


“Ced…….....what are you doing?" She is panicking now and breathing heavily, I knew doing my Cedrian move on her would work,.it always works, one woman back in Panama once peed her pants when I tried this move on her. They all fall like rocks whether rich, average or poor.The young, the old, they all gasp for air.

I finally pin her to the wall and she let's go of the gift pack and balloons and continues breathing heavily. I notice sweat on her forehead, I assume this is the part where she is anticipating my kiss but I lean over and ask "did you come with a ride or a cab."

The woman continues breathing heavily but gathers up the courage to ask, "what are your plans……… where do you want us to go?"

"I need a ride home Zoe," I reply

Disappointment flashes on her face and she pushes me aside and walks to the bed and holds the bed handle for support and breaths in hard.

Next chapter