
Tea party (3)

The mood was tense for a short while after Amelia had taken her seat. The ladies were much more quiet than they had been before she was introduced and two of the older looking women blantantly exhanged looks with one another.

After some introductory smalltalk though, with carefully selected words from Amelias end as to not reveal any pressure points, the conversation became more natural. Thankfully she did not have to involve herself too much once the attention had shifted from her precense. Given the less than favorable atmosphere at her arrival she'd feared to be the target of poorly disguised jabs, however the ladies discussions mostly revolved around current trends and high society gossip and they largely ignored her.

Likely it was the case that she was being intentionally shut out of the conversation as the ladies who had previously exhanged looks occationally side eyed her whenever her lack of participation became too obvious.

Amelia thought of this as much more preferable than the alternative though, and felt content with leisurely drinking her tea while paying close attention for any useful information. It was after all her main goal of attending the gathering.

As time passed though she became increasingly impatient. An Earl that had to sell his estate due to bad buisness dealings, a cheating scandal, a lady that became distastefully drunk at the Duke's banquet; none of it seemed to be of any use for her.

The sun that had previosly engolfed the entire greenhouse in warm light had began to set and along with it Amelias endeavour started to appear more and more fruitless.

Just as she considered excusing herself early Rosemary turned to her.

"Miss Ainsworth, may I be so brazen as to ask you a personal question? You see the ladies and I have been so curious about something."

She had made several failed attempts to include Amelia during the gathering, this however seemed to catch the other's attention. A noble's hunger for new gossip seemed to be truly insatiable.

She hid her discomfort with a polite smile.

"Of course you may, although I'm worried that I may dissapoint you."

"You certainly won't, rather that would be my fault for being nosy."

Despite the other's intensive stares Amelia felt herself relax thanks to Rosemary's warm demenure. That is until she actually asked the question.

"How's your relationship with the duke?"

Amelia nearly droped the tea cup as she didn't expect to be asked such a loaded question so directly. Rosemary did not seem no notice her surpsise though, nor the stern looks from the other ladies, because she happily continued:

"I was concerned at first given the circumstances of which you met, but you seemed so comfortable with one another while leaving the banquet. I am truly hoping to hear news of your engement."

Amelia could only stare. Charlotte met Rosemary's eyes and with a look from her the lady finally seemed to realise the inproprarity of her question.

Amelia took a sip of the lukewarm tea as to remedy the sudden dryness of her mouth.

"His Grace has been very kind to me, way more so than I deserve given my father's misdeeds. It would be an understatement to say that I am not eternally grateful to him. I couldn't dream of anything more from him than the generousity he has already shown me."

Even though she should have gotten used to lowering herself before nobles since long ago the words left a bitter taste on her tounge. It was obvious that Rosemary hadn't meant to put her in a difficult spot by asking her this but Amelia still felt herself becoming angry. The scoffs from the older ladies and sorry looks from the others were a brutal reminder of her true standing, something which she seemed to have forgotten since meeting Dario.

Following a short while of uncomfortable silence Charlotte cleared her throat from across the table and put on a forced smile.

"There's no need for you to be so humle before us miss Ainsworth. Although our Duke's grace and benevolance towards his subjects is widely known it is also plain to see that his care for you is more so than that. Was is his Grace who bought you the gown? I figure that it must be new since it's a design that I haven't seen wore before, may I ask you who made it?"

It seemed like Amelia had been correct to not underestimate the value of pity. Although she knew that it did not come from a place of true solidarity she was thankful.

"Indeed, it was a gift that was generousity given to me by his Grace. Adeline Lovett is the designer."

Hearing this Rosemary beamed and clasped her hands.

"That's what I thought, it's only Adeline that has the eye for such details. I have in fact heard of that shape being popular in the capital but I have never dared to try it fearing it will look to simple. But the dress you wore managed to look elegant despite the simple shape. And that jewlwry, were those also gifts from his Grace?"

Amelia was taken aback by the drastic turn of the conversation. She hesitated answering the question knowing it would likely give rise to a major misconception, if not making her look like a liar.

"No, I was told those were sent by his highness the king, although a more accurate way of phrasing it would probably be that it was a gift for his Grace."

Despite Amelias attempt to clarify it seemed the ladies were noticably taken aback. Even the two older women whos faces had otherwise remained completely unaltered were momentarily shaken.

Rosemary was the first one to speak.

"I-if that's the case it would be a shame not to show them off. Perhaps you should show wear them again at madam Spencers celebration?"

An uncomfortable silence followed and as Amelia once more realised the uncomfortable position she'd been put it it was difficult to hide her irritation, even though Rosemary had likely said this in an attempt to remedy the awkwardness.

"I apologize miss Bogarte but I will not be attending" she said dryly.

The pregnant lady seemed to be most affected by the tense atmosphere. Amelia could not remeber her name but seeing her reaction it seemed accurate to assume that she was madam Spencer. She seemed to hesitate for a moment before deciding to speak up.

"Miss Ainsworth, I am hosting a celebration for my husbands success in his most recent investment. The duke declined the invitation I sent a while ago and I thought it would be best to not to send one to you. I mean nothing personal by saying this, however I do believe your presence would cause discomfort both for yourself and for the others in attendence concidering that marquis Radford will be there."

It was clear by madam Spencer's demenure that she did not view Amelia favorably. This was however an opportunity that she would not let go of, even if it meant having to blatantly involve herself in a situation where she was obviously not welcome.

"I see..." Amelia lowered her eyes, trying her utmost to portay poorly concealed disappointment.She let the tension simmer for a moment before continuing.

"I apologize. It's not as if I do not understand the lady's concern, I truly do. It just saddens me to hear that there's such a misconception about my view of the Marquis."

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