
4. don't fall in love

Elizabeth and Thomas left the loud bar. She couldn't believe what she was doing and she didn't want to let her heart tell her what to do. She didn't want to go through the same things as in the past. The weather was cold and Elizabeth started to shiver. Thomas noticed it and asked her:

- Do you want my jacket? I see you're cold.

- It's ok! she said

- No, it's not, I insist. Take it!

Thomas took off his jacket and put it on Elizabeth's shoulders. Like she told him, earlier in the bar, he was a classic gentleman and that warmed her heart. She felt this was her chance to have a love story like in all fairytales. But, Elizabeth tried to push all of those thoughts to the back of her mind. She didn't want to let herself fall in this mirage, so she had to be careful.

- Are you ok, Elizabeth?

- Yes! I was just thinking about things. Sorry!

- No, it's ok! It's actually comfortable to walk like this, he said.

- Where are we going? she asked. You're making me curious!

- If I would told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

- Oh, come on! she said in a childish way

Thomas started laughing at her actions. When Elizabeth was curious she always acted that way, almost begging the person to tell her.

- If you're not telling me, then I'm not coming with you, Elizabeth said and stopped walking.

- Fine! We're going to North Williamsburg Pier. Are you satisfied now?

- Very! Sorry for ruining your surprise, but I'm a very curious person since I was little.

- Where are you from? he asked

- UK. London, actually! You?

- Didn't you found out when you did your research, for the interview?

- I did, but I tried to be polite. That's how my mother taught me, she said and that brought her sadness.

Her expression changed and it made Thomas wonder if he did something to upset her.

- Did I say something to upset you? he asked. You seem sad.

- No, you did nothing wrong! I just remembered how my mother was.

- Was? Sorry if I'm asking you personal things!

They arrived at the place and sat down on a bench. The view was amazing, all of the city being visible. The shiny town seemed out of a fairytale.

- My parents and my sister, Sophie, died in a car accident, she said almost crying. It happened when I was five and Sophie was nine. We were going to the countryside, where we had a small house. Our parents took us there every weekend, so that we can get rid of the busy town. The road was free and my father drived slow, so that we can admire the landscapes. But, out of nowhere a car was coming fast on our side of the road. My father didn't have time to avoid it and we collided frontal. I was the only survivor, my mother and father died right way and Sophie died two days after. I was raised by my aunt and that's how I met Emma. That was the best thing that happend to me since my parents died, she said with tears starting to fill her eyes.

Thomas got closer and hugged her. Elizabeth felt protected in his arms and started to sob.

- You didn't have told me this, he whispered in her ear.

- It's ok! I wanted to.

The feeling the hug gave her was making her want to melt in his hug.

- Let's stay like this a little bit more, please! she said.

After they broke the hug, Elizabeth felt better. She surprised herself with her actions. What made her do all of this? Could it be the fact that she was falling in love? No, it's not possible! She couldn't do that.

- Let's walk a bit! Elizabeth said. I'm getting cold.

- You should go home! Rest a bit and we'll do this another time, he said.

- I don't want this night to end, Thomas!

- Me neither, Elizabeth!

She liked the way her name sounded when he said it. The feeling she got, being all alone with him, made her want to stop time and be in this moment forever.

- Let me take you home! I don't want you to walk alone at night.

- It's okay! I can call a cab. I don't want to bother you.

- You're not bothering me. And we're not arguing about this, he said.

- Yes sir! Elizabeth said teasingly

They left the pier and started walking to Elizabeth's apartment. The walk was silent, but it wasn't the awkward type of silence. It felt somehow comforting to walk with Thomas beside her, it felt natural, like this was supposed to happen. Elizabeth thought that she won't feel this way, that in some kind of way she'll stop herself from falling in love, but it was impossible. The man beside her made Elizabeth feel a lot of thing, positive and negative. She was feeling happy, but she was scared at the same time. What if Thomas will hurt her like Noah did? But what if he'll be the man of her life? It was fifty-fifty and that's why she didn't want to fall in love again.

- We're here! Elizabeth announced with a sad tone in her voice

- It looks nice and quiet, he said.

- It is, because most of the people that live here are old or married, so no parties, she said and chuckled.

- Before I leave, I just want to say that I'm glad you came and I hope we will repeat the experience.

- I'm glad that I came too!

- Good night, Elizabeth!

- Wait! Your jacket... she said and took the jacket off of her shoulders.

- Keep it! This way I know you will come to the next date. Good night!

- Good night, Thomas! she said as she started to feel her cheeks heating up.

Elizabeth entered the building with Thomas's jacket on her shoulders, his perfume filling her senses. It smelled like mint and mahogany wood. She already missed him and the fact that he told her to keep the jacket, so that he can be sure that she'll come to the next date, made her heart beat faster.

- "Date"... it feels nice, she whispered as she was going up the stairs to the shared apartment.

When she entered the apartment, Emma was waiting for her on the couch with an enormous smile on her face.

- So... Emma started to say.

- So, what? Elizabeth asked.

- Wait a second... Emma said as she got up from the couch. Is this Mr. McDreamy's jacket?

- Can you stop calling him that? And yes, it is.

- You're already possesive? Emma asked

- I'm not possesive. It's just annoying.

- Did you forgot to give him back the jacket?

- No, he told me to keep it, so that he'll be sure I will come to the next date, Elizabeth said with a smile on her face.

- Finally!

- What? Elizabeth asked as she laid on the couch.

- Move your ass so I can sit too!

- "Move your ass so I can sit too!" Elizabeth imitated Emma, like a five year old.

- You're so fucking childish, Emma told her. So, how was the date?

- Wonderful! He's such a gentleman, he even walked with me until we got in front of the building. I told him I don't want to bother him and I will take a cab, but he didn't let me.

- He is perfect for you. Please, don't miss this chance! Emma said

- I don't know what to say...what if he's like Noah and I will go through the same thing again? I don't want those things to happen again, Elizabeth said.

- Not every man is like Noah. And plus, he seems like a really nice person.

- Noah seemed nice in the beginning, too! And he did what he did. You know what happened, too damn well. You saw how broken and how scared for my life I was. The fact that I came here, in New York, was my chance at survival and I don't want to jeopardize it, but Thomas makes me feel things that I had never felt. It's such a complicated thing and I don't know what to do. I want to go to the next date with him, but at the same time, I don't want to go so I won't catch feelings for him, Elizabeth said and sighed.

- I can't help you in this matter, because I didn't go through what you did. But, I'm telling you that at least you should try it, her friend told her.

- If I try, I will catch feelings, because I already feel I do! Why is love so complicated? Elizabeth asked retorically.

- Please, Liz, go get some sleep and we will talk more about this in the morning. It's clear that you're not feeling so good, even if the date was amazing, Emma said.

- Ok. Good night, Em!

- Good night, Liz!

Elizabeth went in her bedroom and got ready for bed. Her thoughts were running all over the place, from Thomas, the man she was falling in love with and Noah, the man that ruined her. She was so broken inside, that she was scared to fall in love. "Don't fall in love, Elizabeth!" was the single thought that was floating in her head when she fell asleep.

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