

"Or maybe..." Osamu said while thinking. Then he said,

"Eyes of the fortunes."

Then his eyes glowed into a various colours.

"I see..... I am right...." Osamu said.

"They got an area to attack and somehow the area was decreasing every seconds.... it's getting smaller and smaller." Osamu continued.

"Huh? Area? But if you said if they got an area, then how could they chased us before?" Alfred asked.

"This makes senses now.... it's a good news." Osamu answered.

"Huh? Just spill it! I don't get it." Alfred complained.

"Well, before the enemy was in a good condition. Seeing the way they recovered, these must be the clones that pink haired girl made to chase us. That pink haired girl must be at least make an area attack as big as a city. But since Denzel and the others hold her, she needs to attack them too. And making her clones to use magic will drain her power too. I'm really sure she's getting tired now since their area just some meters from the restaurant." Osamu said.

"Oooh..... I see..... then...." Alfred said while running toward the nurse and dragged one of them out of the area. When one of the nurse was dragged out, they turned into blood.

"Jaaah.... disgusting..." Alfred complained while trying to clean his hands from the blood.

"Yes Alfred.... it is the way." Osamu said. Then he opened the book again and said,


A plants roots appeared and then Osamu said,


The plants roots wrapped the other nurse's body and dragged her toward him. When the nurse was out from the area, the nurse turned into a blood too.

"Cih, Osamu.... you should've told me earlier if they'll turn into blood..... I'm really sure these blood stain won't get off forever.... and this is my favorite..... " Alfred complained.

"Haha.... then buy the new one." Osamu laughed at Alfred.

"It's not that easy.... you pay....." Alfred complained.

"No, you should said that to that pink haired girl.... hahaha..." Osamu laughed.

"Tch..... aaaaaaarggh.... the smell....." Alfred cried.



"Guys, are you okay?" Suddenly Lucianna showed up.

"Oh yeah, we just found their weaknesses... thanks to Osamu." Alfred said while pointing at Osamu.

"Ho-How about the others?" Lucianna asked.

"Oh, we haven't checked for it..." Alfred answered.

"Let's get hurry." Osamu said while running inside again.

Then everyone followed Osamu.






"Uh..." Yukina tried to stood up, but she couldn't.

"It's..... hurt... really hurt....." Yukina thought.

But she tried to gain her strength. She finally could sat down, but then she couldn't move any of her body. Yukina stared at Junko and Junko was realizing her.

Immediately Junko got slashed again. But when Junko was slashed, she recovered again to normal, but slower.

Yukina tried hard to moved her body. Then she managed to move her left arm 2 cm from the original place, but her blood was taken out from her hand in her normal place, like when you're taking a bone outside from it's flesh. Because of that, Yukina couldn't move her left arm anymore and her left arm just fell on the ground like that.

Everyone who saw that was scared obviously. When Junko stunned you, there's no other choice other than just follow Junko's command.

Junko got slashed again, but she recovered again, but slower.



Immediately, Junko raised her hand toward the hall at her right side. Alfred (that was running toward her trying to attack) got stunned and he couldn't move a little bit.

"Magic eraser." Osamu said.

Then Alfred could move his body again. Seeing that, Junko paralyzed Osamu. Osamu couldn't move and he fell on the ground and the book disappeared. After paralyzing Osamu, Junko paralyzed Alfred too.

Junko took three deep breath. Suddenly a flying blade cut of her right hand. When Junko turned to see who did that, a man hit her head hardly, but when the man hit her, he was like hitting a liquid. Then Junko paralyzed that man too.

Junko command the man to fall back. The man fell on the ground. Junko took her right hand and connect them again.

"The hero just defeated a second he showed up.... should I call somebody else-" Lucianna thought, but then she couldn't move too. Her body walked from the dark and she showed up.

"Damn... she controlled me too...." Lucianna thought.


Junko took four deep breathe. She closed her eyes, tried to focusing in herself.

But suddenly Junko got slashed again.

"It's not Yukina....." Junko thought. Then she realized.

"It's that low-key hero..... is this his magic? I only could confirm it if I got a drip from his blood...." Junko said in her mind.

