
An actual peaceful talk


More growls came and Cranberry closed her eyes and massaged her forehead even harder.

Zombie's logic was all fine and dandy...

...for a rotten brain, that is...

If he paid attention during the lessons he took together with Cranberry, he would remember that for the elves the family is the most important thing.

He would also know that the second most important thing, is the bond that all elves share as a race.

It was very unlikely that the elves of the hidden village would harm another elf, even if they didn't know her.

Though, at the same time, maybe that simple logic that was fueling Zombie, had some truth in it after all...

If, for example, Lairs was being chased by the pursuers from the Envy family, the forest elves could have ignored her for the sake of protecting their family.

Whether that logic was true or not, Cranberry walked over to the naked elf and looked at his face.

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