
Chapter 56: Betrayal is Not a River in Egypt

My sister was right, of course. We stood in a very industrial setting fenced in on all sides. This was the part of the park that visitors didn’t see. The magic behind the curtain, if you will.

“So where are we meeting Xander?” I asked Cecil.

“Not here, I can tell you that much,” he said, scowling.

I spotted a gate in the fence and led the team through the maze of machines. One hand on the latch, I turned to face everyone. “Remember, Bubbles and her crew could be anywhere. Keep low, out of sight. If you see any of the creeps with sewn-up lips, run like hell.” I made eye contact with everyone to stress the importance of my words. Gary nodded. Ronnie nodded. Cecil yawned.

I took a couple of quick breaths and opened the gate.

We stepped out into a post-apocalyptic winter wonderland.

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