Wang Teng was surprised by the call.
He thought he was just a stand-in for the military. He didn't expect they would take the matter so seriously.
After Major Maxwell's hologram disappeared, Wang Teng looked away and leaned back on his seat. He then closed his eyes and went into deep thought.
Round Ball appeared and floated near his left side. "The military wants to make a role model out of you.
"Everything lined up coincidentally. You made great achievements on Defense Planet No. 29, right when the League of Talents was just around the corner. They know you'll stand out in the event because they understand how powerful you are.
"Their reputation will improve if they make you a figurehead for the military before you become really famous.
"Of course, this is a win-win situation. You're using the military's power and they're using your fame."
"I know." Wang Teng nodded. "It's nothing. I'm just thinking how I can make use of this."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: