
The brothers

Tunde on his part thought his brain needs to be examined by a psychiatrist. He's never taken any woman to his home, not even his two ex girlfriends.

His job does not permit him to trust easily and no woman had impressed him to the extent of him trusting that much, so he never envisages taking a woman he hadn't even spend a total of seven hours with give or take.

'...and here I am breaking my set out standard just because i want to fuck her!?...

This is wrong...

This shouldn't be happening...

Am I letting my guard down?

Am I loosing my mind?

'Just what the heck is wrong with me anyway!?' He thought frustatingly.

Relieving himself sexually has never been this tasking. Going to this length just to get a woman in his bed!?... Nah!

Since he's never been rejected by any woman, he never expected to meet with any resistance from her. 

Their first date was interrupted, cut short by his work schedule, so he came purposely with the intention to take her out, spoil her a lot more than necessary, then they would eventually spend the night together in a hotel room so he could relieve the built-up sexual desire he had for her. 

He also need to prove to his brothers that he's not getting and will never get emotionally involved with any woman, not even her.

While at The Lakes Club the previous night, the conversation somehow shifted to the girl he met before going on his last assignment out of the country.

They were sitting in one of the private lounges in the club sipping their drinks. Mide, the eldest of his twins brothers was working on his phone while Tunde and Lekan the other twin were talking about her again.

"You are slowly falling for this girl Hawk!"

Mide nonchalantly interrupted Tunde and Lekan's conversation without taking his eyes away from what he was doing on his phone.

Both Tunde and Lekan stared at him, their mouth agape with amazement.

"What!? You're crazy man! Stop talking nonsense! You know that's not possible." Lekan said shaking his head. 

"Why?... Why would you think that?"

Tunde asked calmly, he knew Mide was the rational one out of his two brothers. He always had a valid reason when he had a point to prove and Tunde wanted to know his reasons so he could work against the mistake before it went too deep.

"That day, weeks ago...you came to my house...said you just met the most beautiful woman in the world. You described her in detail and talked about her for hours. When Lekan came later...you started describing and talking about her all over again. You never got tired of talking about her...and here you are, still talking about that same girl, yet again weeks after." 

"So!?...you're saying constantly talking about a girl equals falling in love with her?" Lekan asked Mide incredulously. "It doesn't make sense man! We talk about girls all the time, no biggie!"

"Yes, we talked about girls...you and I, not him. He's never been this excited about any woman, not even his two ex-girlfriends." Mide firmly said towards Lekan like he's talking to a stupid child.

"She's truly beautiful," Tunde said hoarsely, he cleared his throat and said more convincingly "I talked about her because she's beautiful and got me excited not because I'm catching feelings man."

"Says the man who once dated an ex-beauty queen," Mide drawled, arching his brow at Tunde.

"Then maybe it's because I just need to relieve this pent-up desire for her. I'm sure she'll be outta my system by tomorrow evening when I finally sleep with her" Tunde said further, looking at Mide intensely. He leaned back on the chair he was sitting on, a wicked smile appearing on his face.

"Monster!" Lekan said and laughed.

Mide laughed too... "Oh yeah?... You wanna bet on that? 500k if you're able to tap and not linger by this time tomorrow?"

"Tap and not linger?" Lekan asked not sure what Mide meant.

"If he's able to have sex with her and never see her again" Mide explained further.

"You're on!" Tunde replied, feeling very confident in himself. "How is it possible for me to be emotionally involved with a girl I hardly know? Isn't that crazy?"

"I'm in too...betting against you Mide," Lekan said.

"You're gonna lose bro! Both of you are gonna lose!" Mide said to them in a warning tone of voice as if he was allowing them to change their mind. 

'Naah... I'm not falling for her. It must be the sex. Yes! I'm fucking sure it's because I desire her body, because It doesn't just make sense otherwise. I couldn't have fallen for a girl I hardly know.

Yeah, she's beautiful, that's just it. There's nothing special about her.'

'Well...home or hotel, it doesn't matter where the deed is done, the sooner I fuck her, the sooner I can get her out of my system.'

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