
Chapter 3: Her Tenth

Anna looks at her reflection in the mirror with a frown on her face. It is a special day for her but she looks unhappy instead of delighted for this special occasion.

She stares disappointedly at her own face and her eyes travels to her hair. Noticing the girlish green bow on top of her head makes her grimace all the more.

The green dress is nice. It's her favorite color. But then she prefers jeans and her regular cotton shirts. However, her Marmee Rose surprises her with this dress. She sighs a bit.

"Why does Marmee insist on making me wear this stupid dress? It's my birthday so am I not allowed to choose what I like to wear?" she exclaims to her reflection, as if it will answer back.

"I think I should change. Popsie will understand. He has always been understanding with what I like." she continues to complain.

She looks back on her morning jogs with her dad. They love the time spent together breathing the fresh morning dew and earthy aromas. They take the trail past the willow tree. Both doesn't mind the early morning chill. It's very relaxing for them.

Anna and her Popsie Reed spend their time talking almost about anything. Even her fantasy stories about werewolves, vampires, fairies and other creatures are lengthy topics for their discussions. His dad shares her adventurous personality.

Anna's reflection gave her a wide grin, as if to tease her.

"Marmee is right you know? We should be ladylike, like a true Princess. Besides, that green dress brings out the glow in our green eyes." interrupts her reflection, praising Anna so as to convince her otherwise.

"Well, you and Marmee don't really understand! I wish Jo is here already. She will agree with me better than you!" Anna argues back as if it's a normal thing to discuss with your reflection like that.

With a last frown towards the mirror, Anna rushes out the door as her reflection disappears from the mirror.

Downstairs, Popsie Reed and Marmee Rose are already waiting for Anna. Standing between them is a skinny girl in blue sweater, black jeans and white sneakers. The girl is as tall as Anna but has a little darker shade of skin tone than hers.

Upon seeing Anna going down from her bedroom, the girl smiles widely.

"Happy birthday, Anna! You look really pretty my friend!"

Anna stares at her best friend’s clothes and wishes she was wearing the same as her. However, seeing her friend is enough reason for her to forget how she feels ridiculously awkward with her attire today. She smiles back widely.

"You're here already! What took you so long? I can't start my birthday party without my best friend!" Anna jokingly complains as she gives Jo a tight hug.

They both giggle excitedly as if they haven't seen each other for a while when in truth, they were busy early morning helping Marmee Rose make sandwiches.

"Sorry I had to finish some packing of my unused toys and things. My mom says she has to get rid of some stuff too. So, I took some time sorting my things. A bit wrong timing but you know how Mom is when she starts on something, she would not stop until they are done.”

“But I'm here now so let's start the party." Jo replies apologetically, handing Anna a small wooden box. "I hope you'll like this." She gives her best friend a proud smile. "Popsie and I worked really hard on this very special project for your birthday," she adds.

"Thanks, Jo. Let's eat! I'm hungry already." Anna grabs Jo's hands as she leads her towards the dining table filled with all of her favorite food.

"Marmee you're the best! Thanks for all of these. I love you, heaps!"

"You're most welcome dear. Anything for our little sunshine!" Marmee Rose responds happily.

“By the way Joanna, where is your mom? I prepared so much food which is more than enough for all of us.” Marmee Rose asks.

“Sorry about that Marmee. Mom told me to apologize that she cannot join us today. She went to Aunt Lila’s house. She finds it an urgent matter to bring her extra stuff there today.” Jo replies with humor.

Anna stares at all her favourites; tomato pasta, baked potatoes, cheese bread, garden salad and a lime cake! The cucumber sandwiches that Jo, Marmee and Anna prepared this morning are also enticing Anna to start eating.

"Darling, aren't you going to wait for your other guests to arrive before you start?" Marmee Rose asks.

Anna and Jo look at each other, smiling at the same time. Then Anna replies, "I didn't invite anyone else because I am positive no one else will come anyway. I am totally fine with just me and Jo here!"

Anna shrugs her shoulders to show that it's not a big deal for her. Holding her best friend’s hand, Anna moves closer to the table. Jo lights the green candles on the lime cake. Anna stares at the ten sparkling candles, lost in deep thought.

Jo, the girl who has been her protector from other kids who kept making fun of her too white skin and excessive love for nature, compared to other kids with their gadget games and internet stuff. Jo has been her ally since the day they met in preschool. Her only friend but the best there is.

"Well, whatever the birthday girl likes!" Popsie Reed blurts out gently taking Marmee Rose's hand leading her towards the table.

"Wait, I like to say a little thanks for what Mother Nature has given me for my birthday."

Anna holds one of Jo's hands and reaches out to hold her Marmee Rose's hand while Popsie Reed holds the other and Jo's free hand. They are standing around the table holding hands in a praying position.

"Mother Nature, we thank you for all of these food, which are my favorites by the way. Thank you for my Marmee Rose who worked so hard to prepare them for my birthday. Also, thank you for my Popsie Reed for always taking care of me and Marmee. Lastly, thank you for my very bestest friend Jo, for being here always for me. Thank you for my tenth! Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you!" Anna excitedly ends. She blows the candle lights and makes a wish. The three applauds and laughs.

Anna hugs Popsie Reed and Marmee Rose at the same time then starts to grab the cucumber sandwiches with Jo after her. Both girls love the same kind of food so they are satisfied to be just the two people to share these delicious spread of food. They savor all the goodies on the table with a contented heart.

Just by observing the girls, it really is such a party already. That is what Anna prefers than spending the day with other kids pretending she enjoys their company. Her tenth birthday is perfect that way.

All the people important to her is already here. That’s all she ever wanted. Well of course, she plans to change into more comfortable clothes later when she hangs out with Jo at their tree.

Reed and Rose stand back a little to observe the two girls happily devouring whatever their hands can reach. Apparently, both of them have the same thought.

Has it really been ten years since this girl unexpectedly came to their lives? They prayed so hard for this blessing and now they will do anything to make sure she is happy and safe.

Reed kisses Rose's hands as if they were having a silent conversation. Both are wondering if it is time to have that talk with Anna. Is it the time to tell the truth to the baby in the green basket?

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