
Close your eyes

In the beginning, Leah was frightened and had goosebumps, the licks on the skin of her feet were warm with the rough surface of the tongue.

Her body looked tense with both shoulders lifted.

Her breath caught, she couldn't relax her body.

But, slowly but surely, she was able to lower her shoulders, she began to feel comfortable with the licking that was felt along with her sore wound.

--what exactly was he doing, Was he human, demon, or, Leah didn't dare to guess, what the figure that accompanied her in this hole. Her thoughts drifted far away, there was fear in her heart mixed with a hint of comfort.

She didn't know who her new friend was, who was trapped in this hole, but as time went on, Leah's heart whispered, she believed that her friend was not a bad person.

"Mm, can I open my eyes for now?" Leah asked in a faint voice.

The warmed licking on her legs suddenly stopped, and anxiety began to overwhelm her heart again.

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