
Unfamiliar surroundings (2)

Olivia finally returned after being gone for a while carrying (what she refered to as) a light meal, consisting of a beef- and vegetable soup and freshly baked bread with butter. Along with that was some medicine for Amelias fever.

Amelia had not felt so stuffed after finishing a meal in a very long time. The sudden hunger that had hit her from her very first bite had made her lose all reason, and she ended up practically inhaling the food.

The heavyness in her belly that remained after the feast made her feel sleepy, how now that was even possible after already getting so much rest. The fear and unease in the back of her mind only did so much to ward off the exhaustion.

"You should sleep miss. Your temperature still feels too high so you must get plenty of rest in order to get better"

"Shouldn't I present myself to the duke to give him my thanks?"

"His Grace left around noon to head towards the capital and will not be back for at least a week. So take all the time that you need to recover, miss."

Amelia was relieved to hear the maids words. Truthfully she felt way to sick to even move, let alone try and cater to a killer. She could only breathe a sigh of relief.

Olivia began to gather all the dirty dishes on a tray. "I will take these away. Is there anything you need, miss? Tea?"

"No I'm fine… Thank you Olivia. I will follow your advice and get some more rest."

"Then I will give you some privacy. If you need anything you just need to ring that bell." Olivia cocked her head towards one of the nightstands where a small golden bell was placed.

"I will… Thank you."

When finally left alone Amelia could take some time to try to process what had happended. Though the fever had made her thoughts incoherent and muddled she managed to at least confirm the most important happenings in her mind.

Her family was dead. Her life had been spared and she had been taken to the duke's manor. Judging from the fact that he had sent her a doctor to treat her fever he did not wish her harm as of yet.

The only explanation for his actions that she could think of was that he desired her.

'But why?'

Amelia looked down on her arms. Her skin was dull and her wrists and hands were too bony to look like they belonged on grown a woman. She had also been badly bruised from the incident that had taken place the previous night.

'He is a duke so he could make any woman his own. So why me?'

She sighed and leaned on her pillow. She was at least well informed on the act of lovemaking. Even though her mother had never wanted her to walk the path of a prostitute Amelia had still been taught about how to satisfy men. Women on the streets rarely had any choice in how they earned money for survival so it had been necessary to learn in case she'd be left with no other options after her mothers passing.

She had learned that the act was horrible for the woman. It would hurt, but she would have to pretend to enjoy it to satisfy the man properly.

'Will I be able to do it?'

Despite her anxiety it did not take her very long to fall back asleep. She was simply too exhausted to think anymore.

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