"In that case...." Junko thought. She raised her hand toward Inbladions, the low-ranked hero. Inbladions felt weak like the others and everyone couldn't use any magic except for Junko.

Then Junko command the ice spikes to stabbed Inbladions' arms and his blood flowed out from his body and wrapped him hardly.



Junko coughed and a blood drip dropped from her mouth. Junko breath unconditionally.

Denzel saw it and realized,

"She's on her limit...."

Junko's body started to swing from left to right, her conscious are fading. But then she stepped on the floor really hard so that she could stand still. She choked them hardly so they're hardly breathe, but she choked the hero harder.


Another blood drip dropped again. She knelt on the ground, trying to gain her energy. She touched her blood drip, and the blood drip absorbed to her body again.

Junko took five deep breathe. She's lack of energy.





"Why sh-should I tell you?" Masashi asked. Nera was shocked and she said,

"You got the point, why should you tell me?!"

But then,

"Wait..... ha! You should tell me because you're my-- our captive now!" Nera said.

"E-E? C-Captive? T-This is bad...." Masashi said.

"So.... said everything to me..... or I'll.... I'll..... I'll...." Nera said nervously. Then she showed a caterpillar from her pocket.

"Or I'll make you eat this!" Nera yelled.

"Gaaaah! Caterpillar! D-Disgusting!" Masashi screamed.

"Yeah! Said it and.... don't say to cater she's disgusting! She's such a cutie! The cutest caterpillar in the world!" Nera said back while petting the caterpillar.

"J-Jeez.... f-fine..." Masashi said while shaking because he was disgusted by that caterpillar Nera brought.

"Junko, she's one of the strongest member we have. She could do anything if there's blood with her. The problem is, she got a weak stamina and really low energy. Controlling the others blood remains a lot of energy, and since her energy was really low, it will absorb the stamina and turned the stamina into the energy. And actually Junko's stamina is weak too. Her source of energy was the blood, but it won't affect much on her body. In fact, she's still weak. Controlling blood from a body was harder than when the blood was outside of the body. Controlling others magic was harder because you need to control their blood too. Controlling others movement was harder too since she need to send the blood through the heart and make the heart beats as she want, to increase the speed of the blood to the other part of the body, then she'll move the body as her will. The amount of blood needs to be balanced to make them move easier. To tear out an organ was the easiest way to kill, that's why she used it everyday. She need to make the blood harder and shape them sharply to tore out the organ, or just make the blood in a great pressure so that the organ got off from the victim body. To stunned someone, she just need to shaped the blood as the blood circulation system and to make them alive she just need to circulate the heart part and the lungs and the brain. To make them move, she just need to force the blood to move with a great pressure so that they couldn't move another way. And if they do, the hardened blood will stayed and the body parts move and that's mean the blood circulation stayed and your body was moved and that will made your body circulation got off from your body. I think that's all I know...." Masashi said.

"I see... wh-what happened to her before?" Nera asked.

"She never talked about it. Only our boss and his vice know about this." Masashi answered.

".... I see.... then..." Nera said while made herself comfortable with her position of sitting beside Masashi.

"I'll not ask you to eat cater." Nera said while putting cater inside her pocket.





A glass break voice was heard. Someone kicked Junko's body so that she fell of. Everyone could move freely.

"Tch.... Pinkish..... I didn't call for your help." Inbladions complained. A girl with pinky hair laughed and said,

"But you seems to need some help."

"Shut up.... I could handle it by my sel-" Inbladions said, but then Junko stood up again and stunned them all. But when the moment she stunned them all, her eyes started to bleed out and she coughed and blood drip dropped from her mouth again. She's dizzy and her conscious were fading.

She choked them again. But the moment she choked them, she slowly fell on the floor.

Everyone was freed and safe.

"Ah such a fortune of you guys that she's on her limits." Pinkish, the hero girl, said.

Everyone stood up and said,

"Thank you for saving us..... urgh..."

"We need to call ambulances for all of them." Inbladions said. Then they called ambulances for all of them. Yukina, Aerum, and the others got special treatments, and Junko was in a critical condition.

Next chapter