
Chapter 20: A Rather Important Detail

Cecil stepped back to let his little bombshell sink in. I didn’t quite get it, but apparently Xander did, because he leaned back, his face ashen.

“That’s... that’s impossible,” he said.

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy,” said Cecil, who then looked at me. “Hamlet,” he added, as if I didn’t know. As if every kid hasn’t been forced to read that play at least three times before they reach high school. Still, I suppose it was an appropriate source to quote from: everyone ends up dead.

“I begin to see Her interest,” admitted Xander.

“If She’s interested, then more than likely She’s obsessed,” reasoned Cecil, once again pasting his mustache down with a finger. “Remember the end of the myth. Osiris becomes the Lord of the Dead. For someone with a smidgeon of ambition, that would be quite the enticing endgame. And She has more than a smidgeon of ambition.”

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