kitaro High School

2. Odelia from the 1 grade of Alanis High School

3. Alfred from the 1 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

4. Kurosa from the 1 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

5. Asuka from the 1 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

6. Albern from the 1 grade of Alanis High School

7. Robinson from the 1 grade of Kenichi Kitaro High School

8. Leca from the 1 grade of Miyuki High School

9. Alvina from the 1 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

10. Amiko from the 2 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

"Well done! Everyone did amazing! So, let's wait for the other students to came!"

Everyone finally came. The last 10 students were:

10. Tomie from 1 grade of Alanis High School

9. Nera from 1 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

8. Amina from 3 grade of Miyuki High School

7. Huko from 1 grade of Miyuki High School

6. Togata from 1 grade of Aldora Academy High School

5. Hope from 2 grade of Kannoya Academy High School

4. Aminyan from the 1 grade of Aldora Academy High School

3. Aira from the 1 grade of Kenichi Kitaro High School

2. Yuka from the 1 grade of Miyuki High School

1. Toshiko from the 1 grade of Alanis High School

In the spectators place, Yukina was watching the whole time, then she taught,

"It was fun, but I might be in the last 10 students who came."

Ardolph's mother who sat next to Yukina said,

"It seems fun, right?"

"Hm." Yukina said while nodding.

"Sis Asuka was amazing! Sis Asuka was like mother!" A little girl with brownish hair cheered.

"Right? Asuka gain all the speed from mother and father, I'm kinda jealous you know..." a young woman with black hair said while laughed.

"Well, actually Asuka only grab on Kurosa...." Yukina said.

"Yes, that was right. But she managed to make Kurosa and the other from Kannoya Academy speeded up. Still, her speed was better than the others, except for Alfred. And maybe she was trying to keep her speed." The young woman said.

"Hm... I see." Yukina answered.

But then she thought with a confused face,

"But grabbing on another representative was cheating?"

Next chapter