They all had different expressions when they heard that Wang Teng had passed his exam. However, their astonishment was the same.
Wang Teng came out a bit slower than Gorlin. He was picking up the attribute bubbles dropped by the intermediate-stage runemasters in the room before he came out.
Runemaster: 106/500 (intermediate stage)
He remained indifferent when he saw everyone's expression.
He had seen too many similar expressions before and was used to it. Thus, he remained calm.
But, to Gorlin, his attitude was commendable. At this age, with such impressive talent, he was still able to remain undisturbed by favor and flattery. How many young people could do this?
Some beginner-stage runemasters who hadn't left nodded at Wang Teng and came to greet him. They wanted to leave an impression on his memory.
After all, this amazing talent might become a renowned master in the future. There was no harm in knowing him beforehand.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: