
Getting his woman

The day was Sunday, a day to rest from work and have fun or go to church to worship God. On the contrary, Tunde was going through some documents at the back of his car while being chauffeured by Shegz.

They were on their way from a business breakfast meeting, the client who just flew into the country the day before came purposely to sign some contract documents with his construction firm and needed to travel back the following day, hence the urgency.

He was noting some information down on his iPad while at the same time trying to put a conference call through to all those who are going to be the major stakeholders in the execution of the contract project when Shegz voice interrupted him.


Shegz called his boss's attention as he slowed down the car and parked in an available parking space in front of a bank.

"Not now Shegz... and why are we stopping?" He asked without looking away from his iPad

"It's Miss Abby sir"

His attention was immediately diverted from what he was doing when he heard her name. The beautiful face that he had barely managed to put at the back of his mind so he could concentrate while in the meeting came back again, smiling at him.

"What about her?"

"Look to your right sir," Shegz said, very much aware of what might ensue afterward. Tunde looked through the window and saw Abby holding hands with a man while walking towards a restaurant.

"What the fuck!" he quietly swore, on seeing the woman that he already considered his own, smiling up at another man, both looking like a happy couple on a date before they disappeared through the restaurant's glass doors.

He kept staring towards the restaurant even long after they've entered. Immediately, he started feeling a hot flush crept up all over his body up to his neck and face and causing his anger to built up like bubbling hot lava that was getting ready to erupt.

Taking a deep breath from his diaphragm and letting it out slowly just like he was taught to do at his anger management appointments classes.

"Calm down man, relax, take it easy, you cannot be angry with her..." he repeatedly murmured to himself under his breath.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose to prevent the headache that he could feel coming up earlier from getting worse, he leaned back on the car seat and wondered what the stupid woman was doing smiling happily and looking up into another man's face just hours after she gave herself to him.

After he had calmed down completely, he got out of the car without saying a word to Shegz and walked towards the restaurant to get her.

"I am your first and will be your last man Abby... No other is coming after me" he unconsciously muttered to himself while he walked briskly towards the restaurant.

The interior of the restaurant was spacious, warm, and inviting. little African flags from all over the continent sparingly adorned the wall but he wasn't there to show admiration, he came to get his woman. Regardless of whatever might happen, he's taking her with him.

There weren't many customers when he entered, which made it easier for him to immediately locates their secluded table for two where they were sitting, chatting, and looking all chummy and happy.

Bitter jealousy engulfed him.

'What's stopping her from being happy with me like this? What does she see in this fool that drives a fucking outdated 2018 Lexus anyway? How is the asshole better than me that she has to be this happy with him?' He thought as he walked down to where they were sitting.

"Hi" he stiffly said towards her, totally ignoring the person she was with.

Abby was shocked into being speechless when she saw him. 'Oh God, what is he doing here?'

"What are you doing here Tunde?...what a surprise" she attempted to smile but her lips quivered instead.

"Yeah, fancy seeing you here, after what happened between us yesterday. What a surprise indeed... I want to have a word with you" He asked without even spearing a glance towards the person sitting with her at the table.

Abby was flabbergasted. 'This shameless man! How could he mentioned what happened between them just like that in front of Mike!?'

Mike on the other hand was angry at the man for interrupting their moments but was able to conceal his anger well. 'Besides, what was he talking about? What happened between them!? Mike couldn't help but wonder.

He thought he should take the initiative and introduce himself since Abby didn't, he refused to be treated like one of the none living things in the restaurants

"Hi, I'm Mike..." He said and stretched his hand out in greetings with a false smile plastered on his face.

"I don't give a fuck who you are man?" Tunde replied with irritation as he grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her out of her chair.

"I beg your pardon!" Mike snapped in anger... "What's going on... I don't even know you so why are you this rude?"

"Jeez Tunde..." Abby attempted to talk before she was interrupted

"Okay, I could grab a sit and talk right here then... that is if you don't mind him listening in..." he indicated towards Mike with his thumb

Mike was angry. He wanted to ask Abby who the fuck the mad man was but he couldn't. Did he have the right to demand such from her...even as a friend? Instead, he asked her gently...

"Abby what's going on?..." She would have introduced him if she wanted him to know.

"Mike, could you please excuse me for just five minutes, please?" Abby asked. She knew the devil wouldn't hesitate to sit and start talking if she waited for another second

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you Mike" Tunde interjected mockingly, pulling Abby after him without waiting for Mike's reply.

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