Makoto Yuki was the Great Seal. His very existence protected the world. The world has called for him once again, the very essence of humanity has temporarily restrained Erebus. Now he's been ordered to oversee that nobody get's the grail. A Wild Card has joined the fray.
A/N: Some persona abilities will work differently here. For example Heat Riser is basically reinforcement.
The Ultimate Beginning and The Ultimate End, that was the power held by Makoto Yuki.
However at that time he was too weakened to completely utilise the Universe Arcana which could only force him to use his life as a replacement.
The Great Seal, was Makoto's final gift to the world, it was filled with the desire to save his friends.
Six eyes covered the gate as they desperately searched for freedom. On top of the gate was a stone statue covered in barbs and wire. This was the state Makoto Yuki was in, he had used his soul as the core of the great seal.
He lost track of time as time did not exist in the right sense. It was all too confusing as he decided to doze off again.
He knew there would be a time where he would return as the masses cried for salvation and he would descend once again. His mind slowly succumbed to sleep.
All of a sudden a small globe of light appeared, Makoto stared at the light as he asked "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here you know?"
"Greetings, my time is short Messiah. I thank you for what you did all those years ago however time has moved on and I am Alayashiki, you may call me Alaya for short."
His voice sounded out in confusion "So what do you want?" The small orb buzzed "I am the collective consciousness of mankind. However in a different parallel world to you, I need your help. If you agree I might be able to figure out a way for you to live again."
Makoto thought about it, he had nothing to lose but there was one problem "But i'm here keeping Erebus from reaching Nyx and ending all life as we know it." Alaya nodded and spoke "That is why I'm deploying most my counter guardians to face Erebus, they should be able to handle him no problem. But they can't do it forever. Just so you know your personas will have a change of appearance so don't get to surprised."
Makoto nodded as he agreed. Alaya brightened before a glow started to envelop Makoto "You'll get all the information you need once you get there."
All his personas flooded back into his sea of souls as he could feel them clearly in his head. He felt his connection to the universe strengthen as he disappeared from the seal. Alaya brightened once again as many figures appeared in the dark expanse of the deepest parts of the sea. They were the counter guardians.
He took a deep breath as he took it all in. A giant battle royale for the holy grail, seven servants on each side. Red Faction and the Black Faction. His mission was to stop anyone getting to the corrupt grail.
Makoto opened his eyes to find himself near a church. Instinctively the senses that he had trained from the towers of Tartarus had told him that there were four people in there of two which were servants.
The door flung opened as he observed a man running towards him. He could sense that there was a servant following the man. The man saw him and stopped as he listened to Mordred "Master that boy is a servant." The man looked back before clicking his tongue.
Makoto watched as the servant materialised, a persona in his head informed him of who it was. "I see, Mordred Pendragon, the knight of rebellion." Mordred flinched a bit seeing how easy the servant had identified her "Who are you?" Makoto didn't follow any rules for the grail war so he simply replied out of manners "Makoto Yuki, Savior heroic spirit."
Mordred yelled at him "There's no class called saviour!" Makoto simply kept his apathetic face "It's simply a special class for those who had saved the world." Mordred pointed her blade at him "How come I've never heard of you or your legend before?" Makoto smiled solemnly "Because what I did, I did in secret without telling anyone who wasn't involved. My deeds however where recognised."
The master seemed to be wary however Makoto cleared any doubts about fighting "My job is different from Ruler's. I'm simply here to prevent anyone from getting their hands on the grail."
Makoto nodded before muttering "I think I got that right? Man that mini speech was too long for me. Hm" The master simply nudged his servant and whispered "I think saviour's nuts. Let's get going." Makoto simply walked slowly towards the Yggdmillenia castle.
The large castle came into view as he stepped past the bounded field alerting them of his presence. The servants with their master came out of the castle as they locked eyes with the blue haired boy. They could tell that even when he was slouched with hands in his pockets making him look like a side character, he was powerful, his power rolled off in waves once recognised.
The servant gave a deep sigh before pounding his chest and coughing a few times. Everyone looked at him wondering "Is this really a servant?" Makoto looked at them before making the shortest speech "I'm heroic spirit Makoto Yuki, class saviour. Just here to state my intentions." Everyone deadpanned while Astolfo was looking in interest.
"I'm here to inform you that my role in this holy grail war is to prevent anyone from getting their hands on it. I'd gratefully appreciate it if you gave up now. it'd make my life much easier." Everyone looked at him, he had just said that he did not want to work and simply wanted to slack off with a straight and serious face.
"Engage in saviour." Vlad ordered Chiron. Chiron pulled his bow as he aimed at Makoto "Sorry saviour" Makoto simply had a change of stance as he switched his persona to Thor for Null Physical. Everyone watched as the arrow simply stopped in front of Makoto before falling down.
"Go Frankenstein engage battle." Frankenstein rushed towards Makoto as he simply stood there before getting whacked by her ball hammer? They watched as Makoto was launched into the trees before the dust cleared. He was perfectly fine.
"What should I have for dinner tonight?" Makoto was thinking about this deeply as he had not satisfied his gluttonous appetite. He simply patted himself and got rid of the dust while everybody looked at him in shock. Chiron was simply observing him as he did not know how he stopped the arrow.
"I guess I should retaliate now. It's nice to having to face off against unavoidable death." Chiron took everything coming out from Makoto's mouth in importance in case they could figure out his identity.
A gust of power formed as Makoto raised a gun to his head. Every servant watched while some in amusement while other prepared as they sensed something wrong, especially Vlad.