
Trouble on the way

The reinforcements for the Sloth soldiers fighting on the frontline were marching north through the sea of mist.

They were all moving alongside the path marked in such a way so that only humans were able to notice it.

The journey was long and arduous, their path was twisting and turning in the most unusual way that seemed extremely impractical.

But no one dared to stray off or take a shortcut.

The thickness of the mist increased a hundredfold even a single step off the marked path and was filled to the brim with monsters that although weaker than titan-class, were still posing a serious threat to the members of the intelligent races.

Amongst the marching soldiers, was a group of people from the south.

Although everyone going north had the same equipment, for the most part, the southerners still managed to stand out like a sore thumb.

First of all, they were lagging behind.

Not because they were lazy, but rather...

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