
Knowing Rowan

"So I'm an alchemist AND a healer. Was I any good at either profession?"

"One of the best at both. But you never got certified for either because you refused to play by the rules of society."

"I guess that sounds like something I would do."

Nightfall was peaceful when the ocean was peaceful. A calm wind pushed the ship along over the ocean's rhythmic waves. Syryn and Rowan were sitting at the bow of the ship. The former was leaning back to admire the stars that dotted the sky like diamonds.

Rowan had a glass of alcohol in his hand, provided by the ship's captain. He wasn't drinking much of it though because Syryn who had refused the alcohol was taking sips out of Rowan's cup. The anti mage had assumed that Syryn was being careful about what he excepted from strangers but he couldn't be more wrong about it. The mage just wanted to share a cup with Rowan.

"Tell me more about my brother."

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